Chapter 251 The Third Question

After Yang Xiaobao drank a few glasses of wine with his cheap master and ate a few big lobsters, he regained his energy immediately.

And Jin Ximei's face turned red after a few glasses of wine, but she was still in good spirits, and her eyes were particularly bright.

Yang Xiaobao saw that cheap master looked good, so he said: "Master, you can continue talking now."

"Okay, keep talking, keep talking." Jin Ximei said immediately, but now she also forgot where she said it, so she had to say to Yang Xiaobao: "Danxi, where did I just say it?"

But this time Jin Ximei didn't complain about Yang Xiaobao interrupting.

"Master, you just said that after the decline of Lingdanshe, three sects rose up immediately, but in order to compete for the leadership of this world, these three sects fought endlessly every year, making people's lives difficult." Yang Xiaobao saw Master Cheap again forgot the Huatou, so he had to remind him.

"That's right, after the rise of these three sects, they immediately made life difficult for the people of this world. The other five sects, including Lingdanshe, all joined forces to oppose it. Later, they also realized this problem and knew that they could not If things go on like this, if they continue to fight like this for years, the world will be destroyed in their hands sooner or later, so the eight major sects sat down and discussed a solution, which is to give up the war. Which sect leads the world, there are two different voices."

When Jin Ximei said this, she paused again, and after taking a breath, she continued: "One kind of opinion is that the eight major sects take turns to sit on the manor, and the other opinion is that through alchemy competitions between the major sects, the alchemist with the highest score The sect where the teacher belongs to will have the right to lead the world for three years, and once the three years pass, the alchemy competition will continue."

When Jin Ximei said this, she paused as usual, and found that Yang Xiaobao didn't mean to intervene, so she nodded immediately, and then said: "After heated discussions, the eight major sects quickly rejected the first kind of rotation. plan, because this kind of plan will lead to a situation where the weak lead the strong, and once this situation occurs, it is very likely that there will be chaos again. After all, letting the strong accept the leadership of the weak must not be accepted by the strong, so in the end One has agreed to adopt the second plan, to determine the ownership of the leadership of this world through the alchemy competition of alchemists of various sects."

"But the alchemist competition can only compare the alchemy ability of this sect, and can't see other abilities of this sect, right?" Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but interjected again.

Jin Ximei saw that Yang Xiaobao started to interrupt again, and couldn't help but glared at him fiercely.

Yang Xiaobao shrank his neck quickly when he saw the cheap master staring at him.

Seeing that Yang Xiaobao looked like this, Jin Ximei had to endure the words of blame, but she ignored the new question Yang Xiaobao asked just now, and then continued according to her train of thought: "From now on, every three years There is going to be a Danby, but our Lingdanshe has not won the first Danby for eight consecutive times, and this year is the ninth time."

When Jin Ximei said this, she seemed to be very disappointed, and Yang Xiaobao suddenly felt a little heartache when she saw it.

"Then how does Danby compare?" Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but interjected again.

But Jin Ximei didn't complain about Yang Xiaobao's interjection this time, but took a look at Yang Xiaobao and said, "Of course Danbi is competing in alchemy, Danxi, you haven't seen alchemy yet, have you?"

"No, master, I have never seen alchemy before!" Yang Xiaobao said immediately, and he was right. Yang Xiaobao had never seen anyone else make alchemy, and it was precisely because of this that he came here. Lingdanshe learned it.

"It's okay. After we go back, I'll make a furnace for you to see. You have to hurry up and study, because you will also be on stage this time, Danby." Jin Ximei said immediately.

"Master, you really want me to come on stage." Yang Xiaobao said excitedly.

"Yes, as my personal drug boy, of course you will participate, and before participating in Danby, there will be a competition among you drug boys. As for how to compare, you will know when the time comes." Jin Ximei said immediately, However, she found it strange that Yang Xiaobao was so excited when he heard that he was going to be on the stage. You must know that other drug boys were worried about something when they heard that he was going to be on the stage, but her disciple was fine. He even got excited.

"Okay, master, when will we compete?" Yang Xiaobao still asked excitedly.

"Of course I will notify you when the game comes. Why are you so excited?" Jin Ximei couldn't help but give Yang Xiaobao a blank look when she saw Yang Xiaobao looked like he had found money.

"As soon as I heard about the competition, I was excited, Master, you can't blame me." Yang Xiaobao said immediately.

Seeing Yang Xiaobao like this, Jin Ximei couldn't help but smiled and said, "If you want to be excited, you can be excited. Why should I blame you?"

Seeing the second question, Yang Xiaobao almost answered the answer. Although the answer was not as detailed as the first question, it was still satisfactory. It seems that it is better to continue with the third question.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao immediately asked the cheap master: "Master, I think your identity is not simple, you are not just an alchemist, are you?"

When Jin Ximei heard Yang Xiaobao suddenly asked about her identity, she couldn't help being taken aback.

Of course, her identity is not a secret, and most people in the sect know it. Since my disciple asks now, I should tell him.

However, she didn't say it right away, but cast a reproachful look at Yang Xiaobao, and said, "Why are you thinking about these useless things all day long?"

"Master, this can't be called blind speculation! I saw it with my own eyes. For example, the servant Laifu, for example, in the first floor of the world, the shopkeeper's attitude of respect for you can be seen from these. It is absolutely not easy to become a master." Yang Xiaobao took a serious look at the cheap master, and said truthfully.

"Well, that's right. You are very careful in observing the problem." Seeing Yang Xiaobao's appearance, Jin Ximei thought it was quite interesting, so she casually praised her.

"Master, haven't you mentioned your important status yet?" Yang Xiaobao asked like breaking a casserole.

"My status is not important, I can only say that it is a little higher than the average person." Jin Ximei said immediately.

"Then what is your identity?" Yang Xiaobao still asked reluctantly.

"It's nothing, but the suzerain of Lingdanshe is my father." Jin Ximei said very calmly.

 Good evening friends!That's it for today's update. I made a bowl of noodles at noon, but I didn't notice that the water wasn't boiling. Hey, hey, I went to the toilet too often this afternoon, and my legs were shaking...

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(End of this chapter)

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