Chapter 403
After Yang Xiaobao entered the city, he immediately decided to find an inn to live in, and as soon as he had the idea, he saw a rickshaw running towards him, and Yang Xiaobao couldn't help feeling curious.

You know, this is Yunyang Star, and there is still a high-tech future world, which is much more advanced than Yang Xiaobao's previous life on Earth, but he didn't expect that there would be primitive tools like rickshaws. It's a little strange.

Of course, after Yang Xiaobao entered the completely retro world of Lingdanshe, he also saw a human-powered tricycle, and it was the main vehicle for carrying people. Moreover, Yang Xiaobao also rode a human-powered tricycle in Lengxing City, and also in Magic Snow City. Yang Xiaobao also helped a rickshaw driver get back his robbed daughter-in-law, and also killed the gangster Sunmen who robbed his wife.

However, it was the first time for Yang Xiaobao to see a rickshaw on Yunyang Star, because he had spent a lot of time in the Huayang Empire and visited many places, but he had never seen one. A primitive means of transportation such as the rickshaw.

But now, in the Shenyuan Empire, the first city of the Shenyuan Empire, I saw a rickshaw. Yang Xiaobao couldn't help being a little surprised, because Yang Xiaobao still likes riding a rickshaw very much. As for why he likes it, this There is no reason at all, and no reason is needed, if you like it, you like it, it's that simple.

So Yang Xiaobao immediately stopped the rickshaw, and the driver stopped in front of him when he heard Yang Xiaobao's call, and said in surprise, "Sir, do you want to take the car? Do you want to stay in a hotel? Or go sightseeing?" ?”

Yang Xiaobao nodded first, and then said to the driver: "Master, take us to the hotel first, and then go sightseeing."

"Okay, please get in the car." The rickshaw driver immediately agreed happily.

Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei, and the little beauty Wang Lianzi immediately got on the rickshaw. Although it was a bit crowded for the three of them to sit on, fortunately, Jin Ximei and the little beauty Wang Lianzi were very slender, and Yang Xiaobao was not fat, so they could still It's just a little crowded, but the relationship between Yang Xiaobao and the others is not ordinary, so it's okay to be a little crowded, and the three of them feel pretty good.

I have to say that this rickshaw driver is really strong, very strong, and he is walking like flying while pulling three people. Yang Xiaobao also observed it and found that this rickshaw driver is not a strong martial artist, but should be born with great strength.

In about 10 minutes, the rickshaw stopped at the door of an inn. Yang Xiaobao looked at the signboard of this inn, and saw four big red characters "Sifang Inn" on it. Yang Xiaobao saw the name It's average, but it's not bad, so Yang Xiaobao immediately smiled, got out of the car, and asked the rickshaw driver: "Master, how much is the fare?
"One silver coin." The rickshaw driver said immediately.

When Yang Xiaobao heard a silver coin, he was stunned for a moment, it was indeed not cheap, but Yang Xiaobao didn't care, so Yang Xiaobao immediately took out a gold coin and handed it to the rickshaw driver, and then said: "Master, this I'll give you one gold coin, so you don't have to look for it, I'll take your car next time."

Hearing Yang Xiaobao's words, the driver hurriedly agreed, and took the gold coin excitedly. Yang Xiaobao looked at the driver and smiled, because he suddenly remembered the rickshaw driver in the fantasy snow city. He is a very simple and honest person. Yang Xiaobao still remembers that he gave the driver a gold coin, and the rickshaw driver waited for him all day because he had no change. The gangsters who came out to collect protection fees at night beat them up, but luckily Yang Xiaobao was rescued when he came out.

Yang Xiaobao looked at the coachman again, this coachman was quite clever, but Yang Xiaobao didn't continue to talk to the coachman, but entered this Sifang Inn together with Jin Ximei and the little beauty Wang Lianzi.

Of course, it is said to be an inn, but it is actually a hotel, but the name is a bit more retro. After Yang Xiaobao and the others came in, the service lady at the front desk immediately greeted him enthusiastically, and Yang Xiaobao didn't say anything to the waiter. If it was redundant, two rooms were opened directly.

Then, Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei, and the little beauty Wang Lianzi were led by the waiter to two rooms on the third floor. A room is to the right of the hallway.

Yang Xiaobao lived in the room on the right side of the corridor, and Jin Ximei and the little beauty Queen Lian Zi lived in the room on the left. After Yang Xiaobao entered the room, he washed up immediately. However, he just came out of the bathroom after washing. , I heard a knock on the door.

Yang Xiaobao immediately opened the door, and immediately saw the little beauty Wang Lianzi standing outside the door. Seeing her looking refreshed, it was obvious that she had just taken a bath, and Yang Xiaobao smiled and said, "Sister, it's not bad. It looks glamorous, and when you walk on the street like this, the rate of turning heads must be extremely high."

"Big brother, I don't care if the rate of return is high or not. I just want big brother to like it." The little beauty queen Lianzi smiled and said immediately, and she also deliberately puffed out her chest, which seemed to be quite large.

Yang Xiaobao quickly looked away, then smiled and said, "Are you going to come in? Or are you not going to come in?"

"Big brother, of course I want to come in." The little beauty Wang Lianzi immediately replied, immediately entered the room where Xiaobao was raised, and immediately closed the door behind her.

However, Yang Xiaobao opened the door again. Although the relationship between him and the little beauty Wang Lianzi is very unusual, it would be inappropriate for a lonely man and a widow to live in the same room with the door closed.

But when the little beauty Wang Lianzi saw that Yang Xiaobao had closed the door, she pouted and said, "Big brother, why did you open the door again? This big man is afraid that I will eat you."

When Yang Xiaobao heard what the little beauty Wang Lianzi said, he just smiled and didn't answer her, because it was not easy to answer. Of course he knew what the little beauty Wang Lianzi meant, but Yang Xiaobao also had his own bottom line , That's why he won't be fooled by the little beauty Queen Lianzi.

However, although Yang Xiaobao did not answer the words of the little beauty Wang Lianzi, someone else answered for him, and the person who answered was Jin Ximei. Jin Ximei also walked into Yang Xiaobao's room now, and she heard the little beauty Wang Lianzi was full of provocative words, so Jin Ximei immediately said to the little beauty Wang Lianzi: "Looking at your goblin appearance, you obviously want to eat people, and you still say you don't want to eat people."

"Sister, why do you always bully me?" The little beauty Wang Lianzi was startled when she heard Jin Ximei's sudden voice, and then said a little bit wronged and guilty.

Yang Xiaobao immediately took a look at Jin Ximei, seeing that she was also looking radiant, she had obviously just come out of the bath, and the complexion on her face looked more moist, so Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but take a few more glances.

However, Jin Ximei didn't feel embarrassed, but looked back at Yang Xiaobao with very warm eyes, seeing that Yang Xiaobao's face and body were hot, so Yang Xiaobao immediately changed the subject and said: " Let's go out and see now."

"Okay, okay, big brother, are we going shopping?" the little beauty Queen Lianzi said immediately.

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help smiling when he saw the little beauty Wang Lianzi so excited. It seems that it is a girl's nature to like shopping, because several girls Yang Xiaobao knows like to go shopping, just like Niu Shuzhen, Xinyi likes to go shopping, and Xie Yixiang and Tang Qinghan also like to go shopping, but now Jin Ximei and the little beauty Queen Lianzi are all beaming with joy when they hear that they are going to go to the street.

Yang Xiaobao immediately nodded and said, "That's right, let's go shopping now."

So, Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei, and the little beauty Wang Lianzi immediately walked out of the room, and then out of the Sifang Inn. As soon as Yang Xiaobao and the others arrived at the door of the inn, they saw the rickshaw driver and his rickshaw.

Yang Xiaobao nodded immediately. It seems that although the coachman is very clever, he is also a good person. He didn't take the gold coins and leave, but waited here. The impression is also much better.

So Yang Xiaobao and the three of them got on the rickshaw immediately, and Yang Xiaobao immediately said to the driver: "Master, take us around the empty city, it doesn't matter if you walk slowly."

"Okay." The rickshaw driver immediately agreed happily, and then he pulled up the cart and started walking, as if he was taking a walk.

The rickshaw driver was indeed very happy in his heart. He also saw that Yang Xiaobao was a very generous person. Most people would not pay the fare in advance when taking a car, because some people would always worry that the driver would leave after taking the money. Waiting for them, in fact, such things will basically not happen. You must know that although these coachmen are the bottom of the society, they also have their own professional ethics, although some of them do not know a single word , but these people also tend to be more loyal, others respect him a foot, he can also respect others.

Moreover, Yang Xiaobao asked him to walk a little slower just now. In this way, he liked it very much and was very useful. These rickshaw pullers are not only rickshaw pullers, even taxi drivers, even motorcycle drivers. I am afraid that the most annoying people are those who urge to drive and run like ghosts as soon as they get in the car.

But now, the rickshaw driver took Yang Xiaobao and the three of them and walked steadily on the street. It was really good, and the driver didn't feel tired. look at the scenery.

But Yang Xiaobao suddenly remembered something weird about the name of this city, so Yang Xiaobao immediately asked the rickshaw driver: "Master, do you know why this city is called Empty City?"

"Sir, I am very clear about this. You are right to ask me." The rickshaw driver said immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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