Guwu's future pretending to slap the face system

Chapter 249 Psychic Remote Sensor

Chapter 249 Psychic Remote Sensor

There are three questions in raising Xiaobao that need to be asked by Master Cheap, because these three questions are very important, so I have to understand them.

However, Yang Xiaobao had just started to ask the first question, and the cheap master still didn't answer it completely, and he still started from this world.

However, raising Xiaobao is not in a hurry, besides, there is nothing to worry about, and it is rare to be free now.

Therefore, not only is it not in a hurry to raise Xiaobao, but he is also generally interested in the simple and profound description of the world that Master Cheap just gave.

Moreover, Master Cheap now has almost described the general situation of this world. It should be said that he will soon return to the first question Yang Xiaobao asked.

However, what I didn't expect was that after describing the world, Jin Ximei forgot the question Yang Xiaobao asked him just now, so she had to smile at Yang Xiaobao embarrassedly, and then said: "Dan Xi , what did you ask me just now?"

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help being stunned for a moment when he heard what Master Cheap said, he didn't expect her to forget it so quickly, but he also smiled at Master Cheap to express his understanding.

After all, not everyone has such a heaven-defying memory. If everyone has a super memory like Yang Xiaobao, wouldn't it be too easy for Lingdanshe to recruit outer disciples in the central square of Huayang Empire?

However, in fact, Lingdanshe does not recruit more than ten outer disciples each year. In fact, it is relatively easy to pass the first two tests. The test is still memory.

Because the medicinal herbs displayed on the display in Lingdanshe are randomly changing, and there are thousands of real medicinal herbs, this requires a super strong memory.

And just because Yang Xiaobao has a heaven-defying memory, such an assessment is not difficult for Yang Xiaobao at all, so Yang Xiaobao can easily recognize five hundred kinds of herbs and become a panacea She judged the geniuses in the eyes of the elders, and then the Lingdanshe directly arranged for the new alchemist Jin Ximei's personal medicine boy for the first time.

Yang Xiaobao showed a smile to the cheap master, and then said: "Master, what I asked you just now is, how did you get in touch with that servant Laifu?"

"Oh, that's right, you asked this question just now, and I blamed you for interrupting me just now, so I forgot it." Jin Ximei immediately remembered it when Yang Xiaobao reminded her, but still He glanced at Yang Xiaobao reproachfully and said.

As soon as Yang Xiaobao heard the words of the cheap master, he immediately became reckless, thinking that this cheap master was really unreasonable, and he blamed him for not interrupting when he forgot.

Well, since you want to complain, just complain about it, who told you that you are a master!
After Jin Ximei complained about raising Xiaobao, she immediately said: "Actually, anyone who has stayed in Lingdanshe for a while will know the question you asked, but since you asked it, I will tell you. "

When Jin Ximei said this, she still paused for a while, and took a look at Yang Xiaobao, and found that Yang Xiaobao was listening attentively, so she nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "There is a very special way of contact in this world. People who hear it at first will be surprised, but it’s really nothing, and after you get used to it, you will feel accustomed to it.”

When Jin Ximei said this, she paused again. Yang Xiaobao was just hearing the important point, and wanted Master Qi to speak out quickly, but Master Cheap seems to have become accustomed to the habit of pausing when speaking, and the sound of the waves is still the same.

But Yang Xiaobao didn't speak, he originally wanted to press for a question, but when he thought that Master Cheap had complained twice that he shouldn't intervene, he had no choice but to hold back.

Jin Ximei took a look at Yang Xiaobao and saw that he hesitated to speak, as if he wanted to say something but didn't dare to say it. She thought it was quite interesting, so she paused on purpose.

But Yang Xiaobao still didn't say anything, Jin Ximei smiled immediately, and then said: "Then what kind of contact method is this?"

After Jin Ximei asked this question, she still didn't forget to look at Yang Xiaobao, who immediately rolled her eyes back, meaning you don't ask me, if I want to know, I won't ask you any questions.

Jin Ximei also knew the meaning of raising Xiaobao. She wanted to laugh, but she held back, and then said: "This kind of contact method has a name called 'psychic remote sensor'"

"Psychic remote sensor? What is this stuff?" Yang Xiaobao couldn't help asking curiously when he suddenly heard Master Cheap say such a new term.

Seeing that Yang Xiaobao interrupted him again, Jin Ximei gave Yang Xiaobao a hard look.

As soon as the words about raising Xiaobao came out, I immediately remembered that Master Cheap didn't like others to interrupt her, but just now he just asked subconsciously, and even forgot that Master Cheap still has such a rule, but now I have already asked, but I can't take it back, so I can only shrink my neck subconsciously.

Jin Ximei originally wanted to scold Yang Xiaobao, but when she saw Yang Xiaobao shrinking his neck nervously, she was a little cute, so she couldn't help but feel moved, and she held back her complaints.

Jin Ximei immediately said: "This telepathic remote sensor, to put it bluntly, is like a telepathic dialogue machine. As long as it is within a certain range, it can communicate with the other party by telepathy."

When Yang Xiaobao heard it, he felt that this telekinesis is really magical.

It's really amazing. Originally, he downloaded a "Guwu Future Pretending to Slap the Face System" on his mobile phone on the earth, but he accidentally traveled to Yunyang Star. He felt amazing. He didn't expect that there are still There is such an amazing thing as a telekinesis.

"So, how do I install this telekinesis?" Yang Xiaobao then interjected and asked. He also couldn't get rid of the habit of interjecting. He glanced at the cheap master.

However, this time, Jin Ximei surprisingly didn't complain about Yang Xiaobao's intention to intervene, and also answered Yang Xiaobao's question very straightforwardly.

"This telekinesis does not need to be installed. You just need to wear two identical rings, or put them on your body." After Jin Ximei finished speaking, she immediately took out two identical rings.

Yang Xiaobao took a look at the two rings, and found that they were just two very ordinary rings, but he did not expect such ordinary rings to have such miraculous effects.

Jin Ximei then handed Yang Xiaobao a ring, and said, "Danxi, each of us has one of these two rings. As long as we are within a radius of five hundred miles in the world of Lingdanshe, we can communicate at any time."

Yang Xiaobao took the ring, and looked at it curiously, but he didn't see any tricks. It was really just a ring, so he didn't look at it anymore, and immediately took it on his hand.

However, in order to verify the effect of this remote sensor, Yang Xiaobao immediately called Master silently in his heart. Unexpectedly, Jin Ximei immediately responded with a message: "How is it? Danxi, this remote sensor is very useful, right?" .”

Yang Xiaobao smiled immediately after receiving the message from cheap master, and then said to Jin Ximei: "Master, this telekinesis is really good, such a ring should not be cheap."

"How should I put it, for ordinary people, such two rings are indeed not cheap. After all, such two rings also need 20 gold coins, but for real martial arts, such hundreds of thousands of gold coins are really expensive. It's nothing." Jin Ximei continued.

Yang Xiaobao nodded when he heard Master Cheap's explanation, and he felt the same way about Master Cheap's explanation.

Indeed, 20 gold coins is really an astronomical figure for real ordinary people, but for Wu Xiu, these 20 gold coins are really nothing, and for Yang Xiaobao's current net worth, It's nothing more.

Now that the words have come to this point, the first question about raising Xiaobao, his master cheap is considered to have given him a fairly detailed answer, and not only answered, but also gave him a ring, which is the relationship between him and cheap. Master's Psychic Remote Sensor.

Of course, Yang Xiaobao was quite satisfied with the answer to the first question, so he decided to ask the second question to Master Cheap.

Jin Ximei was also ready to continue answering questions, and looked at Yang Xiaobao with a smile on her face.

So Yang Xiaobao immediately asked the cheap master: "Master, I heard you and Ding Laifu talking about the alchemy competition that will be held in half a month. I don't know what is going on with this alchemy competition. Master explain."

When Jin Ximei heard that Yang Xiaobao took the initiative to ask about Danby's affairs half a month later, she couldn't help being very satisfied, and gave Yang Xiaobao a very appreciative look, because this question was originally related to Yang Xiaobao, and she was going to ask She told him this time, but she didn't expect Yang Xiaobao to ask him out, which made her feel very relieved.

Therefore, Jin Ximei immediately said to Yang Xiaobao: "This question still has to start from the forces of this world, but since you have already asked, I will tell you everything."

When Yang Xiaobao heard what Master Cheap said, he immediately felt very surprised, so he didn't care whether he would interrupt Master Cheap or whether she would complain, he couldn't help asking curiously: "Master, Isn’t this a spiritual alchemy house? How come there are other forces?”

"It is true that Lingdanshe is here, but Lingdanshe is only one of the big forces in this world, and there are still a few forces in this world that are bigger than Lingdanshe." Jin Ximei replied immediately, and she This time, he didn't complain that Yang Xiaobao interrupted her.

(End of this chapter)

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