Chapter 231
After Xie Yixiang passed the physical fitness test, she was also extremely excited.

Of course, what she was excited about was not simply passing the physical fitness test. Of course, there would be no problems in passing the physical fitness test with her original physique. What made her happy was that since she practiced the Variety Magic Ability, her physique was even better than before. It has been enhanced a lot.

It turned out that she had also tested her physical fitness, but at that time, the indicator light on the testing machine was on five times, which could only be regarded as an upper-middle-level physique. However, during the test just now, the indicator light on the testing machine was on seven times. Reached the upper body.

It can be seen that this variety of supernatural powers is really extraordinary, not only can support more than a hundred kinds of changes, but also has the effect of improving physical fitness, which is really amazing.

Moreover, since Xie Yixiang has practiced the Variety Supernatural Ability, she can display her cultivation level at will, or hide her own cultivation level. Where did you learn it from.

But now Xie Yixiang controls her cultivation level to be displayed at Wu Yuan Level [-]. What others see is no longer her original Wu Li Level [-] but Wu Yuan Level [-].

The reason why Xie Yixiang wanted to change her cultivation level was because the highest level of cultivation level to participate in the competition assessment here was only Wu Yuan level [-]. If Xie Yixiang did not change her cultivation level, no one would challenge her.

And once there is no one to challenge, the disciples of the corresponding cultivation level in the sect will compete with her. If this is the case, the chance of winning is obviously not great.

But now that she has changed her cultivation base, she is sure to win when she fights with Wu Yuan-level opponents. This is like a fight between a two- or thirty-year-old strong man and a five- or six-year-old child. It goes without saying who wins or loses.

So as soon as Xie Yixiang came to power, he won five people in a row, without any difference.

However, although the five martial artists who challenged Xie Yixiang failed one by one, they did not feel dissatisfied with Xie Yixiang, and they were grateful, because Xie Yixiang was merciful to them, not even a little heavy handed Now, of course they are all well aware of this.

After Xie Yixiang won five games in a row, the suzerain immediately announced Wang Xiaoyan as the outer disciple of Shuangxuezong, and when she wanted to announce Yixiang as a disciple on the spot, she did not expect to be preempted by the elder Sun Ningyan.

Because Sun Ningyan also felt it, the suzerain must also want to accept this girl who is as beautiful as a fairy, but she treats this girl not only because of her extraordinary beauty, but also because she has a kind of love for this girl. It was an unusually familiar feeling, so she had to take Yi Xiang as her apprentice no matter what.

So she took advantage of the suzerain's announcement that Xie Yixiang was qualified as an outer disciple, and she spoke after a slight pause, and said directly to Xie Yixiang: "Wang Xiaoyan, congratulations on passing the examination and becoming a disciple of this sect. Are you willing to worship in this sect?" Under the seat, become the second closed disciple of this seat?"

"I am willing." Xie Yixiang was overjoyed when she heard that the master suddenly wanted to accept her as a disciple, and said without thinking, she was planning to enter the sect, and then pass the assessment of the inner disciples, and then try to worship the master However, he did not expect the master to accept her as a disciple now. Happiness really came too suddenly.

"Okay, from now on, you will be the second disciple of this seat." Sun Ningyan agreed immediately after seeing Yi Xiang, and immediately said excitedly, it's no wonder she was happy, she thought that Xie Yixiang would hesitate, but she didn't expect Xie Yixiang immediately agreed without even thinking about it. It seems that this girl and her are really not a normal fate.

When Xie Yixiang heard that the master said that she was the second disciple, she couldn't help laughing secretly. After all, Xie Yixiang has been Sun Ningyan's disciple for so many years, how could she not know that the master is her disciple?It doesn't matter whether the master accepts the first disciple or the second disciple, it's all her.

Xie Yixiang's side has already been accepted by Sun Ningyan as disciples, while Yang Xiaobao and Bai Shuangfei have just started their turn to participate, and the people in front are eliminated quite quickly, many people are only in the first level of physical fitness assessment. One item was eliminated, otherwise, I don't know when it will be scheduled?

After all, brothers Yang Xiaobao and Bai Shuangfei came later, and there were too many people queuing in front.

And brothers Yang Xiaobao and Bai Shuangfei don't give way like Xie Yixiang, this is the difference between men and women.

Although Yang Xiaobao and Bai Shuangfei brothers are both outstanding handsome guys, most of the people participating in the assessment here are men. Although these men feel good about Yang Xiaobao and Bai Shuangfei brothers, they have not yet arrived. To the extent that they should give way, after all, their sexual orientation is female rather than male, and they don't know Yang Xiaobao and Bai Shuangfei brothers, so naturally it is impossible to make room for them.

And although there are female contestants participating in the assessment here, they are just a few of them. Even if they fell in love with Yang Xiaobao and Bai Shuangfei, it is impossible for them to give way to strange men in public come out.

So Yang Xiaobao and Bai Shuangfei had no choice but to line up honestly at the back, and the line lasted for about an hour. When it was their turn to take the stage, Xie Yixiang's assessment had successfully ended.

Because raising Xiaobao put his brother Bai Shuangfei in the front row, so the two brothers were the first to take part in the assessment. Bai Shuangfei took the physical fitness test first. Needless to say, he naturally passed it smoothly, and he was still in the top class. constitution.

It is not surprising that Bai Shuangfei successfully passed the physical fitness test. After all, before he practiced the Variety Aura, his physique had already reached the standard, and after practicing the Variety Aura, his physique improved significantly. A lot, so he won't make any mistakes in passing the physical fitness test.

Then there is the competition assessment. The competition assessment rules of Lingdanshe are the same as the assessment rules of the top ten sects. It also requires five consecutive victories to win. After winning, one has to pass a more stringent assessment of herbal knowledge .

Therefore, it is much more difficult to pass the examination of the outer disciples of Lingdanshe than the outer disciples of the top ten sects, and there is also a limit to the number of their tricks, as long as ten qualified outer disciples are received each year No more charges.

In fact, with their high entry threshold, they may not be able to recruit ten outer disciples every year. Take last year as an example, their Spirit Pill House only recruited eight qualified outer disciples, so , they set a quota of only ten disciples per year. This rule limit is basically redundant.

However, no matter whether it is redundant or not, since they have formulated this rule, they will still abide by it. As long as they have recruited enough ten disciples, they will immediately close the stall and go home.

But this time, it has been a long time since the boss, and only received one qualified player, barely qualified, but the elders in charge of the recruitment work at Lingdanshe still accepted this barely qualified player, after all, they wanted to accept a It is very difficult to have a completely qualified, very qualified outer disciple, and it is very difficult to meet one in ten years.

And now the presiding elder sees that Bai Shuangfei's physique is advanced, and his eyes light up, but only for a moment. After all, this is the first test at the beginning, and there are two more difficult ones below. Only if all the tests are up to standard can they officially pass the assessment. Therefore, it is too early to be happy.

Then in the competition assessment, Bai Shuangfei also easily passed the five-game winning streak.

Because he, like Xie Yixiang, controlled his cultivation at the level of Wuyuan, so his opponents were all at the level of Wuyuan. With such a strong cheat, he wanted to win easily. It's all hard.

Then there is the content of the knowledge assessment on herbal medicine. This assessment content seems simple, but it is not easy to pass the test. It is even more difficult to pass the test. , it is impossible to pass.

It is simple, because it is simple in terms of the form of the assessment. The content of this assessment is that the person in charge of the assessment from Lingdanshe takes out a monitor like a tablet computer, and randomly displays [-] kinds of medicinal herbs. As long as the examinee recognizes two of them If one hundred kinds of herbs barely pass the test, if one can recognize two hundred and one kinds of herbs, it is considered to have passed the test.

If you can get to know more, then you will enter some important departments of Lingdanshe. If you are lucky, you may be favored by the alchemist in the sect and directly accepted as a personal drug boy, and once you become the alchemist's personal Yaotong will generally become a future alchemist, of course it mainly depends on one's own ability, luck and other factors.

But now, Bai Shuangfei is standing next to this monitor, looking at the herbs that appear randomly. When the first herb came out, Bai Shuangfei looked at it and didn't recognize it. Liang, because his adoptive father took him to see this kind of herb in Mochouhai, and his adoptive father also knew this kind of herb and introduced it to him in detail, so Bai Shuangfei recognized this herb right away. A herb.

After the third and fourth herbs were displayed, Bai Shuangfei still didn't recognize them, so he had to look down again. Fortunately, Bai Shuangfei also recognized the fifty herbs in succession, because these fifty herbs , his adoptive father also taught him, so Bai Shuangfei still recognized him at a glance.

Bai Shuangfei's ability to remember these medicinal herbs was mainly due to two aspects. On the one hand, he had a knowledgeable and miraculous adoptive father. Without the teaching of his foster father, it would be impossible for him to recognize these medicinal herbs.

(End of this chapter)

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