Chapter 284 Brave General

Shenyuan Empire Court Council Hall.

The emperor of the Shenyuan Empire sat on the dragon chair, and all the civil and military officials below him were lined up on both sides.

A very old father-in-law immediately started to sing loudly with a special voice: If you have something to play, you will leave the court if you have nothing to do.

"I have my own play." As soon as the waiter's voice fell, a civil servant on the left immediately came out and said immediately.

"What's the matter?" The emperor of the Shenyuan Empire said very calmly.

"His Majesty, after a month of public opinion polls, 40% of people voted for the weekend system, 30% voted for the rotation system, another 20% abstained from voting, and 10% did not vote. I know there is a vacation system." The civil servant said immediately.

"Then follow the weekend system." After hearing this, the emperor of the Shenyuan Empire pondered for a while, then patted his head and said.

"Your Majesty is wise, and I respect the holy will." The civil servant retreated to his original position after speaking.

"I have an official statement." General Nishida Oyama, the military officer standing tenth on the right, said immediately.

"What's the matter?" The emperor of the Shenyuan Empire immediately said with a look of hesitation. During this period of time, Xitian Dashan was defeated by Lu Bu of the Huayang Empire, and the emperor of the Shenyuan Empire had a lot of opinions on him.

"Qizou Your Majesty, before we retreated at the Huayang Pass on the border of the Huayang Empire, I used a plan to alienate Hu Laizhao, the emperor of the Huayang Empire, according to the plan taught by Sima Xiangye. Up to now, there has been no movement. I don’t know if Hu Laizhao, the emperor of the Huayang Empire, has fallen for it.” Xitian Dashan said immediately, his tone of speech was cautious, after all, he had been defeated by Lu Bu during this period of time, and Xitian Dashan was extremely terrified.

"What do you think of Sima Aiqing?" After hearing this, the Emperor of the Huayang Empire pondered for a while, and then said to a thin-looking man sitting first on the right.

This man's name is Sima Zhizhi, and he is the head of Jin Guizong, the head of the nine major sects of the Shenyuan Empire's Storm City, and he is also the prime minister of the Shenyuan Empire. Things should not be too hasty, nor should you rely too much on this plan. After all, it was because Xi Tian was unable to attack Huayang Pass for a long time and lost troops continuously, so he couldn't do it. It was just a temporary burial It's just a foreshadowing."

"Xitian, what a shameful fight you fought, it's really embarrassing." Suddenly, a bearded military general attacked Xitian Dashan in the hall.

The name of this person is Zhang Fei, and he is a fierce general of the Shenyuan Empire. He has been guarding the border of the Lanhao Empire for a while, and he has just returned. Now I heard that Xitian Dashan was defeated by Lu Bu, and even lost the city one after another. He lost his land, so he immediately questioned Xitian Dashan in public.

When Xitian Dashan heard Zhang Fei's rude words, he immediately became angry, and his beard trembled with anger.

It's no wonder he was angry, after all, his official position was actually higher than Zhang Fei's, but now Zhang Fei was rudely questioning him in front of so many civil and military officials, which made him lose face. How can you not make him angry!

But there is nothing he can do to get angry again. After all, it is a fact that he has suffered consecutive defeats. Not only did he lose many soldiers and horses, but he also lost cities and lands one after another. "You," the word, can no longer say it.

"Zhang Aiqing, what do you think?" The emperor of the Shenyuan Empire immediately asked Zhang Fei expectantly.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to lead millions of troops to Huayang Pass, regain the lost ground, capture Lu Bu, and shame the country." Zhang Fei said immediately.

"Okay, Zhang Aiqing, I will now designate you as the Brave General. That is to say, I will switch positions with Xi Tian. You go to Huayang Pass, and Xi Tian goes to the border of Lanhao." The emperor of the Shenyuan Empire said decisively.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, I will go to Huayang Pass immediately to recover the lost ground." Zhang Fei said loudly immediately, the surprise on his face was undisguised.


After Bai Yunfei and Senior Sister Gongsun rushed back to the big fat pig, they were about to walk back, but saw an elder from a sect suddenly blocking their way, and even looking for Bai Yunfei by name.

Bai Yunfei was taken aback immediately, he didn't know what the sect elder wanted from him, so he immediately asked the elder: "Elder, what do you want from me?"

"Don't be nervous, young man, it's a good thing I'm looking for you." The sect elder said with a smile.

"Good things, what good things are there?" Bai Yunfei was taken aback when he heard that there were good things, and then asked in surprise.

"Do you have a big brother named Wen Danxi?" The elder asked immediately.

"Yes, my elder brother's name is Wen Danxi, elder, did the elder brother invite you to come and find me?" Bai Yunfei was pleasantly surprised when he heard the elder mention that the elder brother raised Xiaobao, after all, he hadn't seen him for several days The eldest brother has raised Xiaobao, and now there is news of the eldest brother, which is both a surprise and a pleasant surprise.

"It can be said to be yes, or it can be said to be no." The elder said immediately. Originally, this matter was raised by Xiaobao and entrusted his cheap master to help him, but it is a bit complicated to explain, so the elder just Just said something casually.

Fortunately, Bai Yunfei didn't ask about it again. For Bai Yunfei, he only needed to know the news about his elder brother raising Xiaobao. As for other things, he didn't think too much about it, and he didn't need to think so much.

"Elder, did my elder brother entrust you with something?" Bai Yunfei asked immediately.

"Yes, young man, your mind is spinning quite fast. That's exactly what happened. Your eldest brother asked someone to transfer you to the Spirit Medicine Garden as a medicine boy. Do you think it's a good thing?" The elder was also a little excited immediately. Said.

He couldn't help being unhappy, because the suzerain personally asked him to handle this matter, and the suzerain looked for him if he didn't look for others. What does that mean?It shows that he is still a usable person in the eyes of the Suzerain, so this cannot make him unhappy.

"Really, elder, that's great." Bai Yunfei immediately said pleasantly.

This incident really surprised Bai Yunfei, he didn't expect his elder brother to have such great energy, and it's only been a few days, and his elder brother has become the alchemist's personal medicine boy, not to mention that he also arranged for his brother I went to the elixir garden to be a drug boy.

The Spiritual Medicine Garden, this is a place that many people have been unable to enter for many years. Not only have they entered it now, but they are also medicine boys.

However, after Bai Yunfei was happy, he immediately thought of Senior Sister Gongsun. It would be great if Senior Sister Gongsun could go to the Spiritual Medicine Garden with him as a medicine boy.

Therefore, Bai Yunfei immediately said to the elder: "Elder, can you let Senior Sister Gongsun go with me?"

"I'm afraid that's not possible. Right now, I'm just arranging for you to go to the Spiritual Medicine Garden alone. Before the higher-ups speak, you can only go by yourself. Others are not allowed." The elder said very patiently.

Impatience is not enough. After all, this Bai Yunfei was personally arranged by the suzerain. It can be said that his future is limitless. How could he easily offend him?

"Junior Brother Yunfei, you go, just come and see me often in the future." Gongsun Ju said immediately, she was also very moved when she heard Bai Yunfei ask the elder to let her go to the elixir garden together, but she also knew , this is impossible, unless Wen Danxi means it is probably okay.

At the same time, Gongsun Ju was also filled with emotion. This Wen Danxi is truly extraordinary and unbelievable. In just a few days, he has not only become the alchemist's personal medicine boy himself, but also helped his brother Bai Yunfei to arrange for him to enter the spiritual world. It takes a lot of energy for the medicine garden to be a medicine boy.

But no matter what, Gongsun Ju was sincerely happy that Bai Yunfei was able to go to the Spiritual Medicine Garden to be a drug boy. You must know that this is something that many sect disciples dream of. However, after so many years, it still failed to come true, but now Junior Brother Bai Yunfei has realized it all at once, which made her see hope again. As long as Junior Brother Yunfei can do well in it, with his character Sooner or later, I will find a way to get her in too.

"Okay, Senior Sister Gongsun, I will definitely come to see you. If I see my elder brother, I will ask him to take you to the Spirit Medicine Garden as a medicine boy." Bai Yunfei immediately agreed.

However, what he said made the elder feel a little funny. He said in his heart, do you think that your elder brother opened the elixir garden of the elixir house, and let anyone in if you want to enter?

However, he just said it in his heart, and didn't say it out loud. Once he said it, it wouldn't sound good.

So, the elder personally took Bai Yunfei to the Spiritual Medicine Garden again, and Bai Yunfei was also full of surprises along the way, he didn't expect that he was now a drug boy in the Spiritual Medicine Garden.

However, after he walked for a while, he suddenly remembered his daily task of herding pigs, so Bai Yunfei immediately asked the elder: "Elder, I'm going to the elixir garden now, that sect asks to enlarge the pigs every day." What about the pig's mission?"

When the elder heard that Bai Yunfei was still thinking about the task of herding pigs, he couldn't help but be a little bit dumbfounded, but he still patiently explained: "In fact, someone releases that big fat pig every day."

"Then if someone releases it, why do we, the outer disciples, have to release it?" Bai Yunfei asked puzzled.

"Aren't you unfamiliar with the sect when you first entered the sect? So I will arrange some things for you to do, and this is also a test for yourselves, an opportunity to exercise," the elder said immediately.

"Elder, so that's the case, I understand now." Bai Yunfei said immediately.

Seeing that Bai Yunfei understood after just a few words, the elder felt quite satisfied, and thought that this young man was really good.

So, the elder also told Bai Yunfei about some things about the sect along the way, and Bai Yunfei took notes one by one.

 Good night friends!

(End of this chapter)

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