Chapter 416 Come up in time
When Yang Xiaobao heard what the future said, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, then glanced at the future, and then said: "Future, then you have to give birth to a son as soon as possible."

"Dear master, this is not up to me." Future said with a blushing face.

"Xiaobao, if you don't give birth in the future, I will give birth to you..." Ouyang Qianqing blushed immediately, but still looked at Yang Xiaobao firmly, and then stammered.

Yang Xiaobao glanced at Future and Ms. Ouyang, and didn't speak for a long time. What should I say about this?It was too outrageous, but it happened so realistically, and it happened so suddenly.

He originally saw Miss Ouyang fall off the cliff, and then came down to rescue her, but he didn't expect that Miss Ouyang fell off the cliff, nothing happened, and she didn't break an arm or a leg, but the accident was more serious than breaking an arm and a leg In this case, he was actually poisoned.

To be poisoned is to be poisoned, but it is still poisoned by spring, which is too evil, and it is not counted. Not only Miss Ouyang has been poisoned by spring, but in the end, even the future has also been poisoned. Therefore, raising Xiaobao is a last resort. , in a very helpless situation, he had no choice but to sacrifice his life to save others, and he still saved two people in a row, and he saved them so urgently.

However, no matter what, these two people were saved by him. Yang Xiaobao shook his head helplessly when he thought of this, so Yang Xiaobao immediately asked Miss Ouyang: "Qianqing, did you do well up there just now?" , Why did you suddenly fall off the cliff?"

"Xiaobao, I also saw you standing on the cliff looking around. I thought you saw something strange, so I also came to the edge of the cliff to have a look, but I didn't expect that as soon as I stood on the edge of the cliff, I I was bitten by something on my foot, and it still hurt a lot, so I fell off the cliff without paying attention." Ouyang Qianqing said immediately.

"Qianqing, let's take a look at your soles, look at the wound, and see what bit you." After hearing what Miss Ouyang said, Yang Xiaobao immediately said to her.

Ouyang Qianqing obediently took off her shoes immediately, and then revealed her little feet. Yang Xiaobao and Future looked at it, and then saw a red spot on her feet, which was slowly disappearing at the moment.

Seeing this red dot in the future, he immediately said with certainty: "Dear master, Miss Ouyang was bitten by a ****, this **** is very powerful, it is better than the old tortoise I met in the Tiangang formation." The obscenity is even more powerful, and it has to be more poisonous."

The future immediately said to Ouyang Qianqing: "Sister Ouyang, it's fortunate that you met the master who came to save you. Otherwise, you would be poisoned by the **** poison. If you don't detoxify within half an hour, your whole body will fester and die. It will rot away little by little, until there is nothing left of the whole body.”

"Future, stop talking about it, it's too scary." Ms. Ouyang stopped her loudly when she heard what the future said.

"Okay, it's okay now, Qianqing, you have to be more careful in the future, don't play on the edge of the cliff if you're okay." Yang Xiaobao said immediately.

"Understood, Xiaobao, I will be careful, but the future looks much smaller than me, so why don't you call me sister." Ouyang Qianqing said immediately, and looked at the future with dissatisfaction.

"Qianqing, there is no age in the future. She is just transformed from an elf. She can be [-] years old. Anyway, she is an elf. As for her exact age, no one knows. Right? Future." Yang Xiaobao said immediately.

"Dear master, you are absolutely right. I am an elf, so there is no concept of age." Future said immediately.

"In the future, since you have transformed into a human being, don't call me master anymore, but call me Xiaobao." Yang Xiaobao said immediately.

"Okay, dear master, I will call you Xiaobao." Hearing Xiaobao's words in the future, he said very happily, and his heart was very excited. The turned serf sang, and he was on an equal footing with his master. This feeling is really good.

Thinking of this in the future, he couldn't help but look at Miss Ouyang very gratefully. Fortunately, Miss Ouyang vomited her blood, which made her also poisoned by sex, and made her truly a human being and the master's woman.

Yang Xiaobao saw what happened here, and immediately said to Future and Miss Ouyang: "Future, Qianqing, let's go up, I don't know what happened to the two of them up there."

"Okay, Xiaobao, let's go up." Future and Miss Ouyang also said immediately.

"Then you all come on my back, and I will take you up." Yang Xiaobao said immediately.

"Xiaobao, carry Sister Ouyang on your back, I can fly up by myself." Future said immediately.

"In the future, will you also use the Wind Riding Technique?" Yang Xiaobao said immediately.

"Yes, Little Treasure, not only do I know how to ride the wind, but I'm also a strong martial artist. As long as you know how to do it, I can do it." Future said immediately.

"Really, that's great. In the future, I didn't expect you to be so powerful." Yang Xiaobao immediately said happily.

"Originally, if I don't transform into an adult now, I will return to the level of martial arts after a while, but now I can't, after all, I am an adult now." The future said immediately, but look at her His expression was not sad at all, and he was very happy.

Of course, this can't be blamed for the future being happy. After all, a woman who can become an adult and become the master is naturally very happy. Spiritual vitality can be cultivated to the level of martial saints very quickly, because Xiaobao's Taiji Taichu magical skills are really against the sky, so it is not difficult to cultivate to the level of martial saints, let alone how long time.

So, Yang Xiaobao immediately carried Miss Ouyang on his back, and then used the Wind Riding Technique, and immediately flew up like a gust of wind, and the future followed closely behind, and then flew up the cliff go up.

About half an hour later, Yang Xiaobao and Future flew up the cliff one after another, and immediately heard the sound of fighting from the cliff, Yang Xiaobao immediately saw Jin Ximei fighting with a man in black, and the little beauty However, Wang Lianzi was held in the arms of another man in black, and the little beauty Wang Lianzi was still struggling desperately in the arms of this man in black.

Yang Xiaobao then took a look at the cultivation of the two men in black, and found that the two men in black were only strong men at the ninth level of Wu Zun, so he immediately felt relieved, so Yang Xiaobao immediately expressed his concern for the future. Said: "In the future, you go to support Ximei, and I will save Lianzi."

The future immediately agreed, and then flew towards Jin Ximei. At this moment, Jin Ximei was already at the end of her force and was in danger. She was overjoyed when she saw Yang Xiaobao coming up from the cliff, and she saw the future coming to help her. She was stunned for a moment, as for the future, Jin Ximei had seen her a long time ago, so of course she knew her, but Jin Ximei didn't expect that she would fly up from the cliff with Yang Xiaobao in the future, which surprised her.

However, Jin Ximei immediately felt the pressure relieved, because the man in black who was fighting her had already been slapped to death by the future, Jin Ximei couldn't help but looked at the future a little dumbfounded, and she didn't know why the future suddenly became so powerful up.

However, Jin Ximei was still very happy, and immediately said to the future: "Future girl, why did you appear here?"

"Sister Jin, this is a long story, let's talk about it later when I have time." Future then smiled at Jin Ximei before saying.

Jin Ximei had no choice but to nod her head, and then looked at the little beauty Wang Lianzi. Yang Xiaobao had already flown to the little beauty Wang Lianzi, but the little beauty Wang Lianzi was hugged by the man in black. It was easy to shoot, afraid of hurting the little beauty Wang Lianzi, so Yang Xiaobao immediately said to the man in black: "Let her go quickly, if you don't let her go, don't blame me for being rude."

Seeing that Yang Xiaobao flew over suddenly, the man in black was startled instinctively, but when he saw that Yang Xiaobao was only at the level of Wu Zhen, he immediately laughed and said, "Your boy is After eating the bear's heart and swallowing the guts of a leopard, how dare you meddle in your master's business."

Yang Xiaobao saw that the man in black not only refused to let go of the little beauty Wang Lianzi, but also uttered wild words, so he immediately became angry, so he immediately used the wind riding technique, and immediately flew to the top of the man in black, and then A palm hit the top of the man in black's head.

The man in black immediately fell to the ground without a sound, and died immediately, with his eyes wide open, as if he was dying.

Yang Xiaobao also ignored him, but met the little beauty Wang Lianzi who was rushing towards him, and Wang Lianzi threw herself into Yang Xiaobao's arms, and immediately burst into tears, Yang Xiaobao stood still, making her cry After a while, he said, "Sister, I'm fine now."

The little beauty Wang Lianzi said: "Big brother, you are here, otherwise I will be bullied by the bad guys."

Yang Xiaobao immediately let go of Wang Lianzi and said, "It's okay, am I here? Just smile."

The little beauty Wang Lianzi actually smiled once, and then smiled again, but her face was still pear-blossoming, and she looked more and more pitiful.

However, after the little beauty Wang Lianzi saw the future, she immediately asked in surprise: "Sister Future, how did you come here, how did you come here."

The future just looked at the little beauty Queen Lianzi and smiled, but didn't say anything. After all, it's hard for her to say that. She can't say that she is a system elf, and after that with the master, she becomes a real person again, right? .

It's still a bit weird to say this, let Yang Xiaobao talk to them slowly in the future.

And the little beauty Queen Lianzi saw that the future did not speak, so she didn't ask any more, but she was also very happy, after all, she came out from the clutches of the man in black, and she was rescued by Yang Xiaobao, which is very good.

(End of this chapter)

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