Chapter 221

The wind is roaring, the horses are screaming, and the armored vehicles are roaring.

Commander-in-Chief of the Three Armies of the Huayang Empire and Generalissimo of the Eastern Expedition Lu Bu gave an order, and 100 million soldiers and horses set off immediately.

However, this Lu Bu is really different and brave.

Although he himself is the Generalissimo of the Eastern Expedition, he does not want a vanguard officer.

Of course, it's not that he doesn't want the vanguard officer, but that he wants to be the vanguard himself, and the emperor Hu Lai Zhao saw that Lu didn't insist on concurrently serving as the vanguard officer, so he had to let him.

So Lu Bu is both a marshal and a vanguard.

He himself led [-] cavalry to clear the way, followed by a large army of mecha soldiers.

Fifty thousand cavalry were clearing the way ahead, their aura was no small feat.

Fifty thousand cavalry and fifty thousand horses.

The war horse raised its four hooves and galloped rapidly on the avenue. The sound of hooves was loud, the sky was full of dust, and the mountains and rivers were magnificent.

In less than two days, the vanguard led by Lu Bu, commander-in-chief of the Huayang Empire's three armies, [-] cavalry arrived at the entrance of the Ten Thousand Forest.

Originally, there was a waterway to the border of the Huayang Empire, but Lu didn't think that the waterway was too far away, and Lu Bu was from the army, so he didn't like to take the waterway, so he ordered the troops to go directly through the Wanwan Forest, and then went straight to Huayang Imperial frontier.

Of course, his idea is good, and there is nothing wrong with it. After all, he himself is from the army, and he likes land rather than water. This is also human nature, and it can be said that this is also a normal thing.

But haste makes waste.

Originally, he wanted to reach the border as soon as possible and make contributions, but things often backfired.

As soon as the [-] cavalry troops reached the entrance of the Ten Thousand Forest, they had to stop because they were stuck at the entrance.

The obstacle that blocked the team's progress was the stone tablet engraved with the four big red characters "Forest of Thousands".

This huge stone tablet is blocked at the entrance, and only one person is allowed to pass by one ride. It is impossible to follow more.

Because this stele is very strange, if there are two or more cavalry who want to pass by forcefully, they will definitely be shocked by an invisible force.

Lu didn't hear his soldiers coming to report, he still didn't believe in evil.

Therefore, Lu Bian personally led three healthy horses to enter through the entrance of Wanwan Forest at the same time. As a result, he was also knocked over by an invisible force, and he fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a long time.

Lu Bu got up from the ground in disgrace, and then cursed a few harsh words, but he had no choice but to follow the rules of the Ten Thousand Forest and order the cavalry to ride through the Ten Thousand Forest one by one.

Although the speed of traveling in this way is too much slower, there is no way to do it. If you want to pass through the thousands of forests, you must abide by the rules of the tens of thousands of forests.

After Lu didn't wait for the [-] cavalry to pass through, it was the mech chariot.

Originally, Lu Bu was a little worried that the mecha chariot would not be able to pass the big stone tablet at the entrance of the Ten Thousand Forest, but he didn't expect the mecha chariot to enter unimpeded, which made him finally let go of his hanging heart.

If the armored chariot can't pass through, it will be a big trouble.

Fortunately, according to the rules of the guarding stele in Ten Thousand Forests, no matter whether it is a human or a machine, it can only be a single one, not two or more.

And if it doesn't work, it doesn't work, and there's no reason to say it.

It is indeed unreasonable, how can it make sense if you want to reason with a stone tablet?Isn't that asking for guilt?
Lu Bu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that all the mecha chariots had passed the stone tablet of Ten Thousand Forests.

However, although the mecha tanks came in smoothly, although this problem has been solved, a new problem has arisen.

And this new problem is very serious.

Serious enough to have to be dealt with immediately.

So what is it that is so serious and urgent?
This problem is actually very simple to say, but if the simple problem cannot be solved, it is not simple.

So this problem is both simple and serious, so simple that it is just a matter of one sentence.

But it is very serious, so serious that if it cannot be dealt with in a timely and effective manner, it will seriously hinder the marching speed of large troops.

And as the old saying goes, speed is the most important thing in soldiers, if the speed of marching cannot keep up, then such a problem must be a big deal.

Therefore, this problem must be solved immediately without delay.

Yes, there cannot be a moment's delay, it must be resolved immediately.

And this problem exists naturally, and it is also a characteristic of Ten Thousand Forests. For Ten Thousand Forests, this is not a problem, it is normal.

But for marching troops, this is a problem that must be solved.

Because there are tall trees everywhere in this tens of thousands of forests.

Since it is a forest of tens of millions, there are naturally many trees. It is a normal thing to do, but Master Lu Bu, the commander-in-chief of the three armies of the Huayang Empire, does not go by water, but he has to bring a large army from the forest of tens of millions. It is not normal, and it is very abnormal.

You know, there are so many dense trees in the forest, even the cavalry is very slow to pass, not to mention there are so many mecha chariots?
However, for the brave Lu Bu, this problem is not a problem at all.

After Lu didn't know that these tall trees blocked the marching speed of the troops, he immediately ordered people to bring down all these big trees.

After these big trees were brought down, the marching speed of the troops quickly increased.

Seeing that this problem was solved, Lu Bu couldn't help feeling complacent, and a kind of unstoppable aura emerged spontaneously when the soldiers arrived.

It's just that this idea just came to him, and immediately he heard his soldiers coming to report, and the front was blocked again, making it impossible to pass.

When Lu didn't hear the news, he almost gasped.

It's no wonder that he was angry. Originally, he was appointed Marshal of the Army and Horses by Emperor Hu Laizhao. It was the time when he was full of ambition and wanted to show his talents and make contributions.

Unexpectedly, he led an army of one million to come, and this has not yet reached the battlefield?

He ran into several big problems one after another, and he himself was slapped down by the big stone tablet guarding the Ten Thousand Forest at the entrance of the Ten Thousand Forest.

However, if you are angry, you still have to solve the problem. If such a small problem as the army marching can't be solved, how can you command thousands of troops?

Then Lu Bu learned from the report of his soldiers that a group of monster lions were blocking the way ahead.

When Lu Buyi heard that it was a monster lion, he immediately acted recklessly. It seems that before going to war with the soldiers and horses of the Shenyuan Empire, he had to fight a battle with the monster lion.

So Lu Budang immediately gave an order, and the gunshots erupted immediately, and countless laser bullets immediately shot at the group of monsters and lions.

However, as soon as the gunfire stopped, his soldiers came to report again, saying that these monster lions still blocked the way and did not take a step back.

Lu Bu couldn't believe it at all. He was no stranger to monsters, because he was a martial artist himself, and he had fought monsters before. As long as he was under the intensive laser gun shooting, even the strongest warriors would not be spared. Why is it always a monster?
Therefore, Lu Buinui rode his horse forward and soon came to the forefront. Sure enough, he saw a group of lions and monsters blocking the way. The strange thing was that these lions did not take the initiative to attack, but just blocked the marching path of the troops.

Lu Bu took a quick look and found that the level of these monsters is not high, the highest level is level five, which is equivalent to a martial master of human martial arts. How could they not be afraid of laser bullets?

This made Lu Bu very puzzled, and he couldn't figure out what was going on for a moment.

But no matter how puzzled he was, he had to get rid of these monster lions.

If these lions and monsters are not resolved, the 100 million army led by him will be blocked here, and they will not be able to move forward at all.

If you can't move forward, how can you go to the front line and make contributions?

Wouldn't it be a big joke to lead the army back now and take the water again?
So, no matter what, Lu Bu had to get rid of these monster lions.

But these monster lions can't even kill them with laser guns, so what else can they do?

It seems that the only way to organize Wuxiu to forcibly kill these monster lions is to clear the way for the army.

However, although he led millions of troops here this time, there are very few real martial arts experts, and the cultivation level of these martial arts experts he brought is not high, the highest is only the ninth level of martial arts.

Moreover, these martial masters are all his personal guards. If these martial masters suffer too much losses in the battle with these monster lions, his guard team will definitely be weakened a lot.

This is a big matter related to his own safety.

Therefore, Lu Bu still hesitated.

However, he only hesitated for a moment, and made a decision right away. It’s impossible not to make a decision. After all, the important event of the army’s march cannot be delayed. If there is really a big loss, he has no choice but to admit it.

Of course, I'm afraid that when the time comes, his martial masters will be lost, but those monsters and lions will not be killed, then there will be a big problem.

But in any case, the only way to send these powerful Wu Zuns forward is to fight. If that doesn't work, we can only use laser cannons to blast away the group of monster lions. Although it is very unlucky to fire before going to the battlefield, But when the situation is really unavoidable, then I can't take care of these.

Anyway, no matter what, this group of monster beasts and lions blocking the way must be killed, and they must be killed.

Therefore, out of the thirty Martial Masters under Lu Bu's command, ten of them were immediately dispatched by him. In order to avoid unnecessary losses, he also specially instructed these ten Martial Masters to withdraw immediately if they found that something was wrong. These people are all his followers, of course Lu Bu didn't want to see them die at the mouth of monsters before going to the battlefield.

These ten Martial Masters also stepped forward cautiously. After all, they are not fools. Can monsters that can't even be killed by laser bullets be easy?
Therefore, they also have a tentative heart, and once they find that the situation is wrong, they will immediately withdraw.

However, their worries are unnecessary, because these monster lions are not real monsters at all, but a group of monster puppets, which are lifeless things at all, but the images of these monster puppets are too realistic. It looks exactly the same as the monster lion, which is why they have been blocked for so long.

Of course, this is the weirdness of Ten Thousand Forests.

These monster puppets have existed in this tens of millions of forests for many, many years, and it is unknown which powerful man made them, but they inadvertently blocked the way of the millions of troops led by Lu Bu.

These Martial Masters stepped forward cautiously. As soon as they stepped forward, they immediately discovered the abnormality. After all, those who have cultivated to the Martial Master level are not ordinary people, and they still have some knowledge.

After they discovered the anomaly, they immediately tried to walk past these monster lions, but found that there was nothing wrong, so a bold and strong martial artist stepped forward to touch it, but he was immediately caught by a group of monsters. An invisible force shook it into the air.

After the Martial Venerable fell to the ground, he immediately got up, and he immediately understood that these monsters were not real lions, but puppets of monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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