Chapter 226
Yang Xiaobao and the three of them finished their changes, looked at each other, and couldn't help chuckling.

Originally, the relationship between the three of them was extraordinary, but now each of them has become three other people.

Indeed, thinking about such a thing makes people feel funny, but it is also very helpless.

If it wasn't for Yang Xiaobao who angrily killed the crown prince of the imperial family, and thus was exiled, who wouldn't want to be himself, but to be someone else?

However, fortunately, this changing technique can be changed back at any time, otherwise, wouldn't it be that he would lose himself?

Fortunately, Yang Xiaobao and the three of them are just temporary changes. They all know who they are, where they come from, and where they are going.

Yes, they all know the purpose of this trip.

Because Yang Xiaobao had already expressed his thoughts and worries.

After Xie Yixiang heard Yang Xiaobao's analysis, she also felt that it was too impulsive to say that she was Yang Xiaobao's girlfriend.

But she didn't regret it, and on the contrary was very grateful.

If she hadn't said at that time that she was Xiaobao's girlfriend.

It is estimated that Yang Xiaobao will not recognize her.

But now that she said it, not only did she express her true thoughts, but she also recognized Yang Xiaobao because of it.

Indeed, it was recognition.

After all, after Yang Xiaobao changed, although she felt that this person was very similar to Yang Xiaobao, he was not alone after all. If Yang Xiaobao didn't take the initiative to recognize her, she would not know.

If this is the case, wouldn't it be that you just passed by with your loved one?

If she really passed by Yang Xiaobao, what's the point of her trip?

Then when will her lovesickness end?

Therefore, now, not only does she not regret what she said casually from her heart at that time, but she is very happy and very fortunate.

Yes, as long as you can be with Yang Xiaobao, even if you are impulsive, so what?

Impulse is impulsive, impulsive is not necessarily a bad thing.

Didn't Yang Xiaobao once become a beauty in anger and kill the prince in anger?
If the impulse to raise Xiaobao is bloody, then Xie Yixiang's impulsive words at that time were willful.

However, whether it is bloody or willful, impulsiveness is impulsive.

So impulsiveness is sometimes not completely bad, after all, it is rare to be impulsive in life.

Even if everyone already knew that she, Xie Yixiang, was Yang Xiaobao's girlfriend, so what?
As long as she can be with Yang Xiaobao now, even if she has a family and can't go back, even if she lives in exile, she will have no complaints or regrets.

As for the sect, she doesn't have to worry, Shuangxuezong is one of the top ten sects of the Huayang Empire, even the royal family of the empire dare not do anything!
Of course, Yang Xiaobao just analyzed the possible consequences now, but he didn't mean to blame Xie Yixiang. He was only touched by her unwavering affection for her, so how could she have the slightest bit of blame? ?
What's more, he has now thought of a countermeasure, that is, the three of them will return to the imperial capital at the same time to inquire.

And it's not just to inquire, if there is any good opportunity in the imperial capital, he also plans to stay in the imperial capital for a while to do something well.

As for their current identities, they just need to give themselves a new name. After all, their appearance has completely changed. No matter how familiar acquaintances are, it is impossible to see it.

So, the next step is to go to the imperial capital.

But how to get there?

Yang Xiaobao thought about it for a while, and thought it would be better to go by car.

Although the flying speed is very fast when using the Wind Riding Technique, it also requires vitality, and once people find out, it will not only shock the world, but also reveal their true identities. After all, he and Xie Yixiang used it in front of people Those who have passed the Chengfeng technique.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao immediately decided to go by car. As soon as he said it, Xie Yixiang and Bai Shuangfei agreed, and they also wanted to take a car.

Also, since you can take a car, who would want to walk?
The three of Yang Xiaobao soon came to a town, where they planned to take a bus to the capital of the empire, but they were all newcomers, and they were not familiar with this town, and they didn't know where to take the bus or what kind of bus they should take. car.

However, this problem was quickly solved by someone, because as soon as Yang Xiaobao and the three came to the town, they immediately attracted the attention of many people, and many people paid attention to them.

This is no wonder, after all, with Yang Xiaobao, Xie Yixiang, and Bai Shuangfei's appearance at this time, it is impossible not to attract people's attention.

Can it be attractive?Yang Xiaobao is the appearance of the kung fu superstar on earth in his previous life when he was young. Not only is he handsome, but his whole spirit is so vigorous and extraordinary.

Not to mention Xie Yixiang's current appearance, she has transformed into a fairy sister. If the fairy sister is not attractive, who else will be attractive?

As for the image of a handsome guy like Bai Shuangfei, naturally the eyes of big girls and daughters-in-law who want to refuse and welcome are also indispensable.

Seeing so many people looking at them with such amazed eyes, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but smiled wryly. It seemed that the three of them were really very popular.

So Yang Xiaobao immediately asked a rather pretty woman: "Sister, we three brothers and sisters want to take a bus to the capital of the empire, may I ask where is the bus to the capital of the empire?"

When the woman saw Yang Xiaobao questioning her, she was flattered and said, "You are going to the capital of the empire. It just so happens that my brother is on this route, so follow me."

Hearing what this woman said, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help being stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that he just asked someone casually, and he asked about the passenger car. He just didn't know what kind of car the woman's brother was running, but no matter what kind of car it was , as long as you can reach the capital of the empire, even if it is a black car, it doesn't matter.

So Yang Xiaobao and the three immediately followed the woman.

Although there are still many eyes looking at them from behind, there is no way to raise Xiaobao. Since others want to see it, let them watch it. Anyway, it won't look bad, and there is nothing to lose. love to see or not.

After the woman took Yang Xiaobao and the three of them around a few turns, they came to a three-way intersection. There was a long line of cars parked at the intersection, and they seemed to be waiting for passengers.

As soon as Yang Xiaobao saw these small cars waiting for passengers, he immediately thought of the taxis that carpooled on Earth in his previous life. It seemed that these cars were also going to carpool.

Sure enough, when the three of Yang Xiaobao were brought into a black car by the woman, Yang Xiaobao saw that there were already two people sitting in the car, and it was just right for the three of Yang Xiaobao to be added.

Yang Xiaobao saw that it was indeed a carpool. He didn't want to ride at first, but it didn't matter when he thought about it. Carpooling is fine, but he just doesn't know if Xie Yixiang and Bai Shuangfei are willing. If they are willing, then take this car never mind.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao immediately said to Xie Yixiang and Bai Shuangfei: "Yixiang, how are you brothers? Do you want to ride in this car with them?"

Bai Shuangfei shrugged and said, "Brother, I'll listen to you. Sit if you say so. If you don't want to sit, let's change."

And Xie Yixiang also showed an expression of indifference, yes, she is now with Yang Xiaobao, and she is always very happy in her heart. As for what car to ride and how to ride, it is up to Yang Xiaobao to decide, and she doesn't think much of it.

Yang Xiaobao knew that both Yi Xiang and Bai Shuangfei were willing to take this car, so he didn't say anything, but opened the door and took the lead to get in.

As soon as the three of Yang Xiaobao got into the car, several people breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. First of all, the driver and the woman who led the way. If he is willing to carpool with others, if he wants to take a chartered car, it will be a waste. After all, there are already two people in his car, and these two are regular customers who often ride in his car. Naturally, he is embarrassed to drive them out of the car.

Besides, the two people sitting in the car secretly breathed a sigh of relief. They also saw that raising Xiaobao and the three of them are definitely not the ones who are short of money. They may not agree to carpool with others. If the three of them If you don't take a seat, the car won't be able to go for a while, it must be full of people.

In that case, wouldn't we have to wait again?And I don't know how long I will have to wait. Anyone who has waited for the bus knows that waiting is the most boring and helpless. Now there is no need to wait, of course it is the best.

As soon as the three of Yang Xiaobao got into the car, the driver drove off immediately, and even played soothing music. Yang Xiaobao felt relaxed when he heard this music. It seems that this car is okay, although Carpooling is a bit crowded, but it's not bad.

However, what he didn't expect was that the two people in the car were dishonest, really dishonest.

As soon as they Jie Yixiang came up, they stared at her intently. With Yang Xiaobao Wuzhen's second-level skill cultivation, of course they soon felt the wretched light in their eyes, but Yang Xiaobao didn't care, after all Xie Yixiang is indeed more beautiful, and she is still a fairy sister, so it is normal to attract men's attention.

Raising Xiaobao is not so overbearing that he doesn't allow others to see his girlfriend. If others want to see him, let them look after him, and there is nothing to lose anyway.

If these two people just look at it, or just admire it, it's human nature, after all, everyone has a love for beauty.

But the eyes of these two people had a kind of evil spirit, which made Yang Xiaobao feel very disgusted.

If they just watched, even if their eyes were not pure, Yang Xiaobao didn't intend to argue with them, but these two people not only watched, but also moved their hands and feet, which was unbearable.

Not only raising Xiaobao was unbearable, but Bai Shuangfei and Xie Yixiang were also unbearable.

Because just when the three of Yang Xiaobao were closing their eyes and resting their minds, those two people extended their salty hands to Xie Yixiang at the same time.

As soon as they stretched out their hands, Yang Xiaobao and the three found out at the same time.

Just kidding, anyway, they are all strong martial arts, can they not find out?
For their shameless actions, no one can bear it, Xie Yixiang can't, Bai Shuangfei can't, and Yang Xiaobao is certainly not willing.

So the two guys who stretched out their salty pig hands were immediately tragic.

For a while, there was only a "cracking" sound, first Xie Yixiang slapped them, then Bai Shuangfei punched them each, and Yang Xiaobao slapped each of them again.

The driver who was driving didn't know what happened behind him, so he was so frightened that he quickly parked the car on the side of the road. When Yang Xiaobao saw that the driver stopped the car suddenly, he smiled immediately, and it was just right to stop.

So Yang Xiaobao immediately opened the car door, kicked off the two wretched guys with swollen faces like pig's heads, and then said to the driver: "Master, it's none of your business, drive."

Seeing this situation, the driver immediately became reckless, and didn't know what to do. She didn't know how these two people provoked Yang Xiaobao and the three of them. Get out of the car.

However, he couldn't just drive away like this. After all, these two people came in his car, so it's definitely not good to leave them halfway now, and these two people are still his regular customers, but he can also see it Well, raising Xiaobao and the three of them is by no means easy to provoke. If it is not done well, I am afraid that it would not be worthwhile to even get him beaten up.

Of course, his worry is obviously superfluous. Although Yang Xiaobao is strong, he will not attack people for no reason, and these people are ordinary people who have not practiced martial arts. Of course, Yang Xiaobao will not use force Weak.

If these two guys hadn't been interested in reaching out to Xie Yixiang, it would be impossible for Yang Xiaobao to make things difficult for them, let alone take them out of the car.

The driver thought about it for a long time before he said to Yang Xiaobao: "My friend, what's wrong with them, why did you drive them out of the car?"

"What good things did these two guys do? You can ask them yourself." Yang Xiaobao didn't get angry when he heard the driver's words. After all, the driver is also responsible for the passengers in his car. It was understandable, so he said it in a pleasant manner.

The driver went to ask the two guys whose faces were swollen like pigs' heads, but after the two guys got beaten up, they became much more honest. Of course they knew about the good things they did, but they didn't know about it. It was easy to speak, so they all remained silent.

The driver saw that these two guys must have done something wrong, so he didn't ask any more questions. Since that was the case, he didn't care about them anymore, and he couldn't care less.

So, the driver immediately said to Yang Xiaobao: "Friend, we can go now."

(End of this chapter)

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