Chapter 423 Formation
When Yang Xiaobao saw so many officials surrounding him, he couldn't help but force him a little bit, but he wasn't afraid. It's just a few officials, so what's there to be afraid of?Back then, when Du Cun, the guard commander of the royal family of the Huayang Empire, led more than 3000 fully armed mecha soldiers to hunt and kill him, he was still safe and sound, and he is still alive and well.

Yang Xiaobao took a look immediately, and found that these officials were all strong Wu Zuns, a total of 36, ranging from the first level of Wu Zun to the ninth level of Wu Zun. level peak.

Seeing the cultivation of these people, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but smile. As for the strong Wu Zun, they couldn't put any pressure on Yang Xiaobao. Raising Xiaobao is also not afraid at all, although it is not a sure thing, but it is easy to do.

At this moment, seeing that Yang Xiaobao didn't resist, and didn't say anything, the leading official officer immediately became proud, thinking that Yang Xiaobao must be afraid of them. Indeed, in Fengbo City, the 36 officials from the Fengbo Mansion, As soon as they appeared, many martial arts masters would be caught without any resistance.

However, it's hard to say when they meet Yang Xiaobao this time, if Yang Xiaobao is unwilling to cooperate with them or go to the Fengbo Mansion with them, they really can't do anything about Yang Xiaobao just because of their 36 martial arts powerhouses. .

But now, the leading official immediately said loudly: "Boy, let's arrest him quickly, lest I do anything."

"Who are you and what do you want to do?" Yang Xiaobao asked loudly immediately, and also blessed the three successes in his voice. The penetrating power of this voice was so strong that it made the ears of these officials buzz. It rang straight, but this sound was only aimed at these powerful Wu Zun, and had no effect on Future, Jin Ximei, Miss Ouyang, and the little beauty Queen Lianzi.

"We are from the Mansion of Storms, hurry up and come with us." The official officer in charge said immediately, and after finishing speaking, he took out a token and waved it in front of Yang Xiaobao.

Yang Xiaobao saw the word "Fengbo" impressively printed on the token, and thought that these people were really officials in the government yamen, so he said loudly: "Brother, I don't have time to go with you, brother, I have something else to do. "

"Do you have something to do? You have to go to Fengbo Mansion with me because you have something big to do." The leading official said loudly immediately.

"Go as you say, brother, I won't go, what do you want?" Yang Xiaobao also said loudly.

"You have to go if you don't go, but you can't help it." The official officer in charge also shouted loudly immediately.

However, the leading official only spoke loudly and did not let anyone do anything, and he did not do anything himself. The reason why the official did not do anything was because he was not sure. After all, they also saw the two corpses on the ground, and this They also knew the two corpses, both of them were high-level martial arts experts. Although the 36 of them joined forces and could restrain the two high-level martial arts experts, one tall and one short, it was by no means easy, and they could only deal with them one by one. , if you catch two at the same time, there is almost no chance of winning, after all, the owners of the two corpses are strong at the Wuji level.

Moreover, these 36 people have to form a formation before they can face the enemy's martial arts-level advanced martial arts experts, and now they have also seen that Yang Xiaobao and the others have killed these two martial arts-level advanced martial arts experts. What does it explain? It means that it is not easy to raise Xiaobao, of course it is not easy. If it is simple, can it kill two high-level martial arts at the martial arts level?
Therefore, even though the official officer in charge is shouting and asking questions, he only hears the thunder and sees no rain. The original intention of the official officer in charge is to raise Xiaobao. Bao was unmoved in the slightest, and he didn't mean to be afraid in the slightest.

The official officer in charge thought about it for a while, then took a look at Jin Ximei and the others, and decided to make a breakthrough from Jin Ximei and the beauties, so the official officer in charge immediately said to Jin Ximei: "Who are you? Quickly and honestly."

"You don't care who we are, I won't tell you." Jin Ximei said immediately, and supported her waist with her hands, she looked very strong that way.

Seeing that Jin Ximei didn't like him, the official officer in charge couldn't help being stunned for a moment, so he immediately asked the little beauty Queen Lianzi kindly: "Beauty, tell me who you are, what are you doing here, and why are you killing people?" ?”

When Yang Xiaobao heard that the official asked questions here, seeing that he meant to interrogate on the spot, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but smiled, thinking it was quite interesting, so he didn't speak, let's see how the official questioned him Take a look at how Jin Ximei and the others answered.

But now the little beauty Wang Lianzi heard the official questioning her, immediately smiled, then puffed up her chest, and then said: "Who are we? Guess, if you guess correctly, there are benefits, and Red envelopes."

Seeing the smile of the little beauty queen Lianzi, the head of the official's eyes lit up immediately, and seeing the waves on the chest of the little beauty queen Lianzi, couldn't help but feel a stir in his heart, and then heard the little beauty queen Lianzi's ambiguous words, he couldn't help but feel his whole body go numb half of.

Therefore, the leading official was stunned on the spot and forgot to continue asking questions. After more than ten seconds, the leading official woke up and continued to say to the little beauty Wang Lianzi: "Beauty, I can't figure it out." , you'd better speak up quickly, and wait with me to go to the Fengbo Mansion after you're done."

"You pig head, you can't even guess it. If you still want us to go to Fengbo Mansion, you can just dream." The little beauty Wang Lianzi immediately changed her tone, and then said very forcefully, and she also supported her back like Jin Ximei just now, and also He pushed his chest out hard.

Seeing that the little beauty Wang Lianzi had hit a wall here, and there were two nails, one soft nail and the other hard nail, the head official shook his head helplessly, and then looked at the little beauty Wang Lianzi reluctantly, because the little beauty Queen Lianzi The pose just now was too tempting.

So, the leading official said to the future: "Beauty, quickly tell me who you are, where you are from, and what are you doing here? Answer the answer, and there will be a generous reward."

"I won't tell you either." Future also said immediately, and even smiled, his voice was even more beautiful, just like the chirping of an oriole, both tactful and beautiful.

Seeing that he didn't ask anything from the future, the headed official shook his head, but he still thought it was quite interesting, because the voice that the future spoke just now was so pleasant, he had never heard such a pleasant sound. the sound of.

So the leading official asked the future again, and asked in a pleasant manner: "Beauty, who are you, and what are you doing here? Why are you killing people?"

"I still won't tell you." The future smiled again, still saying the same sentence, the voice was still so pleasant, and the look was still so beautiful.

The headed official could not help shaking his head when he heard the same words from the future, but he still felt very good when he heard the voice of the future. Therefore, not only was he not angry, but he also looked at the future and smiled, and then this The official asked Miss Ouyang again: "Beauty, who are you? Why are you here?"

"I won't tell you either." Miss Ouyang also smiled and said the same thing as Future, and her voice is still as beautiful as Future, just like Oriole singing, both mellow and beautiful.

The officer in charge heard the same words that Miss Ouyang said, and his voice was so pleasant, he immediately became reckless, and there was a trace of helplessness, intoxication, and anger.

Seeing that Yang Xiaobao and the other five, no matter if they were men or beauties, were not good at anything, they didn't cooperate with him at all, and even deliberately teased him, so they couldn't help but get angry, first a little bit of anger, and then It increased to two traces of anger, then increased to three traces of anger, and finally turned out to be unstoppable.

After the headed official got angry, he immediately shouted: "Put the formation."

Following the angry shout of the leading officer, the 36 officers, the 36 warriors jumped up and down, and formed an array immediately. Yang Xiaobao didn't see it well, these officers wanted to form an array, However, when Yang Xiaobao saw that the 36 officials were setting up the Tiangang formation, he laughed immediately, because Yang Xiaobao once went to the real Tiangang formation under the guidance of Xiaojinren, and the Tiangang formation was still natural. Yes, Yang Xiaobao has personally seen and studied the natural Tiangang formation, and even visited the center of the Tiangang formation.

But now, Yang Xiaobao sees that the Tiangang formations set up by these officials are just superficial. For Yang Xiaobao who has practiced the formations and seen the natural Tiangang formations, it is too simple and not enough at all. For concern.

Of course, you can't underestimate the big formation of Tiangang set up by these officials. Although it can't have much effect on raising Xiaobao, it's really good for those who don't know the formation method and have never seen the big formation of Tiangang. It's extraordinary, if these people who don't understand the formation are trapped in the formation, even advanced martial artists will find it difficult to escape.

But in fact, as long as these 36 officials put out the big formation of Tiangang, they will be invincible. So far, no one has escaped from their formation. He was determined in his heart, and even looked at Yang Xiaobao contemptuously.

(End of this chapter)

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