Guwu's future pretending to slap the face system

Chapter 272: Shoot When You Should

Chapter 272: Shoot When You Should

Yang Xiaobao practiced the Dandian magic skill all night. Although he didn't sleep all night, he didn't feel tired at all, and his spirit was particularly good. He also broke through a small level, from the fifth level of martial arts to the sixth level of martial arts.

In any case, this is not a small improvement. I am very happy to raise Xiaobao, but I am so hungry, so he didn't disturb the cheap master to sleep, but quietly came to the street alone.

Raising Xiaobao's food is not bad, he found a steamed stuffed bun shop.

Because the meat buns in this shop not only smell delicious, but also taste very refreshing, but the price is not cheap, a basket of buns actually costs one gold coin.

But raising Xiaobao still felt that it was worth it. Although he couldn't tell what kind of meat buns were made of, he felt that a basket of buns was not expensive at all based on the taste.

So Yang Xiaobao not only ate two cages for himself, but also brought two cages for Master Cheap.

However, just when Yang Xiaobao was about to take the buns back, he saw a thin and small man bringing several burly men here to grab the buns.

Although it wasn't a forced robbery, this group of people took the buns but didn't give any money, and even deducted them in the name of protection fees. Isn't this the same as snatching buns?
When Yang Xiaobao saw the banditry of these people, he immediately became angry.

As the saying goes, there is a right way, even if you are a robber, you don’t do this. What these people have done is too much, too shameless, and too low-spirited. They even want to snatch meat buns. What is it? ?
So this can't blame Yang Xiaobao for being angry, after all, these people are so shameless that there is no lower limit.

And once Yang Xiaobao got angry, the consequences would be very serious, so that little person was immediately tragic.

Because Yang Xiaobao had already launched an attack on him in an instant, and immediately knocked that skinny little man into the air.

There is also a reason why we should start with that thin and small person first in raising Xiaobao, instead of those burly men.

This is not about Yang Xiaobao bullying the weak and fearing the strong, bullying the small with the big. Yang Xiaobao has never been such a person.

Because among this group of people, the thin and small man is not only the leader, but also has the highest skill, because he is still a martial artist at the level of martial arts, while those burly guys look scary, but they are paper tigers. Because they are all ordinary people who have never practiced martial arts, if Yang Xiaobao wants to deal with them, all he needs to do is blow his breath, and they will lose their bones.

Of course, even this thin little guy, even if he is a martial artist at the martial arts level, is still not enough in Yang Xiaobao's eyes.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao just hit him into the air with a casual palm, and he flew so high that he fell down after a long time, and fell to the ground very hard.

This skinny little man fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a long time, and screamed in pain.

And when those burly men saw this scene, their faces turned pale with fright, and they looked at Yang Xiaobao like a devil.

It's no wonder they are afraid, after all, they all know how powerful their leader, that skinny little man is, anyway, they can't even do a single trick in this little man's hands Can stand it.

To say it was a trick was to flatter them, although they looked big and thick and scary, but in front of Wu Xiu, they were nothing more than embroidered pillows, not even as good as embroidered pillows.

But now, Yang Xiaobao knocked them away with just one palm, the leader who regarded them as supreme masters, what kind of concept is this?
So now they can't understand at all, and they don't know how tall Yang Xiaobao is.

Yang Xiaobao immediately glanced at them, and then said: "You all stand in twos and slap each other's ears. If you want to slap loudly, you have to slap loudly. If anyone can't slap loudly, let me slap each other. If you let me do it, you will definitely be injured or disabled."

As soon as the words about raising Xiaobao were finished, these burly men were stunned for a moment, because they didn't realize it all at once, and it seemed that they didn't understand what he meant.

Yang Xiaobao was not in a hurry, and after waiting for them for a while, he said again: "The boss asked you to slap each other, didn't you hear it or something? I will give you three more seconds to prepare. If I count Three times, if you haven't done it yet, I will do it."

This time, these people still understood it, and immediately started to move, and then heard a burst of "cracking" sounds incessantly.

Yang Xiaobao saw that these people were still smoking hard, so he couldn't help nodding his head, so he stopped caring about them, but went to the skinny little man, arrested him immediately, and then Or left and right.

After Yang Xiaobao slapped the little man several times, he began to ask, "Who are you?"

This little man was so slapped by Yang Xiaobao that he almost vomited. Now when he heard Yang Xiaobao's question, he tried his best to suppress him so as not to vomit.

Although it was very hard for this little man to hold back his vomiting, he still had to hold it back desperately.

Because he also knew that if he couldn't help it and annoyed the god Yang Xiaobao again, he might have to continue to suffer a few big slaps, then he couldn't bear it.

Although this little man is very small, he is not young, he must be in his thirties at least, and his intelligence is not a problem, so of course he can see it.

But now, after hearing Yang Xiaobao's question, he tried his best not to vomit, and then replied cautiously: "Master, good man, let me tell you, we are from the Diablo Sect."

When Yang Xiaobao heard that another dark door had come out, he couldn't help being startled, because last night he saw a few guys collecting protection fees claiming to be a gang organization from the Sun Gate.

And now there is another organization called Diablo Gate. Hearing the names of their organizations, raising Xiaobao is a bit funny. The one from Sun Gate collects protection fees in the middle of the night, but this one from Diablo Gate comes out early in the morning Snatching buns, what the hell are these people.

"Why did you come out to grab buns so early in the morning?" Yang Xiaobao continued to ask.

"Because our Diablo Gate had a regular meeting this morning, the head of the family asked us to go out and get something to eat." The little man replied immediately.

"What kind of regular meeting, what is a regular meeting?" Yang Xiaobao then asked.

"Our regular meeting is a meeting that must be held on time every week." The little man explained immediately.

"Slap," Yang Xiaobao slapped his face immediately, and then said: "What the hell, the labor and management asked what kind of regular meeting you held, and didn't ask you to explain the meaning of the regular meeting. Does the labor and management know what the regular meeting means? ?"

This little man was so slapped by Yang Xiaobao that he almost spit out again, but he held back, and he murmured in his heart, didn't you ask yourself what a regular meeting is?Now say no.

Of course, this little man just said something in his heart, and he still dare not say it out, even if you lend him some courage, he will not dare, because he has long been frightened by Yang Xiaobao, Moreover, Yang Xiaobao's slap was too painful and uncomfortable, so uncomfortable that he wanted to vomit.

The little man had no choice but to answer again: "Our meeting this time is to study how to annex the Sun Gate."

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help being startled when he heard this little man's words, he didn't expect this Diablo Gate to have a big appetite, and he was actually planning on Sun Gate.

Of course, Yang Xiaobao wouldn't take care of their nosy affairs, because whether it's the Sun Gate or the Dark Gate, they are not good things.

If they are willing to fight in the nest, let them fight. It is best to lose both sides in the fight, and to die together in the fight.

However, Yang Xiaobao was still a little interested in how they wanted to annex the Sun Gate, so he immediately asked, "How are you going to annex the Sun Gate?"

"Master, man, I really don't know about this, because the regular meeting hasn't started yet." The little man replied immediately.

Yang Xiaobao saw that this person really didn't know, so he didn't ask this question again. After all, he was just interested in it, and he didn't intend to inquire about their news. Besides, it was useless for Yang Xiaobao to inquire about them. , is purely curious.

Now since this little guy doesn't know, forget it.

However, there are other things that are worth asking.

So Yang Xiaobao asked again: "How many people are there in your gang?"

"Master, there are more than 3000 people in our Dark Gate." The little man said immediately.

Yang Xiaobao heard that such a gang only had 3000 members, and he couldn't help shaking his head. You must know that the Spider Gang that he personally wiped out did not have 5000 to [-] members in one branch.

"Who is your leader?" Yang Xiaobao asked immediately. As for this question, Yang Xiaobao was just a temporary one, just asking by the way, he was really not interested in learning about such a small gang organization.

"Our leader is called Ram Bull." The little man said immediately.

Yang Xiaobao almost didn't laugh out loud when he heard the name "Ram Yang Niu", because this man's name had the names of two domestic animals, both cattle and sheep. It seems that this man did not eat less beef and mutton.

"What is the cultivation level of your leader?" Yang Xiaobao continued to ask, since he had already asked the head, Yang Xiaobao simply asked more details.

"Our leader is Wu Zhen's cultivation level." The little man said with some admiration.

Yang Xiaobao was shocked when he heard that this guy named Gongyangniu actually had the fifth level of Wuzhen. It seems that this gang still has some energy. Although there are not many people, the level of Wuxiu is not low.

Of course, even if the ram and bull had Wu Zhen's fifth level of cultivation, he still couldn't pass a few tricks under Yang Xiaobao's men.

You must know that because of the particularity of the Taiji and Taichu magical skills he practiced, Yang Xiaobao has the ability to kill martial arts at the same level in seconds, and if he uses some special methods, the martial arts master is not Yang Xiaobao's opponent.

Moreover, along the way of raising Xiaobao, many Wu Zun and strong men have been destroyed under his hands.

 Good night friends!

(End of this chapter)

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