Chapter 147 Forget it

"Ask, I'll tell you everything I know." Ouyang's frightened little wife said hurriedly, for fear that if she spoke slowly, another slap would not count.

"Where is Ouyang afraid now?" This is the question that Yang Xiaobao is most concerned about now, so he asked it immediately, and the voice was very stern, and Yang Xiaobao could tell that this woman is fucking tough Eat soft guys.

"I don't know either. I haven't seen that dead ghost for several months. I don't know if I was seduced by some vixen." Ouyang Afraid's little wife replied immediately, thinking that Ouyang Afraid hadn't seen her for several months , I can't help feeling a little sad again.

"Do you know or not? Don't just say useless things. If you let my brother know that you are lying, I will kill you." Yang Xiaobao was not sure whether the woman was lying, so he bluffed again.

"I really don't know, this dead ghost can't be seen at all now, how would I know where he died." Ouyang's frightened little wife said hurriedly, being bluffed by raising Xiaobao, she was so frightened that she almost cried again Come.

"Second question, besides Ouyang Ai, how many elders are there in the Spider Gang?" Yang Xiaobao saw that the woman turned pale with fright, but still said he didn't know, so it should be true. I know, since I don't know, there is no need to continue to entangle this issue, it is better to continue to learn some useful information.

"I don't know, that dead ghost never told me these things, and I never only asked about the affairs of the gang." Ouyang's afraid little wife said with a bitter face.

"You think brother and I are easy to talk to, don't you? You are the wife that Ouyang is afraid of. Do you know how many elders there are in the gang?" Yang Xiaobao immediately said fiercely, she was not sure if this woman really didn't know, But no matter what, you still have to be scared. Yang Xiaobao found out that this woman is like this.

"I really don't know, that dead ghost really doesn't talk to us about this, and doesn't let us participate in anything in the gang. If you don't believe me, you can ask the eldest sister." Ouyang was afraid that his eldest wife would be dragged into the water.

"We really don't know anything about the gang. I'm afraid Ouyang never let us intervene." Ouyang's eldest wife said quickly.

When Yang Xiaobao saw that the two women said they didn't know, then he really didn't know. I didn't expect that Ouyang was afraid that this old bastard really had a fucking way of preventing his wife from intervening in gang affairs. The meaning of the inner palace intervening in politics.

Since neither of these two women knew anything about the gang, there was no point in asking any further, but what should we do with these two women?Raising Xiaobao couldn't help being a bit difficult. If he really wanted him to kill these two women, he really couldn't do it. After all, the matter of his mother and sister had nothing to do with these two women. Ouyang is afraid of doing evil.

But just let these two women go so easily, raising Xiaobao is still very uncomfortable and unacceptable. After all, this is also the wife Ouyang is afraid of. It can be said that he is the closest person. The death penalty is inevitable, but the living penalty is difficult. To escape, these two women must pay some price.

How to punish them for a turn?Or let them slap each other?He shook his head immediately after raising the little BMW, and immediately denied this idea. After all, it was too light for the two women that Ouyang was afraid of to slap each other. No matter how you say it, these are also the two most important relatives that Ouyang is afraid of. Severe punishment.

Yang Xiaobao thought about it for a while, and suddenly came up with an idea, so he immediately said to the two big and small wives that Ouyang was afraid of: "Now I give you three ways, one is to kowtow to Dongfang twenty times, the other is to cut off an arm, The third is to cut a knife in the face, choose one of the three ways, if you don't choose, brother, I will implement the third way for you, and cut a knife in the face of the first one of you."

After Yang Xiaobao finished speaking, he immediately put Ouyang's little wife down. As soon as Ouyang's little wife fell to the ground, she sat down immediately. She was carried in mid-air by Yang Xiaobao for so long, and her whole body was sore. , and his feet were numb, so when he hit the ground suddenly, he couldn't stand at all.

At this time, Ouyang's fearful eldest wife suddenly took out a knife from her body, and stabbed Yang Xiaobao's chest in an instant. , at this speed, it is really impossible to escape.

However, Yang Xiaobao is not an ordinary person. Although on the surface, he looks like an ordinary person with no vitality, but in fact it is not like that at all. Yang Xiaobao is now a strong person at the level of Wuzhen. If Xiaobao really wanted to get right with her, he didn't need to make any moves at all, just blowing his breath would kill her.

Therefore, when Yang Xiaobao saw Ouyang Fear's eldest wife stabbing him with a knife, he didn't dodge or dodge at all, and he didn't use any resistance, so Ouyang Fear's eldest wife stabbed him right away with the knife. It was stabbed on Yang Xiaobao's chest, and Ouyang's wife who was afraid of getting it was immediately overjoyed, thinking that Yang Xiaobao would be seriously injured this time.

However, what is paradoxical is that her stabbing with the knife was like stabbing a pile of cotton wool, and she had nowhere to focus, and she never did any harm to Yang Xiaobao at all. Only then did the eldest wife who Ouyang was afraid of understand that Yang Xiaobao Compared with her, Xiaobao's skills are many times stronger, and this is simply not something she can handle.

When Yang Xiaobao was stabbed by Ouyang Fear's eldest wife, he immediately became angry. He didn't expect that this woman would attack him suddenly. This woman is really fucking insidious, compared with Ouyang Fear It is also not giving in, which corresponds to an old saying, those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to ink are black. Ouyang is afraid that the old beast is not a good person, and his wife is not much better. .

Yang Xiaobao immediately slapped her down, and knocked out two of the woman's teeth, and she spat it out with blood. Forget it, after all, it was Ouyang's wife who was afraid of doing it first. Now that she has already done it, it is not something that can be solved with a few kowtows.

Yang Xiaobao then slapped him down again, Ouyang was afraid that the eldest wife would spit out two bloody teeth again, looking at this posture, Yang Xiaobao only needs two more slaps, this woman will lose all her teeth Danger.

And Ouyang Afraid's little wife kowtowed on the ground at this time, and said while yelling: "You can let us raise Xiaobao, this is all Ouyang Afraid's evil, and it has nothing to do with us."

Yang Xiaobao saw that this woman had already kowtowed, so he thought about it and let it go, this woman made some sense, complaining that there is a head and a debt, Ouyang is afraid of the crimes he committed, so he still looks for Ouyang for fear of liquidation, and also There is no need to harm his family.

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