Guwu's future pretending to slap the face system

Chapter 145 Whoever plays well will be let go

Chapter 145 Whoever plays well will be let go
"We were caught here." A slightly older girl said tremblingly, looking at Yang Xiaobao and Xinyi with a hopeful but uncertain look. Who, but since Yang Xiaobao helped them untie the rope, he shouldn't be with those who arrested them, maybe he really met a good person to rescue them!
"Don't be afraid, brother, I'm not a bad person, and I'm not one of them. Brother, I still have enmity with these people. You can go out now. No one will come out to stop you." Yang Xiaobao saw these girls All of them were so frightened that they were like frightened birds, so they immediately revealed their identities so that they would not be afraid any more. At the same time, they became more certain about the idea of ​​destroying the Spider Gang. These Spider Gang guys are really evil. How many women from good families have been killed, the sooner the better, lest these harmful insects cause harm to the world again.

When the dozen or so girls heard Yang Xiaobao's words, they immediately stood up overjoyed, thanked Yang Xiaobao one after another, and then walked out of the room suspiciously, went downstairs, and walked out the door, but they didn't see a single person. Only then did I believe Yang Xiaobao's words, and then ran out desperately. One of the girls even lost her shoes, and her foot was cut bloody by the stones on the road. Regardless of the pain, she still ran out as hard as she could. How they were tortured in the Spider Gang.

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help smiling when he saw the dozen or so poor girls who had been tortured and ran out of the spider gang. After all, he did a good deed unintentionally. He opened the door unceremoniously, but there was no one in the room.

There is no need to worry about raising Xiaobao, and there is no need to worry about it. Now I just come from one room to another. I still don’t believe it. Today I have to find someone to come. Raising Xiaobao came to the fourth room again, and then He opened the door again, but he still didn't find anyone, and Yang Xiaobao opened the two rooms behind him again, but he didn't see anyone either.

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help feeling reckless, could it be that these people just disappeared out of thin air?Of course Yang Xiaobao didn't believe in this evil, and immediately walked to the third floor, but this time he didn't continue to push the door, but looked from behind the windows of each room. Sure enough, when he looked at the third room , Immediately from the back window, I saw that it was crowded with people. At a rough glance, there were about three to forty people.

After Yang Xiaobao found out that there were people in this room, he immediately walked towards the door, and smashed the door to pieces with his palm. The people inside were terrified at that time. Xiaobao, the God of Killing, is still relentless. Now he has nowhere to run in this house, and he can't beat them. Although there are many of them, in the face of absolute strength, no matter how many people there are, it is useless. This is like If a wolf rushes into a flock of sheep, no matter how many sheep there are, they can't help but win a wolf, because this is not a level of battle at all, so even if there are many people, what's the use?There was no other way but to let Yang Xiaobao, the god of death, deal with him.

Immediately, Yang Xiaobao gave the group of people a majestic look, and said loudly with no expression on his face: "Who of you knows where Ouyang is afraid of this old beast? If anyone knows, tell them quickly, but you must never lie. Never say anything lightly.”

These people looked at Yang Xiaobao and were silent. No one spoke, and they had nothing to say. After all, they were all ordinary gang members. How could they know where the gang leader was?Even if the gang leader is here, they can't see it if they want to see it. Besides, they haven't seen Ouyang for a long time and are afraid.

Immediately, Yang Xiaobao grabbed the person in front and lifted him up. The person was so frightened that he pissed his pants immediately, and suddenly there was a smell of urine. Yang Xiaobao saw that this person was so timid, and he still He peed his pants in fright without making a move, but he would not let him go just because he was cowardly, no matter what 21, he slapped first, and then he heard a "snap", and the man's left side The face was swollen and high visible to the naked eye.

After Yang Xiaobao slapped the man, he asked, "Do you know where Ouyang is afraid? Tell me quickly."

"Old man, little one, really, I don't know, sir, please let me go, I really don't know." The man said anxiously in fright. Just finished this sentence.

Yang Xiaobao saw that this person really didn't know, so he immediately asked: "How long have you been in this industry? When did you join the Spider Gang? You don't know about this, do you?"

"I know, I know, this little guy knows, I just joined the gang this year, and I would never dare to lie to the old man." The man heard that he was asked this simple question, so he quickly said, and his speech became a little smoother.

Yang Xiaobao heard that this person is just a newcomer to the industry, so he shouldn't be doing too much evil, so he didn't want to embarrass him anymore. After all, he was just afraid of enmity with Ouyang. As long as these people were not doing too much evil, he would let them go Forget it, of course it is impossible for me to kill all the members of the Spider Gang. At most, I can get rid of a few senior managers, and the core figures of the Spider Gang will be fine.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao immediately threw this person out of the door, and then warned: "Get out of here, and you don't want to stay in the Spider Gang anymore, anyway, brother, I will never let the Spider Gang exist for another week. After destroying the Spider Gang, if my brother and I see you in the Spider Gang next time, you will die, and I will kill you."

"Master Haohan, get out of the Spider Gang immediately, I don't dare to stay in the Spider Gang anymore, thank you Lord Haohan for not killing him." This man finally let him go after hearing that Yang Xiaobao didn't dare to stay here For a second, I just wished my parents would lose two legs, and even ran desperately to the gate of the Spider Gang headquarters, not daring to look back.

After Yang Xiaobao saw this person leaving, he immediately said to all the helpers in the room: "Brother, I'll say it again, does anyone know where Ouyang is afraid of this old bastard? , if my brother and I find out that there are still people pretending to be deaf and dumb, then don't blame me for being rude."

"Good man, we really don't know." These people said quickly, and their voices were uniform, as if they had undergone special training.

"Since you don't know, well, brother, I won't make it difficult for you. Let's play a game now to see who can play well, and who can play well. If I am satisfied with whoever plays well, brother, I will Who let go."

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