Guwu's future pretending to slap the face system

Chapter 237 Picking chrysanthemums under the east fence, leisurely seeing Nanshan

Chapter 237 Picking chrysanthemums under the east fence, leisurely seeing Nanshan

Xie Yixiang has been observing the situation on Yang Xiaobao's side in the arena. When she saw an old man suddenly appear out of thin air on the arena of Lingdanshe, and then walked to Yang Xiaobao's side, although he didn't know what the old man was going to do, But at that moment, she also suddenly felt very nervous.

Although this kind of tension is very sudden, although this kind of tension is very inexplicable, it is still nervous.

However, this nervous feeling didn't last long, and it was relieved in less than a minute, because she suddenly saw the old man laughing again, and praised Yang Xiaobao loudly, And at this time, Xie Yixiang felt inexplicably happy again.

Then she saw that Yang Xiaobao had passed the assessment and became a disciple of Lingdanshe. At this point, Xie Yixiang, Yang Xiaobao, and his brother Bai Yunfei had all entered their respective sects as they wished, and they could be regarded as following their own. willing.

At this time, Xie Yixiang couldn't sit still any longer, she had to go over to Yang Xiaobao, and Bai Yunfei to say goodbye, otherwise, it would be very difficult to meet each other after entering their respective sects .

Because Xie Yixiang seemed to have a premonition at this time that she and Yang Xiaobao might not have many opportunities to meet in the future, and she naturally didn't want to miss the opportunity to meet now.

Therefore, Xie Yixiang immediately said to her master Sun Ningyan: "Master, my friend passed the examination, I want to go over and congratulate them."

"Go, go and come back quickly." Sun Ningyan said to Xie Yixiang very pitifully. She now has a very strange feeling for this new disciple, which makes her feel very strange, but she can't figure it out for a while. What's going on, so I didn't bother to think about it, so I just followed my feeling.

Xie Yixiang immediately agreed, and then quickly ran to the ring on Lingdanshe's side.

And the disciples at Lingdanshe's side suddenly saw a beautiful woman who was as beautiful as a fairy running towards them, and they were immediately overjoyed like something.

As Xie Yixiang approached, this beautiful feeling became even more amazing. When the contestants saw Xie Yixiang approaching, they all involuntarily moved out of the way, and Xie Yixiang walked along this path until he reached the place where Xiaobao was raised. In front of him, it was very natural, whispering softly.

The watching crowd was stunned again. They didn't expect that Wen Danxi was not only a genius of alchemy, but also had such a girlfriend who was as beautiful as a fairy.

Of course, when Yang Xiaobao saw Xie Yixiang coming, he was also very happy. After learning that Xie Yixiang was accepted as a disciple by her master again, he was even more happy. Now that he is well, Xie Yixiang has returned to her master's side again.

Originally, raising Xiaobao was a little bit worried about Xie Yixiang, but now he is finally relieved and can practice with peace of mind.

Yang Xiaobao and Xie Yixiang whispered their own words, although the people who saw them were envious, but there was nothing they could do about it. Who called this Wen Danxi such an outstanding person?
Bai Yunfei saw Xie Yixiang coming to talk to his elder brother Yang Xiaobao, so he stood aside consciously. He also felt that only an outstanding man like his eldest brother deserves such a beautiful sister-in-law, and the prince of Yuanshi Kingdom is just a toad who wants to eat Just swan meat.

However, it didn't take long for Xie Yixiang and Yang Xiaobao to talk, and the work of recruiting disciples from other sects was over, so Xie Yixiang had to say goodbye to Yang Xiaobao and her brother Bai Yunfei, and returned to her master.

Yang Xiaobao and his brother Bai Yunfei also boarded the special car of Lingdanshe along with the elders of Lingdanshe and other sect disciples, and then the special car drove out of the central square of Huayang Empire, and then drove towards the gate of the imperial capital .

It took only 10 minutes for Lingdanshe's special car to arrive at the city gate, but the mech soldiers guarding the city saw that it was Lingdanshe's special car coming, so they let it go without stopping or questioning. .

After Lingdanshe's special car left the city, it went all the way west.

After driving westward for half an hour, the special car came to the entrance of a Grand Canyon.

There is a three-story building at the entrance of the Grand Canyon. Below the building is a large parking lot, which is also piled with various luxury vehicles.

The special car that Yang Xiaobao was riding in also drove into the parking lot, and everyone got out of the car one by one.

Yang Xiaobao looked at such a three-story building, and he was also puzzled, thinking that this is the panacea house.

However, the question in his heart was quickly asked out for him, and someone quickly answered it for him.

A novice disciple named Shan Kaihuai suddenly asked the monk Zhan Kuang who was kicked off the ring by Yang Xiaobao: "Brother, is this the Spirit Pill House?"

"Little boy, let me tell you, this is the parking lot outside the Lingdanshe. The Lingdanshe has not arrived yet." The great monk answered Shan Kaihuai's question, and took a special look at Yang Xiaobao before rushing back. Yang Xiaobao grinned, he admires Yang Xiaobao very much now, and he doesn't hold any grudges against Yang Xiaobao kicking him off the ring.

Yang Xiaobao also smiled and nodded at the great monk. He still has a good feeling for the great monk. Although he is a bit rude, he is also a relatively upright person, and that's enough.

After Yang Xiaobao heard that this was only the outer parking lot of Lingdanshe, he couldn't help but nodded secretly, that's right, how could Lingdanshe look like this?
Then everyone walked into the canyon under the leadership of an elder. Could it be that the Spirit Pill Valley is still in such a canyon?

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help asking another question in his heart, but this time, no one asked what was in his heart for him. Although these new disciples must have the same question about raising Xiaobao in their hearts, no one asked.

Of course, it's the same whether you ask or not. Lingyu Valley is where it should be, and it will naturally arrive when it should arrive.

So everyone followed the leading elder all the way, and no one asked anything.

Of course, if these new disciples don't ask, it is naturally impossible for those senior brothers to explain to them on their own initiative.

After walking for about 10 minutes, the elder leading the way suddenly stopped in front of a cliff.

Yang Xiaobao saw that the leading elder was standing in front of the cliff, and he was no longer going deep into the canyon, so he couldn't help but wonder again, could it be that the panacea could not be made inside the cliff?
But as soon as Yang Xiaobao had a question about this idea, an answer appeared immediately, and the answer was not said by someone, but the stone wall answered Yang Xiaobao's question by itself.

At this moment, the elder put something like a lock key on a groove on the stone wall. As soon as the thing was put in, there was a "click" sound from the stone wall, and then the lock on the stone wall There was a door.

With the sound of "Kaka", the stone door opened quickly.

The elder who opened the door walked into the stone door first, and everyone followed him in. Soon after everyone entered, the stone door made another "click" sound, and then closed automatically.

As soon as Yang Xiaobao came in, he was immediately stunned by the sight in front of him.

There are many green bamboos and many peach trees in it. The peach blossoms on the trees are blooming, red and white, competing for beauty.

There are also small bridges and flowing water, and the smoke on the roof of the farmhouse, as well as the crowing of chickens and the barking of dogs, which is such an idyllic scenery.

Of course, in addition to these, there is also a large area, a large area of ​​elixir gardens.

Is this Lingdanshe?It is also worthy of the name.

However, Yang Xiaobao suddenly felt Tao Yuanming's feeling of "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence and seeing Nanshan leisurely".

(End of this chapter)

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