Chapter 186

Yang Xiaobao ran away desperately in front, and the two strong men of the ninth level of Wu Zun chased after him hard. After running for a while, they were still hanging so close to each other. Yang Xiaobao couldn't get rid of him for a while. The Wu Zun powerhouse behind couldn't catch up either.

No, I have to find a way to kill them. Yang Xiaobao was running while thinking about countermeasures. Now his biggest reliance is the system energy blessing, but the system energy blessing needs to be aggressive, and now the pretending value is only 1000 points. It can support the system energy blessing for one second, so the only way now is to play tricks, play tricks, play tricks, play tricks endlessly, until the end of time.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao stopped immediately, and even shouted pretentiously: "Who is coming, please report the name quickly, brother, I will not kill the nameless ghost with my gun."

Ding, the system prompts: "Congratulations to the master 'Yang Xiaobao' for deliberately pretending to be coercive. The special reward is 1000 points of pretense, 100 points of system points, and 100 points of experience." At the same time, the system light curtain interface appeared in the mind:
"The master raises the little treasure,

Boundary: Wu Zhen Level [-]

Experience Points: 9280 points

Points: 13532 points

Force value: 2000 point

Occupation: None

"Hey, I succeeded in pretending to be coercive, I still pretend to be coercive deliberately, okay, it's so good, the system is really powerful, really powerful." After Yang Xiaobao successfully pretended to be coercive, he immediately settled down, and now he can also use the energy of the system Blessing for two seconds, not seeking merit, but seeking no fault, there is no problem at all if you want to protect yourself.

When the two Martial Masters heard Yang Xiaobao's pretentious words, they couldn't help being stunned for a moment, thinking what's wrong with this guy, why didn't he run away suddenly, don't run, don't talk, but stop to challenge, this guy is Where did the confidence come from? Did the murderer deliberately lure them here?
Unexpectedly, these two strong martial arts masters in the late stage of Wu Zun were also afraid. This surprised Yang Xiaobao. It seems that pretending to a certain level can also calm people down. Not bad, not bad, really good.

However, it can only be suppressed, but it is still not enough to kill them, the pretense is not enough.

So Yang Xiaobao had no choice but to keep running. After all, let him use Wuzhen's second-level cultivation to leapfrog to challenge the two Wuzun's late-stage Wuxiu. Raising Xiaobao would definitely not do stupid things.

As soon as Yang Xiaobao ran away, the two martial arts masters caught up again, and they chased faster than before. It took only ten minutes to catch up.

Seeing that they were chasing up again, Yang Xiaobao stopped immediately. Anyway, now that he has the power to protect himself, it's good to take a rest.

As soon as raising Xiaobao stopped, the two of them had no choice but to stop, but they didn't do it immediately. After all, they haven't figured out the details of raising Xiaobao until now. How strong is it, but so far, this young man has never been defeated.

The young man first killed the prince angrily, and then killed two of their companions of the second-level Wu Zun with thunderous force, and later killed a companion Wu Xiu of the fifth-level Wu Zun, and he was from the back of his heart. The penetrating wound in the heart shows that this young man is definitely not easy to get along with, so they still have deep fears about raising Xiaobao.


Empire royalty.

At this time, the emperor of the empire and the suzerains of the ten major sects were discussing how to capture the murderer who killed the prince. However, they still did not come to a conclusion, but Yuan Lu, the suzerain of the Ruthless Sect, came up with an idea , That is, the Ten Great Sects jointly issued the General Order of Martial Arts.

When Yuan Lu, the patriarch of the Unfeeling Sect, said this, everyone was taken aback, thinking that this Yuan Lu really deserved to belong to the Unfeeling Sect, and this move was really vicious. The Huayang Empire has no place to stand.

Although these people were a little surprised, the emperor of the empire was overjoyed, and immediately agreed to the plan, and immediately let the orthodox suzerain Zhan Feiyi be in charge of issuing the general order of martial arts to Yang Xiaobao.

Zhan Feiyi, the suzerain of the orthodox sect, had no choice but to agree, but now there is one thing that is missing in order to issue a general order, and that is the photo of Yang Xiaobao. If there is no photo, this general order is useless at all.

So Zhan Feiyi immediately asked the emperor about the need to raise Xiaobao's photos. The emperor pondered for a while, but didn't speak immediately, because he had already asked people to contact Kunyu Kingdom to get them quickly. There are still no photos, and I don't know which link went wrong.

Just when the emperor of the empire wanted to continue to send people to Kunyu Kingdom to send a reminder, someone suddenly sent back the news of raising Xiaobao, and also sent his photo.

Everyone heard that the photo of Yang Xiaobao came, so they were a little curious and excited, because with the photo, they could know whether this Yang Xiaobao was the one who entered Lingyu Valley.

Of course, the emperor saw the photo first. As soon as he saw the person in the photo, he immediately confirmed that the Yang Xiaobao who killed his son was the one who came here to participate in the assessment half a year ago and successfully entered Lingyu Valley.

After confirming the identity of Yang Xiaobao, the Emperor of the Empire suddenly yelled: "Yang Xiaobao, it was really you, why, why did you kill my son? If I catch you, an ungrateful junior, I must It is impossible to tear your corpse into pieces."

After the imperial emperor roared, he regained his composure, and then handed the photo to Zhan Feiyi, the suzerain of the orthodox sect.

Zhan Feiyi just took a glance, and immediately saw that this person was Yang Xiaobao who entered Lingyu Valley, which shocked him, not to mention why Yang Xiaobao killed the prince, since Yang Xiaobao did so, There must be a reason, and besides, as far as Prince Hu Cai's virtue is concerned, there must be a way to kill him.

It's just that the young man Yang Xiaobao is really not ordinary strong. He was able to kill the prince under the protection of ten strong Wu Zun, not to mention that the prince himself is also a martial artist of Wuzhen's second level. It seems that the young man Yang Xiaobao I got a lot of opportunities in Lingyu Valley.

Then the suzerains of the other nine major sects confirmed Yang Xiaobao's true identity one by one. Everyone had different expressions, some were happy, some were helpless, and some were gloating.

Now that Yang Xiaobao's true identity has been confirmed, the suzerains of the ten sects immediately acted separately, and then joined forces to issue a general order of martial arts within the scope of the Huayang Empire. Xiang Yangxiaobao spread out in an all-round way.

(End of this chapter)

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