Chapter 428

Seeing that Jin Ximei, the little beauty Wang Lianzi, and Ms. Ouyang have all learned the supernatural powers, and they have all changed their appearances and become different people, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but smile. These supernatural powers are really amazing. amazing.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao also performed the Variety Magic Ability immediately, and then changed into the appearance of Wen Danxi, and in the future he will also perform the Variety Magic Ability, transforming into the appearance of a fairy sister.

Seeing that Yang Xiaobao suddenly changed back to Wen Danxi's appearance, Jin Ximei couldn't help her eyes lit up, and then blurted out: "Danxi."

The little beauty Wang Lianzi also said immediately: "Big brother, why did you change back again?"

Yang Xiaobao immediately said: "Yeah, I think Wen Danxi's appearance is pretty good, and I'm used to it."

After becoming a fairy sister in the future, she has added a lot of demeanor, and has added a lot of different flavors to her original Taoist appearance. It seems that she has more fairy breath, and the eyes of Yang Xiaobao and the others are straight. .

Now, Yang Xiaobao and the others have turned into a different appearance. It is impossible for anyone in Stormwind City to recognize their original appearance, so Yang Xiaobao and the others walked out of the hidden place in a big way , and still came to the commodity building, ready to go to the shopping mall.

Besides, those strong Wu Zun, that is, the 36 officials from the Fengbo Mansion, after chasing them for a while, they found that Yang Xiaobao and the others had never been seen, so they had to stop and stopped chasing. The officials were even more amazed at Yang Xiaobao's flying skills. This is not a light-weight skill at all, it can only be regarded as a kind of black magic, that is, flying black magic.

The officer in charge knew this kind of flying magic, and they couldn't catch up anyway, so they stopped chasing, but directly withdrew their troops, returned to the square, and then looked at the two high-level martial arts experts on the ground, one tall and one short They took a look at the dead body, but they just glanced at it, ignored it, and left the square directly, as if this had never happened at all.

As for the two corpses, as soon as the officials left, many people went up to snatch them, but in the end they were snatched away by two brutal guys.

At this time, Yang Xiaobao and the others just came here, just in time to see those officials leaving, just in time to see those people snatching the corpses of the two high-level martial arts experts, Yang Xiaobao saw that these officials were so silent Leaving without a sound, I couldn't help being stunned for a moment, I thought that these officials would still look for them, or catch them, but I didn't expect these officials to leave so soon.

In fact, just now Yang Xiaobao thought that the officials would organize their thoughts, which is completely superfluous and completely unrealistic. You must know that the world here is a world of the jungle, who would care about these, the reason why those officials Just now they wanted to set up an array to capture Yang Xiaobao and the others because they wanted to benefit from Yang Xiaobao and the others, and Jin Ximei and the others were so beautiful, these officials naturally wanted to find a reason to arrest them.

Besides, if these officials catch Yang Xiaobao and the others, not only can they get treasures, but they can also donate Yang Xiaobao and the others. It's as if they didn't know about it. After all, these officials have not been able to catch Yang Xiaobao and the others, and it is not a glorious thing to say it. As for Yang Xiaobao, thinking that the government will arrest them It's just overthinking.

If it wasn't for the interests of the imperial family, who would make such a general order?Besides, only the emperor can personally issue the general order, so the method of raising Xiaobao to change his appearance just now does not matter, and it does not matter, of course, it does not matter if it is changed now, after all, raising Xiaobao is ever-changing Supernatural powers can also be changed at any time, and you can change as you want.

This time being besieged by the officials of the government, it was just an episode for Yang Xiaobao and the others. The brand new understanding has also improved his attainments in formations a lot, so this is nothing at all, not only is it not a bad thing, but it is also a good thing, a very good thing.

Therefore, now, Yang Xiaobao and the others are all radiant. Walking in the square, many people cast amazing eyes on them. Of course, these people's eyes are mainly on the future, because the future has changed into a fairy. After the elder sister, there is some fairy energy on her body, and the future itself is transformed from an elf, her temperament is already very good, and she has a bit of otherworldliness, but now after she transforms into a fairy sister, the fairy on her body The aura is even stronger, and it seems to have some fairy aura, so it is very difficult not to attract people's attention.

However, Yang Xiaobao and the others ignored the gazes of these people, and walked directly into the commodity building. If they hadn't been robbed by those two high-level martial arts experts, they would have entered the commodity building long ago. They won't wait until now to come in, but it's nothing. For Yang Xiaobao and the others, it's just a small episode, and it doesn't affect anything, nor does it affect their current shopping mood.

Besides, the Martial Arts Conference is about to start, Yang Xiaobao and the others are just going shopping now, and then go to the largest and most prosperous commodity building in Storm City, it is best to buy some useful things.

But now, Yang Xiaobao and the others have already reached the first floor. Yang Xiaobao took a look around and found that there are all kinds of snacks for sale here. The little beauty Wang Lianzi couldn't help shouting with joy when she saw so much food She woke up, but now she has changed into a man, and she is also a handsome guy, and she is so startled, it seems very nondescript.

Therefore, as soon as Wang Lianzi's cry came out, it immediately attracted the attention of many people. It was impossible not to attract attention, because her cry was so special that it made people's hearts go numb, and a layer of chicken skin appeared. pimple.

Jin Ximei glared at Wang Lianzi even harder. Wang Lianzi also realized that her voice was a bit nondescript, so she quickly stopped talking. Inside the cabinet, it also looks very attractive.

So Yang Xiaobao immediately said to them in the future: "Let's buy something to eat here first."

Jin Ximei and the other beauties also nodded repeatedly. After all, they were all hungry, and now that they saw so much food, and they were all cooked food, they were originally planning to eat something here, but After Wang Lianzi made a fuss just now, she forgot to mention it, but now that Yang Xiaobao brought it up, they naturally couldn't ask for it.

So Yang Xiaobao and the others immediately bought some food they liked, and then found a table and started eating. Only Wang Lianzi showed a little bit of food among them, and the rest of them were more refined. , the most gentle one is Miss Ouyang. She is more particular about food than anyone else. As for raising Xiaobao and the future, she is quite casual, and Jin Ximei's food is not so good-looking. Maybe she has been walking in the rivers and lakes since she was a child. For the sake of it.

It didn't take much time, about half an hour, Yang Xiaobao and the others were full, so they went to the second floor of the commodity building. After Yang Xiaobao went up to the second floor, they immediately went to see All the clothes are sold here, but they are all women's clothes, and the styles of these women's clothes are still very new. Seeing so many beautiful women's clothes, Wang Lianzi immediately exclaimed again: "Big brother, here So many beautiful clothes, I like them very much."

As soon as Wang Lianzi finished speaking, many eyes were cast on her, and they were all the eyes of some women, but these women looked at Wang Lianzi very strangely, and some women even whispered.

You know, Wang Lianzi is a man now, and he is also a handsome guy, but she is very interested in and admiring these women's clothes, which is very strange, and some people even think that Wang Lianzi is just a man. Such a person, therefore, many women started talking in whispers.

When Yang Xiaobao heard Wang Lianzi's cry, he couldn't help but smiled, and didn't say anything. After all, he knew that Wang Lianzi was originally a woman, but she just changed into a man after practicing the magic power.

But in the future, Ms. Ouyang couldn't help laughing, and Jin Ximei gave Wang Lianzi a hard look. Wang Lianzi immediately realized that she had become a man now, so she immediately covered her mouth with her hand , and her very feminine movements caused a burst of sighs from the people around her.

But now, the three beauties, Future, Miss Ouyang and Jin Ximei, have all gone to choose clothes. After all, there are so many beautiful clothes, girls naturally like them very much, let alone a few beauties like them?
And Wang Lianzi also wanted to choose clothes in the past, but was held back by Yang Xiaobao. After all, Wang Lianzi has changed into a man now, so it would be inappropriate to choose women's clothes, and maybe he would be considered insane.

After Jin Ximei, Future, and Ms. Ouyang went in, they began to choose vigorously. After arriving, each of them chose dozens of sets of clothes, each with a big bag, which made the women who bought clothes envious.

When it was time to pay the bill, the clothes chosen by the three beauties actually cost 30 gold coins, which means that each of them bought clothes with 30 gold coins, but in the future, they immediately took out [-] gold coins and threw them to the cashier. Miss, didn't even bat an eye.

 The editor has worked hard, the editor-in-chief, the responsible editor, you have all worked hard, it turns out that you are also working overtime, it is not easy

(End of this chapter)

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