Chapter 262 Sudden Arrival
After Yang Xiaobao and Master Yi entered Illusory Snow City, he saw a bustling and bustling scene, plus he was talking and laughing with Master Yi, which made him very happy.

However, this happy mood didn't last long, and was disturbed by a man who was tall and thick, but whose voice was as thin as a mouse.

Not only did this man speak in an unpleasant and annoying voice, but he also openly flirted with the beautiful teacher who raised Xiaobao in broad daylight.

Although it was almost dusk at this time, the sun hadn't completely set yet!Originally, during the solar term of June, the days are longer, as the saying goes, the days are long and the nights are short.

Therefore, it is too much for this man to start attacking the beauties on the street before it was dark. No one can bear this kind of shameless and despicable behavior. Yang Xiaobao can't bear it, and his cheap master can bear it even more no.

Moreover, the cheap master who raised Xiaobao is not an ordinary beauty. Once she gets angry, the consequences will be very serious.

As a result, this man immediately suffered a tragedy, and the cheap master knocked this man down. If she hadn't had kind thoughts in her heart, this man would probably have to be destroyed.

However, this man's identity is not ordinary. Although he is not as honorable as the cheap master's identity, he is also the young master of a wealthy family, and he can be regarded as a number one person in this world.

Because this man's surname is Li, of course a person surnamed Li is not uncommon, after all, people surnamed Li are everywhere in this world.

This man's identity is not only reflected in his surname Li, but the most important thing is that his father's name is Li Batian, which is awesome and impressive.

However, this man named Li Batian is not only awesome in name, but also his status is extraordinary, because he is the lord of Bi Old City, and Bi Old City is not small, although it is not as grand as Huan Xuecheng, But it's also very prosperous. It's hard for Li Batian to think that he's sitting on a city.

But now, after Li Batian's son, that is, the young master of the Li family, was brought down by the cheap master who raised Xiaobao, some people were unwilling.

So who wouldn't?Of course, it was the two guards behind Young Master Li. As for the other onlookers, they were not only very happy to see such a shameless and lowly adulterer like Young Master Li being punished, but they almost applauded, but some of these onlookers had already recognized Because of the identity of this man with a very ugly voice, they just applauded secretly and did not dare to speak out.

And Young Master Li's entourage and guards were not ordinary people, they were actually two strong Wu Zuns, and the two immediately attacked, one dealt with Jin Ximei, and the other was entangled by Yang Xiaobao.

Originally, Yang Xiaobao and his cheap master's martial arts cultivation base could not deal with two strong warriors, not to mention Yang Xiaobao's status as a drug boy, there are many methods that cannot be used, so their situation is very bad .

However, in the process of dealing with a strong martial artist, Yang Xiaobao suddenly seized the opportunity, and inadvertently made a subtle cooperation with the cheap master, and relied on the sky-defying effect of the ancient magic weapon star dagger to kill a Wu Zun is a strong man, therefore, the situation of the battle suddenly took a shocking turn.

Now, Yang Xiaobao has withdrawn from the battle circle after assassinating a strong Wu Zun, but the battle situation has stabilized, and it is very beneficial to Yang Xiaobao and cheap master.

This Martial Venerable was also taken aback when he saw his companion being killed. He originally treated Yang Xiaobao like an ant, but now thinking about it, he finds it ridiculous.

It is indeed quite ridiculous, can an ant kill a strong Wu Zun?If such a powerful person is also called an ant, wouldn't it mean that the strong Wu Zun is not even as good as an ant?

However, no matter how shocked he is, how incredible he feels, his current battle must continue, and his current opponent has changed from a low-end martial artist with a fifth-level martial arts to a beautiful woman who is as strong as him.

Although Jin Ximei's body didn't have any fluctuations in vitality, and she looked very ordinary, but the strong Wu Zun could tell that this beauty had practiced a hidden cultivation method, although the strong martial arts below Wu Zun couldn't see it, but He could still see it.

And Jin Ximei was also shocked at the moment. She really didn't expect that Yang Xiaobao could kill a strong Wu Zun. Although his style of fighting completely disregarded his own life and completely exchanged his life for his own, he still killed him after all. A strong Wu Zun died, and she also blocked the fatal blow of another strong Wu Zun for Yang Xiaobao.

She didn't know whether raising Xiaobao was a calculated plan, or if she really wanted to die with a strong Wu Zun regardless of her life, but in her heart, apart from surprise, she was moved, very moved.

This couldn't help but move her. After all, with Yang Xiaobao's low-level cultivation base, if he wanted to kill a Martial Master, besides desperately, could there be a better way than this?
The answer is obvious, but why raise Xiaobao so hard, isn't it for her?
Moreover, when Jin Ximei saw the two strong Wu Zun make a move, she knew it was bad, and she also prepared for the worst. Unexpectedly, under Yang Xiaobao's desperate fight, she actually killed one of them. Wu Zun is a strong man, and the situation of the battle is immediately reversed.

Jin Ximei immediately settled down, after all, she was only dealing with a strong Wu Zun now, and she felt no pressure at all.

However, she has no pressure, but the pressure on the strong Wu Zun is great. Not only does he have to deal with a beautiful Wu Zun who has the same cultivation level as him, but there is also a low-level Wu Xiu who he once regarded as an ant beside him. While watching it!

Now, that Young Master Li also stood up from the ground holding his stomach at this moment, but his face was still very ugly, and half of his face was swollen. After seeing the killed Wu Zun strongman, he immediately ran away holding his stomach In the past, he called Uncle Xi while running. It seemed that Young Master Li had a lot of affection for his entourage.

However, no matter what he called, this Uncle Xi couldn't hear him, so this Young Master Li immediately stood up and stared at Yang Xiaobao with vicious eyes, Yang Xiaobao also stared back at him.

If this bad-speaking guy dares to come forward, Yang Xiaobao doesn't mind making him suffer a little more, even if he kills him, it won't be too much.

After all, he was the one who provoked this matter. If he hadn't been so daring, if he hadn't openly attacked the cheap master who raised Xiaobao in broad daylight, he wouldn't have ended up like this.

Of course, if Yang Xiaobao didn't seize the opportunity to kill someone with the Star Dagger, he and Master Cheap would end up not much better.

It can be seen that this world also respects strength. Although Yang Xiaobao wants to uphold justice, his strength is not enough. With his current skill, it is not easy to protect himself.

Now, seeing that the situation was not good, the remaining strong Wu Zun hit Jin Ximei with all his strength, but Jin Ximei caught it.

However, although Jin Ximei caught this move, she suffered a small loss. After all, she had fought a strong martial artist for a long time just now, and she obviously consumed a lot of physical strength. Fighting with Yang Xiaobao.

And because his cultivation base is much higher than that of Yang Xiaobao, he doesn't have any difficulty fighting against Yang Xiaobao, it's just that he is entangled by Yang Xiaobao and cannot escape.

Therefore, this Martial Venerable is now fighting with Jin Ximei. Although the two of them have similar skills, this Martial Venerable's physical strength clearly has an advantage over Jin Ximei.

However, that's all he has. From the current situation, although this Martial Venerable is stronger than Jin Ximei, his strength is limited. If he wants to win easily, it is simply impossible.

In addition, Jin Ximei's current psychological pressure has also been reduced a lot with the death of a strong Wu Zun, and people have become a lot more relaxed. Naturally, her movements should be more free and easy. Therefore, under the ebb and flow, Jin Ximei and this strong Wu Zun Those who are not on the same level, for a while, no one can do anything to each other.

So Jin Ximei is not in a hurry now, while carefully coping with the attack of this powerful Wu Zun, while performing a cycle of rotation, slowly recovering her physical strength.

Of course, she is not in a hurry, but this strong Wu Zun is quite anxious, because the longer the time drags on, the more unfavorable it will be for him, so he just wants to make a quick decision and quickly defeat this beautiful Wu Zun.

However, although his idea was good, he couldn't get it right for a while. Although Jin Ximei was a beautiful woman, she was also a strong martial artist, and he couldn't solve it quickly if he wanted to.

Moreover, the more anxious he is, the more flustered he is, and the more flustered he is, the more he will suffer.

It can be said that haste makes waste, and he is talking about this kind of person, so this strong martial artist was anxious and received two palms from Jin Ximei. Although most of his vitality was absorbed by him, he still suffered a lot. , the place hit by Jin Ximei's palm was still in pain.

However, this Martial Master gradually calmed down after suffering successive losses, and no longer dared to think of a quick battle.

As soon as the martial arts master calmed down, he immediately stabilized his mind, and the battle situation also stabilized, and he was no longer easily succeeded by Jin Ximei's attack.

Jin Ximei saw that there was no way to take advantage of her, so she stopped pressing her step by step, and followed her steadily. This Martial Venerable is not in a hurry, so she is naturally not in a hurry, after all, she still has Xiaobao who is helping her!

Jin Ximei now also knows that although Yang Xiaobao's skill is not high, his combat power is not generally high. If his combat power is not high, it is impossible for him to be in the assessment arena in the central square of the empire. In the case of martial arts, just an ordinary person can fight four strong martial arts experts in a row.

Therefore, Jin Ximei is still quite confident in Yang Xiaobao's combat power, and Yang Xiaobao even killed a strong Wu Zun. Although he desperately tried his best, he was still killed by him after all, right?
Therefore, now Jin Ximei is not in a hurry at all, and her physical strength has almost recovered after a few weeks of breathing adjustment.

However, just when Jin Ximei thought she was sure of winning, the situation suddenly changed again, and the change was so great that she couldn't bear it at all.

Because suddenly, a few more martial masters came, and the young master Li who was rude to her even went up to these martial masters. There is no doubt that they have come for reinforcements.

Seeing this sudden change, Yang Xiaobao was startled immediately. This was unexpected, so Yang Xiaobao immediately looked over to Master Cheap, and Jin Ximei happened to look at him. People are reckless and don't know what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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