Chapter 167

This fifth-level martial arts disciple is named Gongsun Lu, and he is around 31 or 25 years old. With such a martial arts cultivation at this age, he can be regarded as a leader in martial arts.But he looks several years younger than his actual age. At first glance, he looks like he is [-] or six years old. He often has a small parted hair, and he has to comb it with his hands when he has nothing to do. , especially when pretending.

However, Gongsun Lu didn't pretend to be coercive this time. Originally, he wanted to knock Yang Xiaobao off the ring with a single palm, but he didn't expect that with his palm, Yang Xiaobao not only didn't move at all, but he himself I was knocked back five or six steps.

Gongsun Lu immediately became reckless, what the hell is going on?Could it be that this lunatic is still a master?But it can't, he can't see the slightest fluctuation of vitality, how could he be some kind of master?Could it be that this lunatic used some kind of secret method, but it's not right. Just now when I slapped down, I encountered a strong counterattack of Yuanli. This feeling can't be wrong, or this Yang Xiaobao is not crazy, but He really has the ability, and he also practiced the technique of concealing his cultivation, which is amazing, he is definitely a master.It's ridiculous that I still treat him as a psychopath and a lunatic.

So since this is the case, should this fight continue?If you don't compare, you can only admit defeat yourself, but you still feel unwilling to admit defeat like this. If you admit defeat at the beginning, it would be too ridiculous. No matter what happens, there will be a victory or defeat, even if you lose, you will lose. Be aboveboard, lose only if you completely convince yourself.

Thinking of this, Gongsun Lu decided to finish the match, but now he no longer dared to pretend to be aggressive in front of Yang Xiaobao, never dared to speak rudely, and never dared to be rude again, so Gongsun Lu hurriedly told Yang Xiaobao He cupped his fists respectfully and said, "Elder Yang is really powerful, I was wrong just now."

As soon as Gongsun Lu said these words, there was an uproar in the audience. If they didn't know what was going on just now, they now fully understand that this child-raising treasure didn't suffer outside. The big stimulus went crazy, but they came back after learning a lot of skills, and now their eyes on Yang Xiaobao became fanatical, especially those female students, their eyes were shining brightly on Yang Xiaobao.That's right, this young elder is not only superb in the way of medicine, but also has such high attainments in martial arts, and has such potential, how can this not make people both admired and excited?

And the inner elder on the high platform rubbed his eyes vigorously, and when he looked at Yang Xiaobao again, he still couldn't see anything unusual, and there was still no slight fluctuation of vitality around him, but just now Gongsun Lu hit Yang Xiaobao's chest There was a sound of "peng" when he slapped the palm, which was obviously caused by the collision of two forces, which is absolutely unmistakable, so this old elder is not only strong in martial arts, but also has a powerful concealment cultivation. Because of his skills, it's amazing, it's amazing, these inner elders not only look at Yang Xiaobao with admiration, but also admire him very much.

Yang Xiaobao saw that this disciple of the fifth-level martial arts in the inner courtyard suddenly became polite to him, so he couldn't help but nodded with a smile. It seems that this person has already understood how good he is, but he doesn't know if this kid still has the confidence to win this match. After the fight, however, as soon as he had this idea, he saw Gongsun Lu had come in front of him. Judging by his posture, he obviously wanted to continue this game. That's fine, let's play with him again It doesn't matter if you played last time.

So Yang Xiaobao immediately put on a stance, with his left foot in front and his right foot behind, half a quarter, if you don't come, I won't send it. Xin said that this Yang elder is really a strange person, not only has a hidden cultivation base, but also pretends to be so level, and pretends to be so calm.

Gongsun Lu immediately cupped his fists again and said, "Elder Yang, please pay attention, I'm going to make a move."

"You just have to shoot." Yang Xiaobao said immediately, he suddenly felt that it was not as fun as it was at the beginning, because this guy had already understood how powerful he was, so he was polite to him. As soon as you are polite, it immediately loses a sense of meaning.

Gongsun Lu immediately hit Yang Xiaobao's chest with another palm, but this time he has used 01% of his strength, hoping to use this palm to push Yang Xiaobao back a step, no matter how bad it is It would be good to make a match, but although his idea was good, he made a fatal mistake, because the skill of raising Xiaobao is not only 30:[-] points higher than his, but too much higher. .

Yang Xiaobao saw that Gongsun Lu was doing this move again, and he almost used his whole body's skill, so he couldn't help smiling, and said to himself that since your moves remain the same, so will my brother, so Yang Xiaobao immediately started to work. Liangyi's magical power of breath, still motionless, took the slap he had almost exerted with all his strength.

I only heard the sound of "Peng", which was much louder than the one just now, like a thunderstorm, and I saw Gongsun Lu flew up suddenly, and then landed on the ground with a "boom". In the arena, it took a long time to get up, Yang Xiaobao kept a lot of it, otherwise Gongsun Lu would not be so relaxed, if Yang Xiaobao exerted more strength, then Gongsun Luqing would be shot down from the ring and lost immediately In the competition, the meridians of the whole body will be broken by this counter-shock force, and he will either become a cripple or die immediately.

After Gongsun Lu got up from the ground, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand, and saw that Yang Xiaobao was still standing there motionless, still looking at him with a smile on his face, just like before It's like nothing happened.

At this time, Gongsun Lu was not only reckless, but also very shocked, very shocked, thinking how could Yang Xiaobao be so powerful, how could he be so powerful, you know, he is only in his twenties Age, a whole level younger than myself, such a profound skill at such a young age, this is definitely an unborn martial arts genius.

Gongsun Lu's heart was agitated, and he wanted to give up the game almost immediately and surrendered, but when he thought that such a game was not life-threatening, and Yang Xiaobao did have reservations, he didn't want to give up. He wanted to die, or seriously injured him, so he decided to fight Yang Xiaobao again. After all, there are not many opportunities to fight against such a master, and the benefits of fighting with a master are self-evident. Not to mention, just experiencing such an artistic conception benefited him a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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