Chapter 286 Midnight Gunshots
Emperor Hu Laizhao listened to Zhan Feiyi, the suzerain of the orthodox sect, and immediately realized what he said. He felt that listening to the king's words was better than reading books for ten years.

From then on, Emperor Hu Laizhao's suspicion of Lu Bu disappeared.

So Emperor Hu Laizhao suddenly thought of going to the border of Huayangguan to meet Lu Buyi on a whim. For Lu, the emperor Hu Laizhao will never be able to visit again, but being able to take a look at it by the way is also enough to comfort the thoughts in his heart.

Of course, going to Huayang Pass requires a name, after all, only a name can be said.

But it didn't bother the emperor Hu Laizhao, he just strolled around the palace twice with his hands behind his back, and then he thought that it would be most appropriate and justified to go in the name of Lao Jun.

Because last time, Lv Buzi suddenly descended through tens of thousands of forests and defeated General Xitian Dashan, the coach of the Shenyuan Empire, and won the unprecedented victory at Huayang Pass. A huge victory.

Therefore, it is very appropriate for the emperor Hu Laizhao to go to Huayangguan again for the labor force. This time the labor force can not only strengthen the relationship between him and Lu Bu, but also stimulate the morale of the three armies.

The labor force this time has achieved multiple goals with one stroke. Such a good thing is really deserved and appropriate.

Therefore, the emperor Hu Laizhao immediately slapped his head, and immediately decided that this trip to Huayang Pass to meet Lu would still be in the name of Lao Jun.

Of course, it is better for the emperor Hu Laizhao to go to Huayangguan to work with the suzerains of the top ten sects, one is for safety, and the other is to strengthen the momentum.

Therefore, Emperor Hu Laizhao immediately asked Xiao Dezi to invite the suzerain of the Jueqing sect to come to discuss with him. After all, only the suzerain of the Jueqing sect is the most enthusiastic about making public appearances, so every time the emperor Hu Laizhao travels for inspections, he will invite the Jueqing sect Accompanied by the suzerain.

And because the status of the suzerain of the top ten sects is detached, Xiao Dezi has to go to invite him every time, because everyone knows that Xiao Dezi is a celebrity around the emperor Hu Laizhao, and Xiao Dezi comes to invite him in person, although It can't be said that it is equivalent to the emperor's visit, but it is also a big face.

So, Xiao Dezi left the palace immediately, and immediately got into the royal car and said to the left of the old driver: "Go to the Unfeeling Sect, hurry up."

Hearing the father-in-law's order on the left, the old driver naturally didn't dare to neglect, and then drove to the Jueqingzong, speeding up and overtaking continuously along the way, and arrived at the gate of the Rueqingzong's headquarters in just a few minutes.

As soon as the old driver stopped the special car on the left, Xiao Dezi got out of the car, passed through the gate of the Rueqing Sect, and immediately took small steps, trotting all the way to the office of the head of the Rueqing Sect.

At this moment, the suzerain of the Unfeeling Sect was sitting in the office, and when he was bored, he suddenly saw Xiao Dezi coming, so he stood up and greeted him overjoyed, because he also knew that Xiao Dezi would go to the Three Treasure Hall for nothing, and he would definitely It was the emperor Hu Lai Zhao sent to ask him what he wanted.

Sure enough, he guessed right. As soon as Xiao Dezi saw the suzerain of the Jueqing sect, he immediately said: "Sect master Zhang, the emperor ordered the servants to come and invite me."

Xiao Dezi stopped immediately when he said this, because he was already out of breath after rushing for a while, and now he couldn't catch his breath when he spoke, so he had to stop halfway.

Seeing Xiao Dezi's appearance like this, the head of the Unfeeling Sect felt a little funny, but he still held back his laughter, and finally held back.

After panting for a while, Xiao Dezi calmed down again, and then continued, "Sect Master Zhang, the emperor ordered the servants to come to invite me, because the emperor wants to go to Huayang Pass to work in the army in person, and he wants to ask Sect Master Zhang to accompany him."

As soon as the head of the Heartless Sect heard that he was going to accompany the emperor to Huayangguan to work in the army, he immediately became a little excited. Originally, he was so busy at the moment, and he was a person who liked to show off. Now that there is such a good thing, of course I am very excited.

Therefore, the suzerain of the Jueqing sect agreed immediately, and Xiao Dezi was very happy to see the suzerain of the Jueqing sect agreed so readily, so he immediately informed the Jueqing sect of the date of the labor force that Emperor Hu Lai Zhao set off at noon tomorrow metropolitan.


At noon the next day, Emperor Hu Lai Zhao personally led [-] Imperial Forest Army troops from the capital of the empire, and went to Huayang Pass, the border of the Huayang Empire, with the Suzerain of the Ruthless Sect to labor the army. The supplies of the labor army this time were also very rich.

Two carts of gold coins, about [-] million.

Fifteen hundred fat pigs.

Two thousand six hundred fat sheep.

Fifteen hundred fat cattle.

Four thousand fat chickens.

Three thousand five hundred fat ducks.


Emperor Hu Lai Zhao personally led three thousand Imperial Forest Army to walk in front, followed closely by a huge convoy of labor and supplies, marching to Huayang Pass on the border of the empire.

Along the way, officials from all over the country organized a large number of villagers to welcome and send off at the intersection along the way. The emperor Hu Laizhao couldn't help feeling elated when he saw such a scene. I didn't think about it either, so I had to give up.

Emperor Hu Laizhao looked at the great rivers and mountains along the way, and he was in a very happy mood. From time to time, he chatted and joked with the suzerain of the Jueqing Sect. He was neither lonely nor boring along the way, but he seemed very happy. Months later, they finally reached the Huayang Pass on the border of the empire.

And Lu Buben was also a little worried about the Emperor Hu Lai Zhao's plan after discovering that Xi Tian had made a divorce, but after waiting for a few days, the Emperor Hu Lai Zhao did not make any unusual movements. It seems that the Emperor Hu Lai Zhao should I have also seen Nishida's estrangement, so I feel relieved.

But now Lu Buzai was even more excited when he learned that Emperor Hu Laizhao had come to Huayangguan to work in person. It can be seen that Emperor Hu Laizhao must have seen through Xitian's treacherous plot, so Lu Buchao personally greeted him for more than three hundred miles. , Waiting quietly for the arrival of Emperor Hu Lai Zhao.

And the emperor Hu Laizhao was very moved when he saw Lu Bu walking so far to greet him, and the more he looked at Lu Bu now, the more extraordinary he was. At the same time, he also felt that his suspicion of Lu Bu a few days ago was a bit ridiculous .

Fortunately, he found the Suzerain of the Orthodox Sect to clarify his doubts in time, thus dispelling his suspicion and wariness about Lu Bu, otherwise, he didn't know what bad things would happen.

And Lu Bu saw that the emperor Hu Laizhao still came with so many convoy materials, he was even more happy, and he was very grateful in his heart, feeling that the emperor Hu Laizhao's kindness to him was higher than the sky, Love is deeper than the sea.

Therefore, when Lu Buyi saw the emperor Hu Laizhao getting off the sedan chair, he immediately knelt down to greet him. Guan's temporary marshal's residence.

The emperor Hu Laizhao personally came to labor the army this time, which greatly encouraged the soldiers of the three armies. Cheers continued along the way, and the emotions of the soldiers of the three armies were all high.

In the evening, another grand labor banquet started, and Huayang was closed and the lights were brightly lit. This time, more than 1000 big fat pigs, [-] big fat cows, [-] big fat ducks were slaughtered, and there were jars of fine wine The food was served on the table, so the soldiers of the three armies immediately drank to their heart's content, and the whole labor scene was even more grand and joyous.

However, Lu was not because he had a sneak attack on the enemy camp last time, and since Xitian resorted to divorce last time, he also found out that the Shenyuan Empire and Sima knew such a minister of strategy, so he naturally did it this time. Not daring to be careless, they arranged for [-] mecha elite soldiers to guard Huayang Pass, and they were only allowed to eat some meat, and were not allowed to drink alcohol.

Moreover, Lu Bu himself didn't drink alcohol, it's not that he doesn't know how to drink, in fact Lu Bu drinks quite a lot.

The main reason is, of course, that last time Hu Laizhao came to Laojun, he and the emperor Hu Laizhao were both drunk, and as a result, they both regarded each other as a beautiful woman Zhao Chan, and then they hugged each other naked We slept together all night, and still hugged so tightly, so tightly.

So every time Lu Bu thought of this, he felt palpitations, and when he thought of the emperor Hu Lai Zhao's old skin, he felt uncomfortable.

Therefore, Lu Bu decided not to drink a drop of alcohol during the period when the emperor Hu came to Zhao Laojun, so as not to make any more indecent incidents.

The emperor Hu Laizhao also had a different idea from Lu, he didn't drink a sip of wine, just sat with Lu Bu and talked about some irrelevant topics, and admired the three beauties Zhaochan, Shuichan and Yuchan with relish song and dance performance.

Emperor Hu Laizhao fell in love with the three beauties Zhao Chan more and more, he didn't even blink his eyes, Lu Bu was beside him and saw Emperor Hu Laizhao's expression so he had to cough, Emperor Hu Laizhao had to look away, and then smiled at Lu Bu She smiled and said, "Lu Aiqing, have these three beauties ever been used?"

"Return to the emperor, these three beauties have been used by the ministers one by one." Lu Bu immediately replied, in fact, he has only had sex with Zhao Chan until now, and the other two have never used it, but he can also see that Yes, Emperor Hu Lai Zhao also misses these three beauties.

However, the three beauties Lu would definitely not give up. If it was something else, Lu would have dedicated it to the emperor Hu Laizhao long ago, but he was reluctant to part with these three beauties, even the emperor Hu Laizhao.

Emperor Hu Laizhao also saw Lu Bu's love for the three beauties, so he had to give up.

So, Emperor Hu Lai, Zhao and Lu Bu watched the performance of the three beauties together, sat until midnight, and went back to their rooms to rest.

However, when Huayang closed the gate in the middle of the night, there was a burst of gunshots. Lu Bu hurriedly pushed away the beautiful woman Zhao Chan in his arms, put on his horse, and went to check the gate in person.

Seeing Marshal Lu coming in person, the general guarding the gate hurriedly stepped forward to meet him, and then reported the reason for the shooting just now.

It turned out that at Yin Ye, the Shenyuan Empire really sent a small group of elite soldiers to attack, but fortunately, Lu did not expect the enemy to take the lead. These guards did not drink alcohol, and no matter whether they were sentry or secret, they discovered the sneak attack in time. enemy.

Therefore, the defenders immediately opened fire. Since Huayang Pass was easy to defend and difficult to attack, under the firing of a row of laser gun bullets from the defenders, they knocked down hundreds of opponents. Immediately withdrew.

(End of this chapter)

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