Chapter 260
After Jin Ximei saw Yang Xiaobao came to the elixir garden, her expression kept changing. She also felt very strange, and she didn't know what Yang Xiaobao was thinking.

In fact, he didn't think about raising Xiaobao, and he didn't have anything to think about. He just thought of the Lingyuan grass in Lingyu Valley from these elixir.

However, Jin Ximei thought that Yang Xiaobao was surprised by seeing so many elixir. Of course, it is normal for her to have this kind of thinking. You must know that when she saw so many elixir in the elixir garden for the first time, she was quite surprised. the shock.

It's just that she didn't know that Yang Xiaobao had been to Lingyu Valley before, and the Lingyuan grass he saw was even worse than these elixir, so she wanted to make Yang Xiaobao feel shocked by these elixir It feels really hard.

And it's not only Jin Ximei who thinks this way, but the drug boys in the elixir garden saw Yang Xiaobao's face changing, and they also thought that Yang Xiaobao was Grandma Liu's first entry into the Grand View Garden, and they were shocked.

So, these medicine boys were all laughing in their hearts, and secretly made up their minds to find a way to make it difficult to raise Xiaobao and make him embarrassing in front of the golden alchemist.

And once Yang Xiaobao made a fool of himself on the spot, it is estimated that the golden alchemist would not like him anymore. In this way, wouldn't they all have a chance?
Therefore, one of the oldest drug boys was the first to attack, and he clasped his fists at Yang Xiaobao slightly and said, "Brother Wen, Mr. Zhang has a question I want to ask, can I ask you, Brother Wen, in person?"

Yang Xiaobao took a look at this drug boy. This person is indeed not young, maybe in his fifties. Unexpectedly, he is still a drug boy. The qualifications of this drug boy are indeed old enough. If there is a chance, I am afraid that he will only be a drug boy in his life.

Of course, Yang Xiaobao will not sympathize with him, after all, everyone's chances and encounters are different, and the paths they take are also different.

Of course, since this person asks him a question now, no matter what his purpose is, Yang Xiaobao will follow up, just treat it as an exchange.

So Yang Xiaobao immediately said: "Brother Zhang, please tell me if you have something to say, Wen will definitely answer all your questions."

"Okay, I heard that Xiongtai is indeed a man of Taoism, refreshing." The drug boy surnamed Zhang said immediately.

Yang Xiaobao could also hear this person's voice, some insincere, some other kind of meaning, but Yang Xiaobao didn't care, in fact, there was nothing to care about, after all, he and these drug boys were not on the same line at all, So Yang Xiaobao didn't answer the call, but waited for his next words.

"Ask Brother Wen, what is the name of this elixir? What is its attribute?" The drug boy surnamed Zhang then pointed to a tall elixir plant in the elixir garden and asked Yang Xiaobao.

As soon as Zhang Zhang's surnamed drug boy said it, everyone understood it. He was obviously asking for advice, but in fact it was difficult to pick it up. Taking him as a drug boy for so many years, it is impossible not to know about such a spiritual herb. The name and attributes of the child, this is obviously to ask about Yang Xiaobao in public.

If Yang Xiaobao can't answer, then he must be making a fool of himself in public.

So even Jin Ximei couldn't help but feel a little worried about raising Xiaobao. She didn't know if her disciple could answer it. If she couldn't answer it, it would be a shame, but she was still very confident in raising Xiaobao.

And she also saw that there was no panic on Yang Xiaobao's face, and he still looked very calm.

Now everyone in the elixir garden is looking at Yang Xiaobao, and they all want to see if the close-fitting drug boy of Jin alchemist can answer the question. The pharmacist was a medicine boy by his side, it was probably the first time he had seen so many spiritual herbs today, and he probably couldn't answer in all likelihood.

Therefore, these people are waiting to see the joke about Yang Xiaobao.

Although the ideas of these people are very good, they will still be disappointed after all.

What they didn't know was that Yang Xiaobao had already recognized the spirit grass as soon as the medicine boy surnamed Zhang pointed it out, but he didn't give the answer right away, but walked up to the spirit grass and touched it. He also sniffed with his nose.

These drug boys almost laughed out loud when they saw Yang Xiaobao's actions. Isn't this obviously pretending?Even pretending to be forceful is not pretending like this, what the hell is pretending to understand if you don’t know.

If you can smell the name of the spirit grass and find out the properties of the spirit grass just by smelling it, just by touching it, that would be too simple, then how can these alchemists have such status?How can you be so rich?Can it still be so beautiful?
Not only these people thought it was funny, but even Jin Ximei didn't know what the hell she was doing by raising Xiaobao. Could it be that Wen Danxi really didn't know this spiritual herb, so she did this kind of action in order to get away with it?
Of course, even if Yang Xiaobao really doesn't know this spiritual herb, Jin Ximei won't think anything of it, and she won't have any bad opinion of him because of it. It's just a one-time encounter with spirit grass, even if you don't know it, it's normal, and there's nothing to be ashamed of.

As for what others think, she doesn't know, but Jin Ximei really thinks so.

However, what she didn't expect was that Yang Xiaobao spoke immediately, and gave the correct answer immediately, only to hear Yang Xiaobao say: "If I guessed correctly, this should be a broken wind grass , it has both the attribute of wind and the attribute of thunder."

As soon as Yang Xiaobao's words fell, all the people present, one counted as the other, all had expressions of disbelief. This is unbelievable, because Yang Xiaobao's answer is completely correct, and what he said is quite in place. In other words, as long as you can tell the attribute of wind, the answer is correct, and Yang Xiaobao also mentioned another attribute of this wind-breaking grass, and this thunder attribute is still a hidden attribute. Know.

But Yang Xiaobao said it without omission, and judging from his tone, it seems that he still relies on guessing. It's amazing that he can guess so correctly.

Jin Ximei was also as happy as something, this Wen Danxi was really unexpected.

However, although the drug boy surnamed Zhang was very surprised and surprised, he did not stop there, but pointed to another spiritual herb and said to Yang Xiaobao: "Brother Wen, what about this one?" ? Brother Wen, please continue to give me some pointers.”

Yang Xiaobao looked at the elixir herb, then at Yaotong Zhang surnamed, but didn't answer right away, but continued to walk in front of the elixir herb, touched it first, and then smelled it with his nose.

These people couldn't help but feel a little strange when they saw that Yang Xiaobao was still doing this. They couldn't calm down now. Grass names and properties.

However, they soon knew the answer, because Yang Xiaobao said at this moment: "If I guessed correctly, this should be an oil tribute flower, water attribute."

As soon as Yang Xiaobao's words came out, these people were stunned again, because Yang Xiaobao's answer was correct this time, and he still cherished words like gold. Yaotong didn't ask for his surname, and Yang Xiaobao didn't say a word.

By this time, no one underestimated this golden alchemist's close-fitting medicine boy anymore. It seemed that Wen Danxi's ability to become a close-fitting medicine boy was not all due to luck, but had some real skills.Even if he really just guessed it, then his guessing skills are too good.

And this drug boy surnamed Zhang didn't attack Yang Xiaobao again, probably he really took it.

However, although this drug boy surnamed Zhang took it, some people still refused to accept it.

No, immediately a drug boy with long hair walked up to Yang Xiaobao, and without any courtesy, he said directly to Yang Xiaobao: "Brother Wen, may I ask where this spiritual herb is?" name and attributes?"

Yang Xiaobao first took a look at the person who walked in front of him. This person was about 20 years old, and he looked about the same age as Yang Xiaobao, but his long hair draped over his shoulders was a bit nondescript. It looks neither male nor female.

Then, Yang Xiaobao looked at the spiritual herb pointed at by the man again, but Yang Xiaobao still didn't answer his question right away, and walked up to the spiritual herb, first touched it, and then used his nose Smell it.

The long-haired drug boy was a little unsure when he saw the action of raising Xiaobao. He didn't know what the action of raising Xiaobao meant. Are these two actions really useful, or did he do it on purpose? The main thing is to see if Yang Xiaobao can answer correctly this time.

As for the other people, they probably mean the same thing. Although they already believe that raising Xiaobao is a real skill, they still don't quite believe that raising Xiaobao can recognize every spiritual herb, so they are not sure if raising Xiaobao is still possible. Recognize the name and properties of this elixir.

If Yang Xiaobao can even recognize this strain, then they will really be convinced.

However, Yang Xiaobao did not disappoint these people, and quickly revealed the name and properties of this elixir without any mistakes or omissions.

In this way, no one asked Yang Xiaobao any questions anymore. After all, they asked Yang Xiaobao about three elixir plants in a row, and Yang Xiaobao answered completely correctly. It's meaningless to go down.

Moreover, Jin Ximei will not let these people ask any more questions. She is also afraid that Yang Xiaobao will not be able to answer. Although it does not affect anything, there is no need to let these people ask any more questions. After all, she and Yang Xiaobao Xiaobao came here to visit the elixir, not to ask Yang Xiaobao to accept the assessment of these drug boys, because they did not have the qualifications to assess her disciples.

Therefore, Jin Ximei immediately said to these medicine boys: "Okay, you all do your own things, you don't need to follow us."

Seeing that the golden alchemist had spoken, these medicine boys dared to say no, so they walked away immediately.

Immediately, Jin Ximei took Yang Xiaobao to visit all kinds of elixir in the elixir garden. While visiting, the two talked a few words from time to time, and seemed to be enjoying themselves.

 Good evening friends, that concludes today's update.

(End of this chapter)

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