Guwu's future pretending to slap the face system

Chapter 298 Challenging the Sun Gate

Chapter 298 Challenging the Sun Gate

Yang Xiaobao and Master Bian went all out to lighten the body, ran fast all the way, and returned to Magic Snow City in just half an hour.

But before entering the city, I saw a large group of people watching something under the city wall, and they were talking about it. It felt strange to raise Xiaobao, so he immediately said to the cheap master: "Master, why don't we go and see?" Let's have a look."

"Okay, let's take a look." Master Cheap said immediately. In fact, she really wanted to take a look. After all, everyone has curiosity, and Master Cheap is no exception.

Yang Xiaobao saw that Master Cheap nodded in agreement, so he immediately walked towards the crowd with Master Cheap, but there were too many people watching here, blocking their sight, but this was not difficult for Yang Xiaobao at all.

Immediately after Yang Xiaobao performed the alchemy, a shocking murderous aura emanated from his body. The onlookers in front were all shocked by this extraordinary murderous aura, so they involuntarily stepped aside, Yang Xiaobao and Master Qi Immediately walked in.

Yang Xiaobao immediately saw that there was a reward notice posted in it. The notice was posted by Xinkeng Bank. Keng Qianzhuang suspects that these missing people were murdered. If anyone can provide effective clues, Xinkeng Qianzhuang is willing to offer a high reward of [-] million gold coins.

Yang Xiaobao and Master Bian immediately frowned when they saw it, because they did it, but that was also because the chief guardian of Xinkeng Bank was too shameless, not only sold people on the street, but also pretended to be a robber to treat Yang Xiaobao. Bao and the others blocked the road and robbed them, so they were killed by Yang Xiaobao and Master Yi.

Fortunately, after killing the chief protector of the Xinkeng Bank, Master Cheap immediately used corpse powder to disintegrate the corpses of those people, not even a bit of bone residue was left, destroying the corpses and destroying traces, these people just wanted to investigate. There is no way to check.

Of course, even if the people from Xinkeng Bank really find out about Yang Xiaobao and Master Cheap, Yang Xiaobao is still not afraid. After all, one of the chief protectors of his Xinkeng Bank is only Wu Zun, so it can be seen that they will not There is someone stronger than Wu Zun, even if there is, Yang Xiaobao can safely evacuate with the cheap master after resorting to all kinds of means, and the cheap master also has the alchemy identity card, as long as he does not leave the magic snow city, That is the most effective amulet.

However, Yang Xiaobao still sighed a little, this Xinkeng Bank is really rich, just looking for a valid clue, they offered a high price of [-] million gold coins, since their money is too much to spend, Yang Xiaobao Bao doesn't mind going to Xinkeng Bank to get some money to spend when the time is right.

After Yang Xiaobao read the notice, he glanced at Master Yiyi, the two smiled at each other, walked out of the crowd, and walked towards the city gate.

The gatekeepers didn't charge the entry fee after seeing the cheap master took out the alchemist's identity card, and still respectfully made a gesture of inviting in, and the cheap master and Yang Xiaobao immediately entered the fantasy snow city.

As soon as Yang Xiaobao and master cheap entered the city, they saw a rickshaw, and when the rickshaw driver saw Yang Xiaobao, he immediately ran over with the cart, Yang Xiaobao also recognized the driver, he was an acquaintance, The coachman gave him a gold coin for raising Xiaobao, because he had no change, and because he didn't know that Yangxiaobao didn't pay for a gold coin at all, and didn't mean to ask him for change, so the driver insisted on serving Yangxiaobao It took a day, and Yang Xiaobao even saved him once later.

Therefore, the coachman ran over immediately after seeing Yang Xiaobao and Jin Ximei, and respectfully said to Yang Xiaobao: "Benefactor, get in the car."

Yang Xiaobao and Jin Ximei were also very surprised when they saw this coachman. I remember that day, Yang Xiaobao gave him three gold coins, which was enough for him to spend a year and a half. The man was beaten violently and suffered serious injuries. Yang Xiaobao thought he would rest for a while, but he didn't expect that after only a few days, he came out to pull the cart again.

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help being a little puzzled, did the coachman spend the three gold coins so quickly, or was he snatched away by the people from Sun Gate?
Therefore, Yang Xiaobao immediately said to the coachman: "Master, are your injuries all healed? Why did you come out to work so soon? Or was the gold coin stolen again?"

Hearing Yang Xiaobao's very concerned question, the driver's eyes turned red. He didn't expect that this nobleman still remembered him and the injuries he had suffered.

Therefore, the driver immediately said to Yang Xiaobao very respectfully: "Thank you benefactor for your concern, I am healed now."

The coachman paused at this point, and seemed to have something to say, but he still didn't say it.

Yang Xiaobao saw that the coachman was hesitant to speak, it seemed that he wanted to say something but dared not say it.

So Yang Xiaobao immediately said kindly: "Master, if you have anything to say, don't be afraid."

When the coachman heard Yang Xiaobao's words, he burst into tears immediately.

Yang Xiaobao and Master Yiyi were stunned when they saw the driver suddenly let out a cry of grief, but Yang Xiaobao didn't stop the driver from crying, and he didn't look down on him. When sad.

After all, everyone has their own difficulties. The so-called great difficulties and minor difficulties. The reason why this driver is crying and sad is that he either encountered considerable difficulties or was bullied by the strong.

Yang Xiaobao immediately decided to take care of it. After all, he and this coachman met several times, which can be regarded as some fate, and it also involved some cause and effect, and he also helped the coachman several times. No matter whether the coachman encountered great difficulties or was bullied by the strong, Yang Xiaobao decided to take care of it.

After crying for a while, the coachman immediately knelt down again, and said: "Please benefactor, please be my master. After the benefactor gave me three gold coins that day, I went home immediately. The next day my benefactor I went out to the pharmacy to buy some medicine, but when I got home, I was targeted by the people from the Sun Gate, and even followed me to the house, and stole all the coins, not to mention my daughter-in-law."

From then on, the coachman pulled the car and guarded the place where he met his benefactor raising Xiaobao that day. He also knew that only this benefactor could help him, but when he met Yang Xiaobao just now, he suddenly became a little worried, worried that his benefactor would raise Xiaobao Can Xiaobao help him seek justice? It would be bad if he hurt his benefactor because of this. That's why he hesitated to speak just now, and finally spoke out after being urged by Yang Xiaobao.

When Yang Xiaobao heard what the coachman said, he immediately became angry, even Master Cheap was also angry.

This Sun Gate really refuses to change after repeated admonitions. It doesn't take the warning that night when raising Xiaobao seriously, and it's so utterly unconscionable, not only stealing money, but also snatching away his wife. It's tolerable, what can't be tolerated .

Yang Xiaobao immediately decided to go meet the so-called Sun Gate for a while, to see what kind of people they are, they are so bold and commit all kinds of crimes.

So Yang Xiaobao immediately looked at Master Yi, who immediately nodded knowingly.

So Yang Xiaobao and Master Yiyi got on the rickshaw immediately, and said to the driver: "Master, take us to Sun Gate, and I will help you get your wife back."

The coachman was overjoyed when he heard Yang Xiaobao's words, and he could tell from the aura of his benefactor just now that this benefactor should be capable of dealing with Sun Gate. Kneeling and begging for mercy?Therefore, after thanking the coachman repeatedly, he immediately pulled up the rickshaw and headed for the Sungate station.

Of course, Yang Xiaobao doesn't know if there are other experts in the Sun Gate besides those Wu Zhen powerhouses. However, no matter whether they have more advanced martial arts powerhouses, even if they have Wu Zun powerhouses, he is not afraid. Never mind.

Master Cheap also had a firm expression on his face. She also felt that this person from the Sun Gate was really incompetent. He even wanted to snatch his wife, which was really unconscionable.

The coachman immediately pulled up the car and ran with all his strength, feeling even more excited. Not only did he wait for his benefactor, but the two nobles also agreed to help him get his wife back. How could this not make him excited?

Therefore, when the coachman pulled up the cart, he not only ran like flying, but also didn't feel tired. The coachman was still very excited, and he was still running like flying.

Yang Xiaobao saw that the coachman was soaked, he might not be able to bear it, after all, the weather is really hot, so Yang Xiaobao immediately said: "Master, stop first."

The driver stopped the car immediately when he heard Yang Xiaobao's words, and then looked at Yang Xiaobao in amazement, wondering why Yang Xiaobao asked him to stop, did the benefactor suddenly change his mind and not help him seek justice? Why don't you help him get his wife back?
Therefore, after the driver stopped the car, he immediately became nervous for a while, but soon calmed down. If the benefactor can't deal with Sun Gate and hurt the benefactor, wouldn't he have committed a crime?

However, just when the coachman was in a state of anxiety and worrying about gains and losses, Yang Xiaobao suddenly spoke, and Yang Xiaobao immediately took out a special pill from the system space and handed it to the coachman, saying: "Master, take this pill. Go eat, and it won't be too late to go on the road."

The coachman took the pill and looked at Yang Xiaobao suspiciously, thinking that I'm not sick, why are you giving me medicine.However, the coachman only thought about it for a while, and decided to take this pill. After all, it was given to him by his benefactor, so he would have to take it even if it was a poison. He died after taking the benefactor's medicine, and he didn't complain.

However, this coachman's idea is completely superfluous, it is impossible for Yang Xiaobao to give him poison, and there is no poison on Yang Xiaobao's body, there are many antidotes, not only antidotes, but also antidote pills.

The coachman immediately put the pill into his mouth, and immediately felt his whole body was full of strength. The physical strength consumed by pulling the cart just now recovered immediately. Not only did he recover, but he also felt that he still had endless energy.

Now the driver of course knows that what Yang Xiaobao gave him is not poison, not only it is not poison, but also a tonic, a very nourishing tonic, so the driver quickly thanked Yang Xiaobao, and immediately pulled up the car and drove on the road up.

Now the coachman is more confident about whether his benefactor can help him get justice and get his wife back. You must know that this benefactor just gave him a medicine that immediately doubled his energy and was full of strength. , this benefactor is absolutely not simple.

Master Cheap was also shocked when he saw Yang Xiaobao take out a pill. After all, as an alchemist, she was very sensitive to things like pills. He also saw that Yang Xiaobao took the pill. Extraordinary, although it cannot be compared with pills, but among the pills, it should be the best of the best.

Master Cheap suddenly became curious, she didn't know how Yang Xiaobao had such a good pill, and she didn't know where Yang Xiaobao's pills came from, so she immediately asked: "Danxi, your pill is very good. Not bad, where did it come from, is there any more?"

"Master, this is a premium pill, of course it's not bad." Yang Xiaobao couldn't help being taken aback when he saw that the cheap master was also interested in his premium pill, so he smiled and said.

"Danxi, let me ask you where this pill came from. Do you still have any more?" Seeing that she asked Yang Xiaobao three questions in a row, Yang Xiaobao only answered one question, so he asked again , after all, she is more interested in the latter two questions.

"Master, I made these pills myself. I can make as many pills as I want, as long as I have herbs and machinery." Yang Xiaobao said immediately.

"Danxi, although these pills of yours are good, they are incomparable to pills. A low-grade pill can at least be worth more than a thousand pills. I am an alchemist. Why do I need these pills from you?" use?"

When master cheap said this, he paused immediately, and found that Yang Xiaobao was listening attentively, so he smiled, and then said: "What I didn't expect is that you are actually a pharmacist, and you seem to be a very advanced alchemist." Pharmacist."

Master Xie paused again when he said this, and found that Yang Xiaobao didn't intervene, so he nodded in satisfaction, and then continued: "Since you are a senior alchemist, it's no wonder you are so proficient in medicinal herbs. It was definitely a big surprise.”

When master cheap said this, he couldn't help getting excited, so he couldn't help but paused again, and looked at Yang Xiaobao with bright eyes, and found that he was still listening attentively, so he nodded in satisfaction immediately, and then went on Said: "In this way, we are much more sure of winning the Danby championship this time."

Yang Xiaobao became more and more happy when he saw that the more the master said, he became a little excited immediately, and then nodded vigorously to the master.

After the coachman ate the Dali pill given by Yang Xiaobao, he pulled up the car even more vigorously, and his speed was much faster, so he soon arrived at the entrance of the Sun Gate.

Yang Xiaobao and Master Yiyi got off the car immediately, and then took the coachman who had taken Dali Pills and walked into the Sun Gate.

(End of this chapter)

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