Chapter 129 Everyone is happy
Yang Xiaobao also immediately opened the small paper ball, and after seeing it, he almost laughed happily. He also knew that he was lucky. He didn't expect it to be so good. He thought he would be in the top five, but he caught one No.1.

Then everyone showed the numbers of the paper balls in their hands. In order of ranking, they are:
"Raising a baby comes first,
The inner disciples of Guangming Temple realized the second monk,

Gong Liangxin, an inner disciple of the Orthodox School, was the third,
Su Yi, an inner disciple of the Holy Painting School, is the fourth.
Shuang Xuezong Xie Yixiang ranked fifth,
Canglang Sect inner disciple Zhihe No. [-]
Lao Wentai, a disciple of Xu Jinzong's inner sect, is the seventh,
The eighth place is Jiang Jingqiu, an inner disciple of Mount Liutai.
Zhuohou, the inner disciple of Hanyu Valley, is the ninth.

Yue Zhencai, an inner disciple of the Yueshan Sect, ranked tenth.
Lu Tianyan, an inner disciple of the Unfeeling Sect, is No. 11. "

Those who ranked in the top five were all overjoyed. After all, those who ranked in the front must have gained more than those in the back. This is beyond doubt, but such a result can be accepted by everyone, after all, everyone has a share. It's just a matter of who has more and who has less, it's much better than not getting anything at all.

To say that the most unhappy person among these people is of course Lu Tianyan. Not only was he slapped twice by Yang Xiaobao, his teeth were knocked out, but he was still so unlucky and got the last place. However, he didn't dare to say anything. You know, even a monk who has realized his enlightenment is no match for raising Xiaobao. Now he naturally dare not make any monsters. Yugu, let's talk when we find a helper.

Yang Xiaobao immediately picked up the jade bowl that had enlightened the monk and walked towards Lingyu Spring. The people behind him were very consciously lined up behind him in the order of drawing lots. Yang Xiaobao came to the top of Lingyu Spring and glanced down. Seeing a puff of smoke above the mouth of the well, it was impossible to see the whole picture, and Yang Xiaobao didn't bother to care about it, so he bent down and scooped up a bowl.

Yang Xiaobao then looked inside the jade bowl, and found that this was similar to the mineral water on the earth, but he didn't know how it tasted. Thinking of this, Yang Xiaobao took a sip immediately, and immediately felt a refreshing feeling Come to my mind, this feeling is really not good.

Yang Xiaobao picked up this bowl of vital spring water, and suddenly he didn’t know where to put it. Just now he was only talking about who came first, but he didn’t think about it. It would be great if he could dig a Lingyu spring in the system space I don't know if this is feasible, but the future will definitely know about it, so Yang Xiaobao immediately summoned the future in his heart: "Future, do you know this vitality spring?"

"Dear master, of course I know about the future." The pleasant voice of the future rang in Yang Xiaobao's ear immediately.

"In the future, can we open a pool in the system space to store these vitality springs?" Yang Xiaobao asked immediately when he heard that the future really knew the vitality springs, and this is also an urgent matter, hoping that it can be completed quickly in the future .

"Dear master, this future has been prepared a long time ago, you just need to put it in the system space." The future's pleasant voice said calmly.

"Nursing benefactor, can you be a little faster?" Wu realized that the monk had been waiting behind for several minutes, but only saw Yang Xiaobao pick up a bowl of vitality spring water, first took a sip eagerly, and then stood there I was in a daze, not knowing what was going on with him, so I finally couldn't help but urge him.

"That's all right, wait a minute, Master." Yang Xiaobao happened to communicate with Future at this time about digging a pool in the system space to store the vitality spring water. Immediately with a thought, the bowl of vitality spring water was put into the system space , Then he handed the empty bowl to the monk Wu, and smiled apologetically at him.

The enlightened monk took the jade bowl, chanted the Buddha's name, and immediately bent down to scoop up a bowl into the pond. He also opened his mouth and took a big gulp, and then took another sip. He drank half of the bowl of vitality spring water , just put it into his Qiankun bag with a lot of intentions, and then reluctantly handed the empty bowl to Gong Liangxin behind him.

After Gong Liangxin scooped up a bowl of spring water from the pool, he immediately took a big gulp before putting it in his Qiankun bag. The people behind all followed suit, drinking a bowl of vitality spring water right away. After one sip, they poured it into their respective Qiankun bags, and after a round, it was time to raise Xiaobao again.

In this way, everyone scooped it down one by one. After raising Xiaobao more than 20 times, the pool of vitality spring water was still not finished. This made everyone a little overjoyed. They thought that such a small pool, Each person has scooped five or six times at most, but he didn't expect that everyone has taken so many rounds and still hasn't finished scooping. Could it be that the vitality spring water in this pond can't be scooped up?

However, their unrealistic idea quickly came to nothing. After 28 rounds of raising the little treasure wheel, when it was the turn to realize the monk, it was almost gone. Still scooped up half a bowl.

Although the people behind were a little disappointed, they were basically very satisfied, because each of them scooped up more than 20 bowls, which was almost as much as a bucket. If it was sold, it would be a huge fortune. However, basically no one would easily take out such a precious vitality spring water and sell it.

After distributing the vitality spring water in the pool, everyone said hello to each other, and immediately parted ways. After all, there is only more than a month left before the closure of Lingyu Valley. Everyone will take advantage of this time, or continue to search Opportunity, or finding a place to practice, no one would chat at such a precious time.

However, Yang Xiaobao didn't leave in a hurry, because he had a map of Lingyu Valley, he had a clear goal, and he didn't run around like a headless fly like them.Seeing that Yang Xiaobao hadn't left, Xie Yixiang naturally wouldn't leave either. Also, now that she finally saw her, how could she leave easily?
Seeing that Yi Xiang didn't leave, Yang Xiaobao smiled at her immediately, and happened to have something to ask her, but it's better to hurry to the next target, the Immortal Cave, after all, you can talk about anything while walking on the road, So he immediately said to Xie Yixiang: "Yixiang, let's go, I will take you to a place, if you have anything to say, we can talk on the way."

"Okay, Xiaobao, I'll listen to you." Xie Yixiang said immediately, she now likes and admires raising Xiaobao, and has a feeling of admiration, so she naturally listened to him.

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(End of this chapter)

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