Chapter 282 The Last Beauty

The world is bizarre, wonderful, and crazy.

Yes, it is that crazy, just look at such a hot scene of selling people, you will know that this statement is true.

Seeing the old man in his 70s tremblingly raising his hand, Yang Xiaobao eagerly bid for the beauty auctioned by the Xinkeng Bank, and couldn't help but laugh.

I didn't expect that such an old man is still old-hearted, and he can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman, but Yang Xiaobao just laughed it off, which is not surprising.

In the previous life on the earth, Yang Xiaobao often saw the news that the 80-year-old Lao Mingshou was with the 20-year-old beauties, not to mention that this is a completely retro world?
It's no wonder that Master Bao has always been calm and calm.

But now, the price of this beauty has soared to 180 million gold coins, and this is only the first round. Judging by such a hot scene, the price of this beauty must not be lowered.

The chief guardian of Xinkeng Bank was even more delighted, because he didn't expect that the scene of auctioning beautiful women would be so crazy, but the crazier he was, the more he liked it.

Can you not like it?The hotter the scene, the higher the price of this beauty will be. In this way, wouldn't there be a lot of gold coins in the account?
Yes, it's getting more and more crazy now. As soon as the old man's bid fell, the big fat man immediately shouted: "I offer 190 million gold coins." However, because the big fat man was too fat, he didn't bid Immediately afterwards, I was so tired that I gasped for breath, as if the bellows were drawing wind.

"I'll offer 200 million gold coins." The man with the curly hair yelled loudly immediately. He still raised the price by [-] gold coins at a time, and his voice was still so loud, and he still had an expression of determination to win.

"I'll offer 210 million gold coins." The bald man shouted not to be outdone, and he not only spoke loudly, but also gave these bidders a threatening glance.

However, his threat was ineffective at all, and no one cared. Even the old man in his 70s didn't pee on him, but continued to raise his right hand tremblingly, and then shouted: "I offer 220 million gold coins." Although The old man was obviously out of breath when he spoke, but this did not affect his bidding.

Yang Xiaobao saw that the bid has reached more than 200 million now, and seeing these people still looking crazy, he couldn't help but feel a little emotional. He lamented the worth of this beauty, and lamented that there are many rich people in this world, and more money is not enough. Do good deeds, do your best to pursue enjoyment, and look for excitement.

It's just that such an old man in his 70s is not a martial artist, but just an ordinary person. He is about to die, so live well and watch the beautiful sunset, can't he?If he insists on leaning on the beautiful woman, he doesn't care whether he can do it himself or not, whether he can bear it or not.

Of course, raising Xiaobao is just a sigh of relief. As for these people, whether they sell or buy people, they are all voluntary behaviors. Naturally, raising Xiaobao will not interfere. Besides, in terms of his current cultivation base, Self-protection is not enough, how can I control the rules of this world.

Of course, no one knows the emotion of raising Xiaobao now, even if they know, they don't care, they just think that this young man eats too much vegetable oil and meddles in his own business.

Indeed, the bidding scene is still hot now. In just a short while, the price has soared to 290 million gold coins, and it will soon reach 300 million.

The chief protector of Xinkeng Bank looked at these bidders happily, hoping that they would never stop, but this was impossible, it was just his wishful thinking.

Sure enough, after reaching 290 million gold coins, it suddenly became much quieter, and no one continued to bid for a while.

The big fat man who just shouted out 290 million was also excited and nervous, and he kept panting.

Yang Xiaobao saw this big fat man panting non-stop, and couldn't help feeling a little anxious for him. He was really worried that this man could not breathe. This man was really too fat. He was originally tall, but Being so fat, it looks like a mountain of meat, especially since this person's belly is more than twice the size of a ten-month pregnant woman, it is really difficult for him.

However, just when the big fat man thought that no one would compete with him, he was panting with excitement, and when the chief protector of Xinkeng Bank was still not reconciled and was still preparing dozens of figures, another bid was made.

The bidder was still the old man in his 70s. The old man still tremblingly raised his right hand, coughed, and said with some difficulty, "I'll offer 300 million gold coins."

After the old man paid out 300 million gold coins, he immediately fell silent again. Many people looked at the old man, even the beautiful woman who was auctioned looked at the old man with surprise.

The reason why the beauty being auctioned has such a surprised look is not that she likes this old man in his 70s. In fact, she doesn't like any of the four men who bid for her, but this is not what she can do. Lord's business.

Because she is now the collateral of Xinkeng Bank, she no longer has the right of autonomy, as long as she is bought by someone, it is hers. This is a reality that cannot be changed, and she has no power to change it.

Of course, her most ideal is to have a handsome young man to buy her. It would be best if the young man standing at the front of the crowd with particularly bright and clear eyes could buy her, but her wish was clearly in vain. Well, Yang Xiaobao was planning to buy it, but it wasn't her who bought it, but the girl who looked like his neighbor Li Lianzi next door on Earth in his previous life.

And the girl who was auctioned was naturally very disappointed when she saw that Yang Xiaobao didn't buy her, but there was nothing she could do about it, and she didn't like any of the four bidding men now, and she was especially afraid of being bought by that big fat man go.

That big fat man is so horribly fat, like a mountain, if he is suppressed by such a big fat man, he will die half his life if he doesn't die, it's scary to think about it, so instead of being bought by this big fat man, It might as well be bought by that old man in his 70s. Anyway, judging by the appearance of this old man, he probably won't live for a long time. I guess he has more energy than he wants to make a fuss.

Therefore, the beauty saw that the old man still bid, and now that the price has reached a high price of 300 million, it is estimated that no one will bid anymore, so she couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Sure enough, after the 70-year-old man paid 300 million gold coins, no one followed the price. Even the big fat man died down. He just watched the 70-year-old man panting helplessly. Not reconciled, but there is no way, who told him that he doesn't have as many gold coins as this old man in his 70s?
The chief guardian of Xinkeng Bank saw that this beautiful woman sold for a high price of 300 million, and immediately stood up excitedly. After waiting for a while, he saw that no one raised the price, so it was probably the same price, and this 300 million The high price is much higher than the expected price.

Therefore, the chief protector of Xinkeng Bank didn't wait any longer, even if it counted down dozens of figures, he immediately announced: "Congratulations to this handsome old man for buying this beautiful woman for three years at a price of 300 million gold coins." Ownership, including but not limited to chatting, eating, sleeping, coolie labor, etc., all usage rights, you can now sign a soul contract."

The 70-year-old man heard the announcement from the chief guardian of Xinkeng Bank, coughed a few times in excitement, and immediately handed over 300 million gold coins, signed a soul contract, and happily walked back with this beautiful woman , and kept coughing while walking, I don't know how excited it is, and I don't know if I can get home, if I go halfway, the old man's money is probably wasted, if it is really like this , this beauty can make a lot of money.

Now that the transaction has been completed, the chief protector of Xinkeng Bank certainly doesn't care whether the old man can enjoy the joy or not. Anyway, 300 million gold coins have been obtained. This is the best seller so far, and it is also a profit The transaction that earned the most, you must know that this beauty owed more than 40 gold coins to Xinkeng Bank, and less than 50, but now she sold her for 300 million. This business is really good, it is really He made a steady profit without losing money, and made a lot of money.

The chief guardian of Xinkeng Bank was happy, and immediately started the auction of the last beauty. The chief guardian of Xinkeng Bank glanced at the excitedly expecting crowd, then coughed and cleared his throat , and then said in a loud voice: "Everyone, the most exciting moment has come. You have all seen that the last beauty is not only handsome, but also a virgin, but she has such a good figure and appearance, she should be big. The small place is small, everyone passing by, don’t miss it, miss this time, keep it and regret it forever.”

The chief protector of Xinkeng Qianzhuang suddenly paused for a moment and looked at the people in the crowd who were looking at him with great anticipation, so he nodded in satisfaction, and then said loudly: "Now the bidding begins."

"I'll offer 100 million gold coins." The fat man waited for the voice of the chief guardian of the Xinkeng Bank to fall, and immediately shouted, and he was still panting, probably excited.

"I offer 110 million gold coins." The bald man immediately shouted loudly, his voice was still very loud, and his eyes were still unfriendly.

"I'll offer 120 million gold coins." The man with the curly hair also shouted.

"I will offer 130 million gold coins." A young man in his 20s also joined the battle group.

The bidders here were shouting enthusiastically, but Yang Xiaobao was not in a hurry at all, so he let them toss for a while, he would either not bid, or if he did, it would be earth-shattering, making these followers dare not follow.

Now Yang Xiaobao also suddenly thought of a problem, if he bought this girl so hastily, the cheap master would definitely not be able to spare him, and it would not be worthwhile if the cheap master reprimanded him again.

So Yang Xiaobao immediately said to the cheap master: "Master, I want to buy this girl."

"Danxi, what did you say? Why did you buy her? Do you want her to eat, sleep with, and chat with?" Jin Ximei became angry when she heard Yang Xiaobao said that she wanted to buy this girl, and then said with a frown. .

"No, master, listen to me carefully, why do you lose your temper all the time." Yang Xiaobao was startled when he saw how excited Master Qi was, so he said immediately.

"Okay, you can tell me a reason. If there is no legitimate reason, see how I deal with you." After hearing Yang Xiaobao's words, Jin Ximei's tone softened immediately, but she was still very upset.

"Master, did I tell you that this girl is very similar to my neighbor's child." Yang Xiaobao said immediately.

"Yes, you've said it, but so what? It's just that they look alike. Besides, there are more and more people who look alike. Do you want to buy them all back?" Jin Ximei said angrily.

"Master, this girl is indeed very similar to my neighbor's child. She is really similar. If I don't buy it, if she falls into someone else's hands, I don't know what will happen?" Bao then said again.

"It's other people's business. What do you want when you buy her? Do you want to eat with her, chat with her, or sleep with her?" Jin Ximei said angrily.

"Master, where are you going? This is where you go. I'm not that kind of person, am I? I bought her not to take her back, but I just want you to help her arrange a job. Is it better than being bought and ravaged by others? In this case, I can feel at ease, right?" Yang Xiaobao continued.

"So that's what you thought, that's fine, you can just buy it, and tell me if you don't have enough money." When Jin Ximei heard that raising Xiaobao was just to save the girl, not to have bad intentions for her, she immediately turned her back. No longer angry, but said kindly.

"Master, you're so kind." Yang Xiaobao said sincerely, he didn't expect Master Qi to be so reasonable, he thought she would disagree!Unexpectedly, she still managed to do her ideological work, which is very good.

And now, the bidding on the spot has reached a small climax, and the price has soared to 250 million. It can be seen that these few people are really crazy enough.

Then a voice shouted again: "I offer 260 million gold coins."

Yang Xiaobao took a look at the bidder, and found that it was still the big fat man, and after he bid, he panted even more, as if someone was constantly pulling a bellows.

"I'll offer 270 million gold coins." The man with the curly hair yelled loudly.

Yang Xiaobao also took a look at this man, and found that his hair was really shiny, probably because he had put a lot of vegetable oil on it.

"I'll offer 280 million gold coins." The bald man immediately yelled loudly, and his voice was still loud, and his eyes were still unfriendly.

However, no one cared about whether his eyes were kind or not, whether others should bid or not, no one peed on him, and Yang Xiaobao certainly wouldn't pee on him, and he immediately bid, and even made an unprecedented bid. The high price made everyone speechless, and the chief guardian of Xinkeng Bank looked at Yang Xiaobao with bright eyes, just like looking at the God of Wealth.

(End of this chapter)

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