Chapter 224 Unexpected Happiness

Bai Shuangfei was also very puzzled when he saw that his eldest brother raised Xiaobao to watch the green-haired youth's performance with great interest.

Doesn't the eldest brother also like this beauty?Why is he not in a hurry when he sees other people flirting with this beautiful woman?

It seems that big brother has a plan in mind!

That's right, how could this beauty fall in love with that green-haired young man?Looks like big brother is about the same.

So, after Bai Shuangfei had finished eating and drinking, he also watched the green-haired youth's performance with great interest.

Not to mention, the green-haired young man's performance is much better than movies and TV shows, because it is very real, and his human nature does not need to be portrayed, it is already penetrating.

The green-haired young man didn't know that his performance also won two audiences, Yang Xiaobao and Bai Shuangfei.

His heart is like riding a roller coaster, sometimes he is so excited that his heart almost jumps out, and then his heart sinks.

But now when he heard that Xie Yixiang came from the capital of the empire, his heart sank first, and then he became excited again.

Now he also guessed that Xie Yixiang must have some background, so his heart sank inexplicably, but then he became excited again.

Because he suddenly gained a lot of confidence in his own charm.

If he could take this beauty from the capital of the empire into his arms, wouldn't it be a combination of sex and profit?
Moreover, he has talked with this beauty for so long, and he has not seen her strongly objecting. This must be a good start.

So, the green-haired young man glanced at the waiters again and said, "You guys continue to ask the beauties. If anyone can make the beauties smile, I will add another twenty gold coins."

Originally there were ten waiters in total, but three of them left happily after receiving the bounty, and now there are seven left.

But now when they heard the green-haired young man's words, they immediately became excited.

It's no wonder they were excited, they were secretly envious when they saw the waiter who took the bounty ahead!
Unexpectedly, not only can he continue to question this beauty and continue to receive the bounty, but he can also directly increase the bounty to thirty gold coins.

This is really what they picked up. Although there are conditions for adding these twenty gold coins, but with such a good personality of this beauty, she probably won't make things difficult for them.

They really guessed right, Xie Yixiang didn't intend to make things difficult for them, since this guy who doesn't know the so-called is willing to reward these people, let him do it, anyway, this annoying guy is also rich and has nothing to spend .

Since this is the case, let these waiters get some benefits, it is not easy to look at these people.

Moreover, I don't have any important things now, I originally planned to come out to find Xiaobao, but now I don't know where he is, it is useless to run around, so I have to follow the fate, if there is a fate, I should be able to meet again yes.

When Xie Yixiang thought of raising Xiaobao, he couldn't help showing a happy smile on his face, and the green-haired young man felt itchy, but he didn't act recklessly, but showed unprecedented rules.

At this time, a waiter also started to ask Xie Yixiang questions, and the waiter said to Xie Yixiang: "Miss, are you here to play in the first city?"

"That's sort of it." Xie Yixiang said immediately, and smiled inadvertently.

"Okay, you've done a good job. Here are thirty gold coins. Take them." The green-haired young man realized that Yi Xiang really smiled. This smile almost made him involuntarily fascinated, so he took out the gold coins very happily. Thirty gold coins rewarded the waiter.

The waiter didn't expect Xie Yixiang to really smile, and it was so funny.

Of course, this is second, and the most important thing is that Nan Shao is so happy. As soon as Nan Shao is happy, he will give money.

So the waiter was so happy that he folded it like something, then took the gold coin, turned around and left happily.

When Yang Xiaobao saw this scene, he couldn't help but smiled, and at the same time he was quite relieved. He didn't expect that Xie Yixiang was still so kind, and he actually took care of these waiters like this.

I thought that Xie Yixiang was a very willful girl, but I didn't expect that she had such an understanding side, and she was also a few waiters she had never known. Thinking of this, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help being moved.

If Xie Yixiang knew that Yang Xiaobao was touched by her just a smile, she would really have made a worthwhile trip.

It's just that she didn't know that if she knew that Yang Xiaobao was watching her every move, then she wouldn't be able to sit here in a good mood, and she wouldn't feel so bitter in her heart. There will be no such helpless feeling.

Then another waiter came over and said to Xie Yixiang very respectfully: "Miss, is this your first time in City One?"

"It's not the first time," Xie Yixiang said hesitantly, and everyone could hear that she probably wanted to say something, but suddenly stopped and didn't continue.

And Xie Yixiang didn't say nothing on purpose, but suddenly remembered the first time he came to the first city with his master.

At that time, she was not very old, that is, twelve or thirteen years old.

I remember that when I came there, it was winter, and it was snowing heavily that day, the snow was so heavy, and the snowflakes were floating everywhere like goose feathers.

Moreover, there was a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere, and large expanses of white snowflakes fell continuously, and it continued to fall for days and nights without end.

However, they didn't stay in the first city for long that time, they just stayed in the big hotel for one night, and rushed back to the capital of the empire the next day.

Xie Yixiang recalled the past at that time, and remembered that she was carefree all day long and didn't think about anything, worry about nothing, and couldn't help feeling a little nostalgic.

It's just that she forgot to smile because of this nostalgia, but her fascinated look is quite special. The green-haired young man was also fascinated by seeing it, and also became excited.

The green-haired young man got excited, took out another [-] gold coins and handed it to the waiter, saying, "You did a good job, take it."

When the waiter saw the question he asked, although Xie Yixiang answered it, but he didn't smile, he couldn't help but feel a little bit in his heart, thinking that he could only get ten gold coins at most.

But he didn't expect that Nan Shao was inexplicably excited for some reason, and he still gave him thirty gold coins, which made him feel a little unbelievable.

However, although he didn't understand Nan Shao's actions, he naturally wouldn't guess Nan Shao's thoughts. Anyway, as long as he had money, he would be fine. So, after the waiter took the gold coin, he turned around happily and left .

Of course, although the waiter can't see it, it doesn't mean that others can't see it either. Yang Xiaobao can see it right away. This Nan Shao is a fucking pervert. He has been staring at him until now. Xie Yixiang couldn't finish watching.

It's better to raise Xiaobao. Now that he is in a good mood after practicing the supernatural powers, otherwise, if Nan Shao is so obsessed with staring at Xie Yixiang and looking at the endless pig's head, he would have slapped the green-haired youth long ago. flew up.

Of course, the main reason is that although Nan Shao is lustful, he didn't make any moves, so Yang Xiaobao didn't have an attack, and this Nan Shao has been rewarding these waiters all the time, but he didn't break his promise and get fat. Feel good.

Therefore, up to now, raising Xiaobao has not been angry, but just watching a play.

There are still five waiters who have not asked questions, but they are not in a hurry, because they can see that this beautiful woman whom Nan Shao greatly admires is indeed a good person, and she will definitely not make things difficult for them.

Of course, Nan Shao also saw that Xie Yixiang cooperated with these waiters so much because he wanted to see him pay for the reward.

After knowing this, Nan Shao not only did not have any resistance, but was also very happy, but it was only a few hundred gold coins, which was nothing to him at all.

As long as you can win a smile from a beautiful woman, let alone spending a few hundred gold coins, even a few thousand, even tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of gold coins is nothing.

So, Nan Shao continued to say to the waiters: "You can continue to ask the goddess questions, it's still the same, as long as the questions you ask make the beauty laugh, you will add [-] gold coins."

As soon as the remaining five waiters heard Nan Shao's words, they immediately became excited again. It seems that today is really lucky, and they have encountered such a good thing.

So, a male waiter immediately asked Xie Yixiang: "Miss, are you here alone?"

"Yes, I came alone." Xie Yixiang replied immediately, but when answering this question, she suddenly remembered the scene when she and Yang Xiaobao met for the first time in that pond in Lingyu Valley.

At that time, it was because after fighting against several monsters in a row, the sweat on her body was too bad, and it was still sticking to her body, which made her feel very uncomfortable, and she happened to encounter such a pond.

The water in that pond is so clear that you can see the sand and stones at the bottom.

And at that time, no one was there, so she took off her clothes and jumped into the pond to have a good bath.

However, when she was about to go ashore after washing, she saw a man running towards the pond, so she had no choice but to dive into the bottom of the water. Jumped into the pond, and almost fell on top of her.

Xie Yixiang blushed a little when she thought of that extraordinary encounter with Yang Xiaobao.

Originally, Xie Yixiang's complexion was white and tender, just like white jade, but now her face suddenly turned red, making her look even more beautiful and charming, so the green-haired young man was stunned immediately, almost drooling Just stayed.

The green-haired young man was so happy and excited. He really didn't expect this beauty to be so charming when she blushed.

So the green-haired young man was very happy, and immediately took out fifty gold coins and handed them to the waiter, saying, "You did a good job, here are fifty gold coins for you."

The waiter didn't smile when he saw Xie Yixiang answering his question. He thought that he didn't ask the question well and didn't make the beauty smile. It seemed that he could only get ten gold coins.

But what he didn't expect was that this beautiful woman blushed for no reason, and Nan Shao was particularly excited.

And what he didn't expect was that this Nan Shao was even more inexplicable than this beauty, and he actually rewarded him with fifty gold coins at once. I'm going to try to buy a few lottery tickets in the end, maybe I can win 500 million at once?
So, after the waiter took the gold coin, he also happily turned around and left.

Then another waiter came forward and asked Xie Yixiang very respectfully: "Miss, do you have a boyfriend?"

"I have a boyfriend, and my boyfriend's name is Yang Xiaobao." Xie Yixiang replied without thinking.

As soon as Xie Yixiang finished speaking, people were shocked immediately, not only the green-haired young man was shocked, not only the waiters were shocked.

Everyone in this restaurant, one counts as one, was shocked after hearing Xie Yixiang's words.

Moreover, including Yang Xiaobao, he was also shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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