Chapter 254 The first time

Yang Xiaobao sang the song "The Song Is Flying", and his cheap master was very intoxicated and fascinated by it, and was almost unable to extricate himself from the artistic conception of the singing.

Yang Xiaobao was also drunk seeing Master Cheap like this.

Jin Ximei, on the other hand, looked at Yang Xiaobao as if he were looking at a national treasure, making his heart tremble.

Yang Xiaobao then said to Master Cheap: "Master, can you make alchemy now?"

Jin Ximei couldn't help being startled when she heard Yang Xiaobao's words, because her thoughts were still immersed in the song Yang Xiaobao sang just now, and Yang Xiaobao suddenly mentioned alchemy, so she didn't react all of a sudden.

But Yang Xiaobao saw that the cheap master was a little dazed, so he had to say again: "Master, can we make alchemy?"

"Alchemy? Okay, let's go to alchemy." Jin Ximei felt very relieved to see Yang Xiaobao being so studious and eager to learn, so she said immediately.

After Jin Ximei finished speaking, she glanced at Yang Xiaobao, and then said, "Danxi, follow me."

Yang Xiaobao then followed Master Cheap from upstairs to the first floor, then turned to the left, and came to a side room, Jin Ximei immediately opened the door and walked into the side room.

Although Yang Xiaobao was a little puzzled, he still didn't say anything, and just followed Master Cheap into this side room.

After Jin Ximei came in, she pressed again on the east wall of the house, and then there was a slight "click" sound on the ground, and then a hole appeared in the middle floor of the house.

Jin Ximei immediately walked towards the entrance of the cave, and Yang Xiaobao followed without saying a word.

Afterwards, Jin Ximei and Yang Xiaobao went down from the entrance of the cave one after the other. Because there was a ladder inside, it was not difficult to get down, so they quickly went down to the bottom. Huh, only a little light comes in from the hole above.

However, Jin Ximei immediately lit a torch, and then lit a few oil lamps around the basement with the torch, and the basement immediately became brighter.

Immediately, Yang Xiaobao saw a platform half a person's height in the middle of the basement, but there was nothing here except such a platform.

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but feel a little strange, because he didn't see the pill furnace, nor did he see anything like Lingyuan grass.

And when Yang Xiaobao was wondering secretly, Jin Ximei walked to the side of the platform, and then a pill stove appeared out of thin air in her hand. Seeing this scene, Yang Xiaobao immediately understood that the pill stove was brought by the cheap master. with.

Yang Xiaobao took a look at this alchemy furnace, it doesn't look big, but it looks a bit small and exquisite, it is much smaller than the universe alchemy furnace he got in Lingyu Valley, and it doesn't seem to have his own universe alchemy furnace so old.

Jin Ximei immediately put the alchemy furnace on the platform, and then cleaned the alchemy furnace again. Although there was nothing inside, Jin Ximei cleaned it very carefully. there is none left.

Then Jin Ximei fiddled with the platform again, and then a flame burst out from the ground, just burning to the position below the alchemy furnace on the platform.

When Yang Xiaobao suddenly saw a ball of flames spouting from the ground, he was startled, but he soon realized that this should be the ground fire, because he had seen it in the Longding Dan book. A description of the ground fire.

At this moment, Jin Ximei was staring at the alchemy furnace on the platform without blinking. When she saw that the temperature of the alchemy furnace had reached a certain level and there was a faint red light coming out, she immediately took out some spiritual essence grass and threw it into the alchemy furnace. In the alchemy furnace.

Yang Xiaobao took a look. These spirit essence grasses are all three-level spirit essence grass, so the refined medicine is also a mysterious-level medicine. As for whether it is a mysterious-level medicine, I will ask later Even if it is cheap, Master will know.

However, now that Master Cheap is concentrating on alchemy, it is obviously not easy to disturb, so Yang Xiaobao just watched quietly from the side.

After Jin Ximei put these spirit essence grasses into the alchemy furnace, the heat immediately began to rise. Jin Ximei then had another thought, and then a shovel appeared in her hand, and then used the shovel to turn it in the alchemy furnace for a while. Like cooking.

When Yang Xiaobao saw this, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, and then shook his head, because the alchemy method he saw in the Longding alchemy book was not like this, and the alchemy furnace could be turned naturally by just using his hands Spirit Yuan Grass.

However, because Yang Xiaobao hasn't really practiced alchemy yet, he doesn't know whether the hand art is good or not. Therefore, he can only watch the cheap master practice it.

However, what he didn't expect was that after a few minutes passed, a puff of green smoke rose from the pill furnace, and there were bursts of mushy gas wafting out, just like fried vegetables. Obviously, this furnace of pill Refining has failed.

Yang Xiaobao was also surprised when he saw this situation. He didn't expect that Master Cheap was only the first step in alchemy, and he failed in the process of purifying the spirit essence grass. It seems that this alchemy is really not an easy task.

When Jin Ximei saw this furnace of burnt spiritual essence grass, she also felt distressed. This is a very precious third-level spiritual essence grass. Can you not feel distressed?

Originally, Jin Ximei was able to refine first-level and second-level spirit grass, that is, yellow-level pills, but it was the first time to refine level-three spirit grass.

It was also because she had listened to Yang Xiaobao's nice song just now, and under the agitation of her mood, she wanted to refine a furnace of third-level spirit essence grass on a whim, but she didn't expect to fail at the first step.

Therefore, Jin Ximei had no choice but to sigh helplessly, then extinguished the ground fire, and then cleaned up the discarded spirit essence grass in the alchemy furnace. After cleaning up, when she was about to throw it away, she was stopped by Yang Xiaobao up.

Because Yang Xiaobao saw that there were two Zhengyi grasses in the third-level Lingyuan grass that Master Qi had just put into the alchemy furnace, and these Zhengyi grasses are important supplementary materials for refining Qingshen Dan, so Yang Xiaobao Now, when I saw that the cheap master was going to throw them away, I immediately thought that I could still keep these discarded spirit primordial herbs. In the future, after my alchemy skills improved, I could still use the medicinal properties of these two plants of beneficial herbs. separated.

So Yang Xiaobao immediately said to Jin Ximei: "Master, don't throw it away."

"This stove of spirit essence grass has been scrapped, so of course we have to throw it away. What's the matter, Dan Xi." Jin Ximei saw that Yang Xiaobao suddenly stopped her and refused to let her throw away the stove of scrap spirit essence grass, so she was very upset. He looked at Yang Xiaobao strangely and said.

"Master, give me this furnace of spirit essence grass, I want to study it." Yang Xiaobao said immediately.

When Jin Ximei heard that Yang Xiaobao said that she wanted to study it, she immediately gave Yang Xiaobao a strange look, thinking that it was just a batch of discarded spirit essence grass, so there was nothing to study, but anyway, this furnace of spirit essence grass was already gone. It's scrapped. Since he wants to study it, let him study it. It depends on what he can research.

Therefore, Jin Ximei immediately handed over a furnace of discarded Lingyuan grass to Yang Xiaobao.

Yang Xiaobao immediately moved his mind, and he took this stove of spirit essence grass into the system space.

After Jin Ximei saw that Yang Xiaobao took away a batch of discarded Lingyuan grass, she also gave Yang Xiaobao a speechless look.

Yang Xiaobao just smiled when he saw Master Cheap's eyes, and didn't say anything, besides, he had nothing to say.

When Jin Ximei saw Yang Xiaobao's smile, she immediately became upset, and said loudly: "Danxi, you are laughing at my failure in alchemy, right?"

"No, Master, I really didn't mean that." Yang Xiaobao said immediately, but seeing Jin Ximei's distraught look, he still couldn't help laughing a few more times.

"You're still laughing." Seeing that Yang Xiaobao was still laughing, Jin Ximei became even angrier.

"I really didn't laugh at you, Master, I really didn't laugh. Winning or losing is a common matter in military affairs. It's nothing funny. You can continue practicing." Yang Xiaobao said very nervously, and shrank his neck.

Jin Ximei couldn't help laughing immediately when she saw Yang Xiaobao's fear of being beaten.

With such a smile, Jin Ximei felt much better, and the annoyance of failing in alchemy just now disappeared immediately.

So she put the alchemy furnace on the ground fire mouth again, and wanted to refine it again, but she didn't dare to refine the third-level spirit essence grass. The spirit essence grass is very precious. If it wasn't for her special status, it would be impossible for her to get a third-level spirit essence grass when she was just promoted to a first-level alchemist.

Therefore, now that Jin Ximei didn't dare to try to refine the third-level spiritual grass, he decided to refine a furnace of the first-level spiritual grass, and then he successfully refined a furnace of elixir.

Therefore, Jin Ximei began to clean the alchemy furnace very carefully until there was no dust left. I have to say that Jin Ximei's attitude towards alchemy is quite sincere and pragmatic.

It can be seen from this that it is indeed not easy to become an alchemist, this is definitely a real skill, and it cannot be faked at all.

After Jin Ximei cleaned up the alchemy furnace, she turned on the ground fire switch again, and then the temperature of the alchemy furnace also rose, and then Jin Ximei immediately took out a furnace of first-grade spirit grass that had been prepared and put it into the alchemy furnace. Then he flipped with the shovel again.

According to the combination of this furnace of spirit essence grass, Yang Xiaobao immediately saw that it was prepared according to the formula of a furnace of Qi training pill, and although Qi training pill is a yellow-level pill, its effect is not small, because It can help ordinary people with poor aptitude to condense their vitality. If the Qi training pill is enough, it can even easily break through to the first level of martial arts, so that an ordinary person can become a real martial arts expert.

Therefore, although the level of Qi training pills is very low, they are very sought-after. Basically, as long as you take out Qi training pills at the auction, they will be sold out quickly, and the price is not cheap.

Then, Yang Xiaobao immediately saw that the spirit essence grass in the alchemy furnace had been refined into a paste-like thing, and Jin Ximei stopped stirring at this time, but carefully controlled the flame size of the ground fire.

Afterwards, Jin Ximei used a shovel to shovel out the separated impurities, but they didn't shovel them clean, and some remained in the pill furnace. Jin Ximei had no choice but to continue to shovel those impurities with the shovel, but the shovel was still not very clean.

However, there is not so much time for her to shovel it now, because as the temperature rises further, the interaction with several kinds of spiritual grass in the pill furnace has now reached a critical point, either becoming a pill or becoming a Medicine dregs.

Therefore, at such a critical point, Jin Ximei didn't even dare to blink her eyes, and then concentrated all the vitality of her body on the palm of her right hand, and then put the vitality in her palm in the alchemy furnace according to the method of alchemy. There was a burst of tossing up and down.

It didn't take much time, Yang Xiaobao immediately smelled the scent of the elixir, Jin Ximei smelled the scent, and unconsciously showed a confident smile on her face, it was obvious that the elixir was refined.

Then Jin Ximei quickly withdrew the vitality of her right hand, and Yang Xiaobao immediately saw thirty beige pills in the pill furnace, including twenty pills of low grade, eight pills of middle grade, and two pills of top grade .

Immediately, Jin Ximei took out a small bottle, copied it with her jade hand, and filled the bottle with thirty qi training pills of different grades in the pill furnace.

After Jin Ximei put away the pills, she glanced at Yang Xiaobao very proudly, and her heart was even more excited, because this batch of pills was not only successfully refined, but also had two high-grade pills, which were her original pills. How could she not be excited by the good grades that have never appeared before?

And Yang Xiaobao was also sincerely happy to see that Master Cheap had successfully refined a batch of qi training pills for the first time, so he also showed a happy smile to Jin Ximei.

(End of this chapter)

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