Chapter 212
For Bai Shuangfei to explain or not to explain, Yang Xiaobao will not ask anything, let alone doubt anything, because his trust in this brother is unconditional and pure.

So, as soon as Bai Shuangfei finished speaking, Yang Xiaobao immediately grabbed Bai Shuangfei's right hand, and then jumped towards the top of the cliff and jumped down.

It wasn't until after falling for a certain distance that Yang Xiaobao used the Wind Riding Technique, and immediately controlled the rapidly falling body.

Bai Shuangfei closed his eyes just now when Yang Xiaobao jumped down. Although he fell very fast, as if falling naturally, he didn't feel nervous, because his trust in Yang Xiaobao was also the same. Unconditional and pure.

He believes that the ability to raise Xiaobao can take him to the destination, and he said ten thousand steps back, even if there is an accident in the middle of raising Xiaobao, falls off the cliff, and falls to pieces, so what?
To die is to die, besides, to die with a brother is also a kind of happiness.

Therefore, even if it is death, there is nothing to be afraid of!
Yes, trust belongs to both parties. If only one party trusts and the other party doesn't, how can such a friendship last long?
Because Yang Xiaobao and Bai Shuangfei's trust is mutual, so their brotherhood is bound to last forever, there is no need to have any doubts about this.

But now after Yang Xiaobao used the Chengfeng Technique, the bodies of the two who were desperately falling stabilized immediately.

Not only that, under the control of Yang Xiaobao's exercises, the speed of the fall can be fast or slow, it can be down or up.

So, now, with Yangxiaobao's flight control, you can go left, right, up, or down, as you like, and you can handle it freely.

However, after falling for more than ten minutes, Bai Shuangfei immediately said: "Brother, if you slow down, we will be there soon."

As soon as Yang Xiaobao heard Bai Shuangfei's words, he immediately slowed down the speed of his fall. Although he was also a little puzzled, since the brother said so, he should just do it.

After all, this is going to my brother's house, and it's his family's business. Of course, only he knows best. Even if his brother's house is built on a cliff, it's not surprising. After all, his brother Bai Shuangfei is not an ordinary person, and his The foster father is an extraordinary existence.

Sure enough, when Yang Xiaobao fell to a big pine tree that grew out of the cliff, Bai Shuangfei immediately said, "Brother, this is it."

Yang Xiaobao then immediately used Chengfeng's Steady Word Jue, and immediately stabilized his figure.

Then I took a look, and sure enough there was a hole in the cliff next to the pine tree.

Moreover, this hole looks like a door, no matter the width or height of this hole is similar to the width and height of a door, even just right, as if it was artificially processed.

However, judging from the corners and shape of the hole, it should be formed naturally. If it is excavated manually, some traces will inevitably be left.

However, if it has been eroded by countless years, even some man-made traces will be obliterated.

Therefore, artificial and natural things are sometimes really indistinguishable, just like antiques, if the fake work is done well, it can be confused with the real thing, if there is no very professional appraisal, it is simply not can not tell.

Of course, raising Xiaobao is just a matter of touching the scene and expressing some emotions. As for whether the entrance of this cave is formed naturally or excavated manually, it has nothing to do with raising Xiaobao. Naturally, he will not explore such nonsense things.

When Yang Xiaobao saw the hole, he took Bai Shuangfei and stepped in.

As soon as he entered the hole, he let go of Bai Shuangfei's hand on raising the little BMW. Of course, he had to let go. The reason why he held his hand just now was to take him to fly together. If you don't let go of his hand, then what's going on!
As soon as Bai Shuangfei entered this cave, he immediately felt a very warm feeling. After all, he grew up in such a place. Although his adoptive father often took him to travel around the world, this place was always his. home, because the adoptive father has lived in such a place all his life.

Although the adoptive father is dead, his family is still there.

After Yang Xiaobao came in, he immediately took a look at the cave. It didn't matter what he saw, but he didn't expect him to see the extraordinaryness of this cave immediately after looking at it. This cave is really extraordinary.

Because there is not just one hole, but many holes, and there are holes in the holes, one hole connected to another hole, just like the Jiugong Bagua array, which is extremely complicated.

Seeing Yang Xiaobao's shocked face, Bai Shuangfei smiled proudly and said, "Brother, why don't I show you around first."

Yang Xiaobao nodded immediately, he is still very interested in this hole, so it doesn't hurt to have a look.

After all, this is at my brother's house, and I have to live here now, so of course it is necessary to find out.

Bai Shuangfei saw that Yang Xiaobao nodded in agreement, and immediately led him into the cave.

As for these big holes and small holes, Bai Shuangfei didn't bring Xiaobao to check the rooms. In fact, it's not worth seeing. After all, these holes are similar. Very small, big and very, of course, no matter whether it is big or small, it is just a hole.

So, the real scenery is not looking at the caves, after all, all the caves are the same.

So since you don't look at the hole, what else can you look at in this hole?

Only Bai Shuangfei can answer this question, because this is his home, where he grew up.

What is good and what is not, he is naturally clear, if there is no point, if there is no point, he is too embarrassed to say that he will take Yang Xiaobao to visit.

After walking for a while, he did not disappoint Yang Xiaobao, there really is a hole in the sky here.

Because the place where you came in was relatively high, but the more you walked in, the lower the terrain became. Not only that, Yang Xiaobao also heard the sound of running water.

If it is just a hole, it is not surprising, but there is still water in this hole, and water can flow out, that is very unusual.

Yang Xiaobao immediately followed the sound of running water and looked over, and then saw a small stream, but the water of this small stream flowed down from above, obviously it was not groundwater.

Not only that, Yang Xiaobao also saw a faint sun's rays seeping through a crack from above the creek.

Seeing such a scene, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help sighing. This is really amazing. I didn't expect the sun's rays to penetrate into such a deep mountainside.

Then go down, there is a river, the river is not very deep, but not very shallow, about one person deep, because the water is very clear and transparent, so you can still see it at a glance.

Yang Xiaobao went up, took a handful of water, felt very cool, and then took a sip, feeling very good, refreshing, similar to Nongfu Spring.

And there is actually a small bridge over this river. This small bridge is made of stone blocks, and it seems to be a little old.

Bai Shuangfei walked up to the small bridge first, and Yang Xiaobao followed.

After crossing this small bridge, there is a different world on the opposite side, because the terrain here is obviously higher, and the further you go in, the higher it will be.

However, there are still paved stone roads on the ground, and there are steps one after another.

After crossing dozens of steps, the terrain gradually leveled off, and then a large platform appeared.

Of course, it is not surprising that there is a platform, but what is strange is that there are two roads leading to different directions around this platform.

Yang Xiaobao came to this platform and looked at the two roads leading to different directions, he couldn't help but feel a little bit reckless, this is so amazing, there are two roads in such a cave.

And these four roads still lead to two completely different directions. I just don't know what kind of places these two roads can lead to. It would be great if there is a road directly leading to Shenyuan Empire from here.

However, Bai Shuangfei should know this question, so Yang Xiaobao immediately asked: "Brother, do you know where these two roads lead?"

"Brother, I only know one road leads to the Yuanshi Kingdom, but I don't know about the other road. When my adoptive father was still alive, he also said that this road has no end. Keep going, no matter how long you go. Not to the end." Bai Shuangfei immediately replied when Yang Xiaobao asked about the two roads.

When Yang Xiaobao heard Bai Shuangfei's answer, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment. It's really amazing. There is still a road in this world that can't be reached. Is this a road to heaven?

However, although Yang Xiaobao is very curious, he has no intention of exploring this road, because he thinks it is not necessary, indeed it is not necessary, it is just a road, is it necessary to cross a road?

Of course, he is still very interested in the other road that can lead to Yuanshi Kingdom. If he returns to Yuanshi Kingdom from here now, he will really feel a little elusive.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao immediately said to Bai Shuangfei: "Brother, how about we go to Yuanshi Kingdom this way."

"Brother, are we not going to Shenyuan Empire?" Bai Shuangfei asked in surprise when he heard that Yang Xiaobao was going back to Yuanshi Kingdom suddenly.

"Shenyuan Empire still wants to go. My brother, the reason why I want to go to Shenyuan Empire is mainly because I was ordered by the imperial family here, so it doesn't matter if I go one day later or one day later. Now that I have A road leading to Yuanshi Kingdom, I think we can go back first, and my brother and I still have some unfinished business in Yuanshi Kingdom." Yang Xiaobao continued to explain.

(End of this chapter)

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