Chapter 270

Yang Xiaobao gave a lesson to the gang members of the Sun Gate, and then let them go.

As for whether Sun Gate will send strong men to seek revenge after they are released, it is not known yet, and Yang Xiaobao has not considered these.

Besides, in such a situation, there was no time to think about it. After all, he had encountered such a bullying thing, so he must take care of it, not to mention that the person being bullied was a coachman he knew!

However, an organization like Sungate is probably not that strong. Indeed, how strong is a gang like Sungate that can only come out in the middle of the night to collect protection fees?
If these people really don't know how to repent and want to seek revenge from him, of course Yang Xiaobao is not afraid, if he really wants to piss him off, Yang Xiaobao doesn't mind uprooting them like he did with the Spider Gang.

Of course, raising Xiaobao now naturally doesn't care about what will happen to these people, he doesn't even think about it, there is no need to speculate about things that haven't happened, let alone be afraid, and raising Xiaobao has never He was afraid, and he was not afraid of doing things.

After dealing with this matter, Yang Xiaobao immediately turned his head to look at Master Cheap, only to find that Master Cheap was looking at him with a smile full of other meanings.

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help asking, "Master, did I do something wrong?"

"You did a good job." Jin Ximei said immediately.

"Then you smile so strangely again." Yang Xiaobao continued. .

"Why do I laugh so strangely, Danxi, don't think about it, I just didn't expect you to be so brave." Jin Ximei immediately said seriously.

"Master, am I really brave?" Yang Xiaobao said very excitedly when he heard Master Cheap's compliment, and looked at her with bright eyes.

Seeing Yang Xiaobao like this, Master Cheap couldn't help being angry and funny, so he put on a face and said, "Danxi, can you be more serious, don't give some sunshine to make it shine, okay?"

"Okay, master, what are we going to do now?" Yang Xiaobao asked immediately.

"Of course I'm going back to sleep, you don't even look at what time it is, you don't go to bed, you want to cultivate immortality." Master Cheap said angrily.

"Master, can you really cultivate immortals?" Yang Xiaobao immediately became energetic when he heard about cultivating immortals, so he hurriedly asked.

"Probably not, but after my generation of martial arts practitioners reach a certain level, longevity is still possible." Jin Ximei thought for a while before saying.

After Jin Ximei finished speaking, she looked around, but she didn't find any rickshaws, so she walked in the direction of Yuelai Inn, but it was the main road.

Yang Xiaobao saw that the cheap master was going to go back by the main road, and immediately said: "Master, let's take the small road, it will be much shorter."

"Danxi, I also want to take a shortcut, but just now the coachman turned seven times and eight times, how can I still remember how to get there?" Jin Ximei said helplessly.

"It's okay, Master, I can remember clearly, we'd better take a shortcut." Yang Xiaobao said immediately.

"Oh, you can remember, okay, let's take a shortcut." Jin Ximei immediately said pleasantly, there is a shortcut, of course she doesn't want to take a long way, not to mention it is already late at night, of course the sooner she goes back to sleep That's good.

As for Yang Xiaobao saying that he can remember the route, Jin Ximei is not surprised at all, because she once saw that Yang Xiaobao read the entire book of Dandian Shengong in just over ten minutes, and also remembered Live and be fully understood.

Therefore, if Yang Xiaobao said that he could remember the route, it could not be false, and it might not be a big deal to Yang Xiaobao's heaven-defying memory.

Yang Xiaobao was naturally very happy to see that the cheap master agreed to take a shortcut, so he immediately walked ahead to lead the way, and Jin Ximei followed without saying a word.

But this small road cuts through the streets and alleys, and it's really winding. Fortunately, Yang Xiaobao has an extraordinary memory and can never forget it, so he immediately walked back according to the route he remembered.

Sure enough, taking this shortcut was a lot faster. After the two of them quickened their pace a little, they returned to Yuelai Inn in less than 10 minutes.

Seeing Yang Xiaobao and the others coming back so late, sleepily, the waiter at Yuelai Inn couldn't help but glanced at him strangely, but he didn't ask any questions, but opened the room for them very attentively.

As soon as the two returned to the room, Jin Ximei immediately went to bed and fell asleep, probably because she was tired. After all, there were a lot of things that happened that day, and it was because of drinking again.

Yang Xiaobao originally wanted to ask Master Cheap about cultivating immortals and longevity, but now seeing that Master Cheap had already fallen asleep, he had no choice but to give up.

However, Yang Xiaobao didn't sleep, but sat cross-legged on the bed and began to practice the alchemy.

After all, he hasn't cultivated properly for a long time. Of course, it's not because he doesn't want to cultivate, but because the spiritual energy needed for his Taiji Taichu divine skill is too amazing, so he can't cultivate at all.

But now with the Dandian Divine Art, this problem has been satisfactorily solved, and what is even more gratifying is that due to the heaven-defying nature of the Taiji Taichu Divine Art, it can accommodate the cultivation of all exercises, because the Taiji Taichu Divine Art can be cultivated. There are eight dantians, and now a third dantian has been opened for the cultivation of Dandian's magical skills. Of course, they will eventually be attributed to Taiji and Taichu's magical skills, so that they will be integrated into one.

So now Yang Xiaobao can practice as long as he has time, and he also discovered a problem, that is, practicing at night is more effective than sleeping, and his spirit is also better.

So raising Xiaobao to practice at night is not only equivalent to sleeping, but even better than sleeping.

Therefore, for something that kills two birds with one stone like cultivation, why not do it for raising a little treasure?

Sure enough, when Yang Xiaobao woke up the next day, he was not only full of energy, but also broke through a small level, from the fifth level of martial arts to the sixth level of martial arts. It can be seen that the progress of Yang Xiaobao's cultivation is quite amazing that's it.

After all, there are not many people who break through a small level after practicing in one night, and even his cheap master can't reach such a speed.

After Yang Xiaobao broke through, he woke up. He didn't continue to practice, but got up and took a shower, only to find that Master Cheap was still sleeping soundly on the bed, and Yang Xiaobao didn't disturb her sleep.

Yang Xiaobao then gently opened the door of the room and walked out, because he was actually a little hungry after this night's practice, and he seemed a little surprised by this situation.

Generally speaking, if you practice, you will basically not feel hungry because of the absorption of spiritual energy, but now Yang Xiaobao feels hungry after a breakthrough in cultivation. This should be because his cultivation method is different from others sake.

However, although Yang Xiaobao felt hungry, his strength had also increased a lot. He could feel this, and it was very obvious. He now felt that he could kill a cow with just one punch.

And this feeling is quite real, not just imagination, I believe it can really be done.

So Yang Xiaobao immediately walked out of the Yuelai Inn. He thought that the most important thing to buy some food for a walk in the street. I know what meat buns are made of, but the taste of Yang Xiaobao is still quite aftertaste when I think about it now.

After Yang Xiaobao walked out of the inn, he walked aimlessly. He mainly wanted to see if there was a shop selling steamed buns on the side of the road, but Yang Xiaobao didn't see any after walking for several streets. When walking back, I inadvertently smelled the aroma of buns.

So Yang Xiaobao immediately followed the scent and walked towards a side street. As soon as he approached, he saw a steamed stuffed bun shop, and there were many diners in this shop.

Seeing such a lively scene here, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and suddenly had a feeling of returning to the earth.

Of course, the feeling of raising Xiaobao is just a flash, and he certainly knows where he is now.

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help his appetite when he smelled this fragrance, so he walked into the bun shop and ordered four baskets of buns in a row.

Yang Xiaobao immediately ate two cages, and he was going to take the remaining two cages back to Master Cheap.

It's just that Yang Xiaobao just packed his bags and was about to leave when he discovered something unexpected.

Suddenly, a few tall and thick men came to the steamed stuffed bun shop led by a monkey-like skinny guy.

Yang Xiaobao saw that these people looked a bit like the guy from Sun Gate yesterday, so he decided to take a look and see what these people were going to do, whether they wanted to buy buns or grab them.

If these people really wanted to snatch the buns, it would be really shameless, Yang Xiaobao didn't mind giving them some trouble.

After the skinny little guy came over, he immediately said to the shopkeeper of the steamed stuffed bun shop, "Hurry up and get a hundred baskets of steamed stuffed buns, man wants to eat."

"Master, sir, there are not enough [-] baskets of steamed stuffed buns yet, can you wait." The shopkeeper of the steamed stuffed bun shop said with a frightened expression when he heard the thin and small man speak.

And the people who ate buns at the bun shop saw this thin and small man and the big guys behind him, and they dispersed like a swarm, but they didn't go far, and they were still watching from a distance, obviously wanting to see Look at the next lively scene.

Yang Xiaobao didn't leave either. Of course, he didn't leave because he wanted to watch the excitement, but because he wanted to see what these guys wanted to do next.

And the thin little man couldn't help being a little strange when he found that Yang Xiaobao hadn't left yet, and was still standing at the steamed stuffed bun shop looking at them leisurely, but he didn't say anything, because he also saw that Yang Xiaobao was a A strong martial artist, but he didn't care.

Yang Xiaobao also took a look at this thin and small man, and found that although this little man is small, he is a martial artist, and he is also a martial artist with a seventh-level martial arts.

But those burly men are all ordinary people. Although they are tall and mighty, they are probably not enough for that thin and small man to poke with his finger.

Now, the shopkeeper of this steamed stuffed bun shop puts the freshly made buns on the steamer by himself, and even increases the heat. Seeing the nervousness of the shopkeeper, he seems to be afraid of something. He probably once ate it in the hands of these people. It's not a small loss.

Yang Xiaobao watched all this quietly, didn't say anything, besides, he didn't have anything to say, he didn't know what this group of people wanted to do, so he couldn't just teach them a lesson for no reason, isn't that something wrong with his brain?
Of course, if this group of people do some shameless deeds in the future, Yang Xiaobao must take care of it. You must know that he is becoming more and more disdainful of these people's bragging. Bullying.

For such people, Yang Xiaobao will make them pay the price as long as he sees it. Although Yang Xiaobao doesn't want to do certain things deliberately, he also has his own bottom line and his own principles. Under such circumstances, if you can help some people in need, you will definitely lend a helping hand.

It didn't take much time, and after about ten minutes, one hundred baskets of steamed buns were already steamed, and then the shopkeeper put these buns into several baskets, and handed them carefully to the group.

Seeing that the steamed stuffed buns were all in place, the thin and small man waved his hand, and the group of people walked towards the outside of the steamed stuffed bun shop.

Seeing that they left without paying, the shopkeeper of the steamed stuffed bun shop was a little scared, but he still boldly said, "Master, you haven't paid yet."

"Here's the money, what's the money for?" The skinny little man turned around and asked when he heard the shopkeeper's words.

"Master, you haven't paid for the buns you bought just now." Although the shopkeeper was very scared, he didn't bite the bullet and said, "Don't say no, after all, so many buns also have a lot of money in them. If you can't get the money , that is not a small loss, but how many times can a small shop like this survive such losses?
"These buns still want money? If you want money, it's the protection fee you paid." The thin and small man said very calmly.

"Didn't the protection fee for this month be collected yesterday? Why are you collecting it again today?" the shopkeeper gritted his teeth.

"Who said you won't accept it today after collecting it yesterday? I didn't ask for your gold coins today, so I took these buns to deduct them. You don't know what's good and what's wrong. Do you want to die?" The person immediately said in a threatening manner.

However, as soon as he said this, his whole body flew up, of course he didn't fly up by himself, and besides, he didn't have the ability to fly.

The reason why he suddenly flew up was because he was controlled by an external force, and this external force naturally came from raising Xiaobao.

When Yang Xiaobao heard what this skinny little guy said just now, he was extremely hateful, and immediately became angry.

Of course, you can’t blame him for being angry. Look at what this guy said just now. He said that he collected the protection fee yesterday, and he still needs to collect it today. Do you want these little people to live?
Moreover, Yang Xiaobao also knows that there is a Sun Gate that collects protection fees at night. Although this group of people did not go out to collect protection fees at night, they came to collect buns so early in the morning without paying any money, and Or forcibly extort it in the name of collecting protection fees.

This group of people is really not ordinary hateful, it is simply too low.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao couldn't understand these people's shameless and despicable behavior when he saw them.

So, the raised little BMW slapped it, and immediately sent the skinny little martial artist flying.

(End of this chapter)

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