Chapter 196 Poison Making
Yang Xiaobao also felt very strange, because after he put this life-threatening golden needle into the body of the last strong Wu Zun, no matter how he used his consciousness to drive him, he couldn't take another step forward, let alone a step, even an inch was very small. Disaster.

Undoubtedly, this must have been prevented by the power of this ninth-level Wu Zun. There is no need to doubt that this person must not be poisoned. When he met a master of poison, Yang Xiaobao immediately understood.

Now that he has met a master poisoner, then using the hidden weapon of the life-threatening golden needle to fight against the enemy is obviously useless and meaningless. After all, it can no longer be regarded as a hidden weapon, but can only be regarded as a bright weapon.

But now that Yang Xiaobao has not cultivated his spiritual consciousness, it is impossible to drive the life-threatening lily needle to take another step forward with just his consciousness. If he wants to be a little bit stronger, of course his strength is limited. After all, raising Xiaobao has cultivated two dantians, which is beyond the reach of ordinary martial arts experts.

So Yang Xiaobao immediately used his consciousness to take back the golden needle. Since the use of hidden weapons has lost the meaning of hidden weapons, of course there is no need to use them again. It is a means, and there is no need to use hidden weapons.

And now he is the last one, even if he is grinded, he will be grinded to death, not to mention he is still trapped in the formation and cannot move?

After Yang Xiaobao took back the golden needle, he didn't act immediately. Since he was the last one, there was no need to worry. The most important thing is that this person is still a master poisoner, so he couldn't be killed easily. No matter how bad it is, let's dig out some useful things from him.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao immediately said very pretentiously: "Hey, you are already trapped by my brother and me, and you can't escape if you want to escape. If you are sensible, tell me about your ability to use poison, maybe my brother and I will return to you." I can spare your life, but if not, you will definitely not be able to live or die."

Ding, the system prompts: "Congratulations to the master 'Yang Xiaobao' for successfully pretending to be coercive. The special reward is [-] points for pretense, [-] points for system points, and [-] points for experience." :
"The master raises the little treasure,

Boundary: Wu Zhen Level [-]

Experience Points: 580 points

Points: 830 points

Pretentious value: [-] points

Occupation: None

"Hey, I succeeded in pretending to be coercive, and I still pretend to be coercive on purpose. Okay, the value of pretending to be coercive is [-] points again. Not bad, really good." After Yang Xiaobao successfully pretended to be coercive, he was in a particularly good mood, and was hunted down for days , My heart was full of haze, and the pressure was unprecedented, but I survived.

Although he is not completely out of danger and is still under the control of the whole empire, Yang Xiaobao is not as nervous as he was at the beginning. If he wants to chase him down, he must have this ability. Not capable enough, Yang Xiaobao will definitely kill him without hesitation.

"Boy, what despicable means did you use to trap this man here, hurry up and untie this man, or else after you get out of trouble, you will definitely not be able to live or die." After Xiaobao threatened him, not only did he not give in, but he also returned the words Yang Xiaobao threatened him with.

"Hey, I didn't expect your mouth to be so tough. Brother, I don't believe that you can always be so tough, and I don't believe that you can't be soft." Yang Xiaobao saw that this person was so stubborn, so he continued to pretend to be so aggressive. Said.

After Yang Xiaobao pretended to be coercive continuously, he waited expectantly for the notification sound from the system, but he didn’t expect that after waiting for a long time, there was no notification sound. It affects the mood of raising Xiaobao. After all, it is understandable that the system occasionally has bugs.

After hearing Yang Xiaobao's words, the strong man at the ninth level of Wu Zun didn't speak immediately, but after a long while, he said, "Hey, how can you let us go."

Hearing what he said, it is obvious that this strong man at the ninth level of Wu Zun does not know that the nine of them have died and he is the only one left. Also, they are trapped in the formation, and they cannot see each other. No sound can be heard, of course, unless the people who set up the formation intentionally let them hear it, otherwise, once they enter the trapped formation, they will be blind, unable to see or hear anything.

However, listening to his tone just now, it is obvious that he is not so tough anymore, but has softened unknowingly. It seems that this person also knows to be afraid, which is not surprising. Anyone else is trapped in the formation No, after a long time, you will definitely be afraid. After all, once you are trapped, you will be like a pig in a slaughterhouse. No one will feel good about being slaughtered.

"If you want my brother, it's easy for me to let you go. As long as you hand over your ability to use poison, brother, I can definitely let you go." Yang Xiaobao couldn't help being happy when he heard the man's voice finally soften. If you can really learn the ability to use poison, it will be much better than killing this person. Killing him is just adding another corpse, which is of little significance to raising Xiaobao. It's a good thing to get something useful in your mouth.

"If I teach you how to use poison, will you let us go?" The Martial Master said hopefully.

"First of all, I want to correct you a little. If you hand over the method of using poison, I will let you go instead of my brother, because you are one of the nine of you who is still alive. For them dead people, What does it matter if you let it go or not?" Yang Xiaobao continued.

"You, you, what you said is true." After hearing Yang Xiaobao's words, this person immediately became reckless. He didn't expect that the nine strong men of the ninth level of martial arts would die so that he was the only one left. The murderer, Yang Xiaobao, was really a devil. Not only did he kill the prince, but he also killed eight martial masters in the blink of an eye, and he died silently.

Of course, he has no doubts about what Yang Xiaobao said, because there is no need for it. When a poisonous thing invaded his body just now, he naturally knew it. It has been dead for a long time now.

"Of course it's true, brother, I don't need to lie to you, how about it, let's hand it over quickly." Yang Xiaobao didn't continue to pretend, but said very calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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