Guwu's future pretending to slap the face system

Chapter 235 Bodhidharma 8 Shovels

Chapter 235 Dharma Eighteen Shovels

Since Yang Xiaobao already knew that the Great Monk Zhan Kuang had hidden three murderous intentions when he shoveled down, naturally he would not fall into his trap.

So Yang Xiaobao didn't bother to pay attention to his shovel at all, and suddenly made a void turn, and after a few wrong steps, he circled behind the great monk.

The Great Monk Zhan Kuang wanted to give Yang Xiaobao three ruthless blows immediately after Yang Xiaobao accepted his move, but before he could use the last three moves, he suddenly couldn't see Yang Xiaobao's figure up.

This made him feel very strange. It was really strange that a good living person disappeared so suddenly.

Yang Xiaobao turned to the back of the great monk, and did not sneak up on him, because he didn't need it at all.

If you really want to fight the great monk, it doesn't take a second to raise Xiaobao, and the great monk will be finished, but you can't do that with raising Xiaobao.

If Yang Xiaobao really killed the Great Monk in seconds, it would be really eye-catching.

After all, he is now an ordinary person. Even if he is super powerful, he can't be too strong.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao can only try to control himself not to use too much strength. Of course, at Yang Xiaobao's martial arts level, he can basically do whatever he wants and send and receive freely. can be controlled in time.

Of course, no matter what, even if he wants to act a play that must be acted, Yang Xiaobao has to act it out, and it is best not to let people see that he is acting.

And to do this is not an easy task.

But no matter how easy it is, raising Xiaobao must perform this scene well, and it must be performed wonderfully, otherwise, it is very likely that people will see the flaws.

Undoubtedly, if these strong men were to see their flaws, nothing good would happen, and it might even lead to fatal consequences.

The great monk was just stunned for a moment, and immediately found that Yang Xiaobao had moved behind him.

This made the great monk feel very miraculous. After he turned around, he looked at Yang Xiaobao very puzzled, not knowing how Yang Xiaobao did it.

Of course Yang Xiaobao would not explain to him how he did it, nor did he have the obligation to explain it to the great monk.

However, the Great Monk obviously also knew that it was impossible for Yang Xiaobao to tell him. Although he was very curious, he also knew that now was not the time to be curious.

It's better to knock this little boy down, if you knock this little boy down, no matter how hard you press him, you won't have to worry about him not talking.

It's just that he wants to defeat Yang Xiaobao. Although this idea is good, it is impossible to realize. It can only be wishful thinking of the great monk.

However, the great monk doesn't think so now, he still firmly believes that he can defeat this little boy.

So, the great monk immediately shoveled towards Yang Xiaobao's chest again, and shouted loudly, trying to divert Yang Xiaobao's attention by this, and then gave him a few ruthless blows.

Yang Xiaobao didn't care what kind of tricks he was playing, he just turned around in the void, and then turned aside, the big monk's shovel was naturally empty, and the back move he wanted to leave for Yang Xiaobao was still unusable superior.

Seeing that Yang Xiaobao was just dodging blindly, the great monk thought that Yang Xiaobao was afraid of him, so he immediately laughed out loud, and then said: "Little boy, don't be afraid, don't run away, the family will not take your life." .”

Yang Xiaobao heard the great monk's self-satisfied words, although it was a bit funny, but he still didn't laugh, so he said: "Great monk, if you can hurt me, then you are capable."

The Great Monk Zhan Kuang saw that Yang Xiaobao was not afraid of him, not only he was not annoyed, but also very happy, he was afraid that Yang Xiaobao would not be able to beat him and suddenly gave up, that would be no fun.

However, his worry is obviously superfluous. It is impossible for Yang Xiaobao to be afraid of him, and it is even more impossible for him to admit defeat.

The great monk stopped talking nonsense, and then he shoveled at Yang Xiaobao again, and it wasn't just one shovel, and then he shoveled three times in a row, pulling out several shoveling flowers in the air, which looked really spectacular.

However, Yang Xiaobao still didn't accept his move. Although Yang Xiaobao held a long sword in his hand, he just held it in his hand and didn't use any sword moves. Besides, Yang Xiaobao didn't know any sword moves. Well, the reason why he wanted to hold a long sword was just for show.

Yang Xiaobao still turned around in the void, and after turning around a few times, he immediately moved aside again. The seemingly beautiful shovels by the great monk didn't even touch the corner of Yang Xiaobao's clothes, let alone Talk about what harm it did to Yang Xiaobao.

Seeing that Yang Xiaobao was just dodging blindly, the great monk immediately became unhappy, because every time he tried his best and tried his best to use tricks against Yang Xiaobao, they were all in the air, and even Yang Xiaobao None of the hair was touched.

Therefore, the great monk immediately yelled and said: "Little boy, what's the matter with you, you just dodge like this blindly, you don't need to hold a sword, do you want to have a pleasant fight?"

"Great monk, are you unhappy? I am very happy." Yang Xiaobao heard the voice of great dissatisfaction from the great monk, so he immediately laughed and said, anyway, the great monk has already entered the ring, so he insists on winning It's impossible to lose, so Yang Xiaobao is not afraid of him getting annoyed. If he is really annoyed, he will lose faster.

The purpose of raising Xiaobao is to make him admit defeat. Of course, if the monk does not admit defeat after a certain period of time, Yang Xiaobao will kick him off the ring. After all, there are not so many people raising Xiaobao. Time wasted with him in this arena.

Seeing Yang Xiaobao smiling, the great monk is not easy to get angry, and it is useless to say that he has a fit.

So the great monk didn't continue talking, he just wanted to catch Yang Xiaobao and beat him up, so as to get rid of the unhappiness in his heart.

However, he also knows that it is extremely difficult to catch Yang Xiaobao, because Yang Xiaobao is as slippery as a loach, and he has not touched the corner of Yang Xiaobao's clothes until now.

Now they can only resort to ruthless tricks constantly, thus forcing Yang Xiaobao to accept the tricks from him.

So the great monk suddenly pulled out all the stops this time, and swung eighteen shovels at Yang Xiaobao in a row. It seemed dazzling and amazing.

Although the Eighteen Moves of the Great Monk came very fiercely, Yang Xiaobao saw it clearly, so he raised the long sword casually, and the Eighteen Moves of the Great Monk were broken by Yang Xiaobao at that time .

The great monk was really taken aback at this time. You must know that just now he used all his strength to use the trick of pressing the bottom of the box - Dharma's eighteen shovels. He was cracked in one move, which couldn't help but surprise him.

It seems that this little boy is really capable, the monk couldn't help admiring in his heart.

However, the more he found out that Xiaobao was capable of raising Xiaobao, the more excited he became. You know, he is a fighting maniac, and he certainly hoped that his opponent would be stronger.

And he also knew that even if he lost, this little boy would not kill him, the monk could see this clearly.

The great monk immediately became excited, and with this excitement, he immediately swung eighteen shovels in a row. However, Yang Xiaobao ignored him this time, and continued to dodge with empty steps.

The reason why Yang Xiaobao uses the Void Turn Step to avoid it is mainly to practice the Void Turn Step. Only the more complex moves are in front of him, the better he can be trained.

This move in the void seems simple, but it is not simple at all, and this move is also the most frequently used by Yang Xiaobao, and this move is often able to predict the enemy's opportunity first and have unexpected consequences .

Just like just now, Yang Xiaobao used this move to turn around in the void, and suddenly went around behind the great monk. If the big monk is a master, Yang Xiaobao can surprise him by going around behind him. Keep him unable to eat and walk around.

Seeing that Yang Xiaobao used this move to dodge again, the great monk couldn't help feeling helpless. Although he intended to fight Yang Xiaobao, but Yang Xiaobao didn't accept his move, so he was helpless.

But no matter how helpless the great monk is, there is nothing he can do. There is nothing wrong with raising Xiaobao not to accept moves. No one can demand that in the ring competition, he must accept the opponent's moves. After all, it is also a skill for someone to dodge the opponent's attack. If you have the ability, you can also catch him and beat him up. If you don't have this ability, you can't blame others for dodging, as long as the opponent doesn't dodge the ring.

Therefore, although the great monk is helpless, he still has no choice but to continue to attack. Although he can't hit the opponent, it is good to be able to move around.

However, Yang Xiaobao didn't want to continue playing with him anymore.

He decided to fight the great monk for one more round, and if he didn't consciously admit defeat, he would kick him off the ring, thus ending the fight and winning.

The great monk didn't know the idea of ​​raising Xiaobao. Anyway, it was impossible for him to admit defeat on his own initiative. Even if he couldn't win, he would continue to fight, because he always maintained the greatest enthusiasm for fighting.

This is like a stubborn gambler who will not leave the casino unless he loses all his money, unless the casino is closed, but the possibility of the casino closing is basically unlikely.

So, the great monk continued to move again, and it was still his best move - Bodhidharma's eighteen shovels, and this time he played a new trick, each shovel brought a shovel flower, a total of ten The eight flowers look even more dazzling.

However, from Yang Xiaobao's point of view, it is still a trick that can't be put on the table. Of course, this is because Yang Xiaobao's cultivation base is much higher than his, and Yang Xiaobao's own Taiji Taichu magic is quite powerful. for the sake.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao still ignored him and resorted to the movement method of turning around in the void, and after a few turning steps, he dodged behind him.

And just when the great monk was surprised, Yang Xiaobao kicked his ass, and then his whole body was kicked by Yang Xiaobao, and after two turns in the air, He fell into the ring involuntarily, and then there was a "dong" sound from the floor below the stage.

(End of this chapter)

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