Chapter 430 Ladder
As soon as Yang Xiaobao got into the taxi, he immediately said to the driver: "Master, do you know about Shaoshi Mountain?"

"Of course I know about Shaoshi Mountain. I've made more than a dozen trips to Shaoshi Mountain today." The taxi driver said immediately.

"Okay, let's go to Shaoshi Mountain." Yang Xiaobao said immediately, he was worried about not knowing how to get to Shaoshi Mountain, but he didn't expect that the driver not only knew, but also made more than ten trips, which is very good.

"Okay." The driver agreed briskly, then immediately started the car and set off on the road.

When Yang Xiaobao saw the driver driving the car, he immediately closed his eyes, and immediately closed his eyes to rest his mind. Yang Xiaobao now closes his eyes and rests his mind as soon as he gets in the car. This seems to have become a habit, so whether he is sitting What kind of car, as soon as you get in the car, you start to close your eyes and rest.

As for Jin Ximei and the other beauties, seeing Yang Xiaobao resting with his eyes closed, they stopped talking. Originally, they still wanted to say something, but now they had no choice but to shut up.

It didn't take much time, that is, in about 20 minutes, the taxi drove to the outskirts of Storm City, and then drove on a winding mountain road privately, until it reached the upper half of the mountain, and stopped until it reached a wide empty field. It doesn't work, because there is no road to go up the mountain, and the steps up are very steep, and the steps paved with bluestone slabs look like heavenly ladders.

After the driver stopped the car, he immediately said to Yang Xiaobao and the others: "Here we are, this is Shaoshi Mountain. After you get off the car, climb up the stairs to the top and you will be there."

Yang Xiaobao also woke up at this time. In fact, Yang Xiaobao woke up as soon as the car stopped. Therefore, he heard the driver's words, and immediately paid the fare, and then got off with Jin Ximei and the other beauties. After getting into the car, the driver of the taxi quickly turned around and drove down the mountain. It seemed that he was also in a hurry to catch up with his next business.

Yang Xiaobao immediately took a look at the ladder, and found that the ladder was really high, and he could hardly see the end at a glance, and he didn't know how many steps this ladder had. Can't help but sigh.

Jin Ximei and the others were amazed when they saw such a high and long ladder, and the little beauty Wang Lianzi said loudly: "Big brother, this ladder is so high."

"Yes, Xiaobao, this ladder is really scary high." Jin Ximei also said immediately.

"Come on, let's go up, maybe the martial arts conference has already started." Yang Xiaobao said immediately.

Jin Ximei, Mirai, the little beauty Wang Lianzi, and Ms. Ouyang also nodded quickly, because they were also very curious about this martial arts conference, and they were shocked to see such an extraordinary ladder before reaching the top of the mountain. The scenery on the Internet and the upcoming martial arts conference are also longing for.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao and the others immediately climbed up the ladder. Although the ladder is very steep and looks a bit dazzling, Yang Xiaobao and the others are not ordinary people. It's the same on flat ground, and their speed is not slow. Although the ladder is very high, Yang Xiaobao and the others quickly reached the top of the mountain.

As soon as Yang Xiaobao and the others reached the top of the mountain, they were immediately shocked, and not only shocked, at least five or six times in a row, because they immediately saw a different scenery after they came up. Different people see different things.

The first thing Yang Xiaobao saw was a lot of people, and then he saw a big open land above. This open land is really big, so big that you can't see the end at a glance. This is very strange and very shocking. People are shocked.

After all, who would have thought that there would be such a large open field on the top of the mountain?And this open land is still so flat, which makes people feel even more incredible, but no matter how unbelievable others are, this open land really exists, and that's enough.

Moreover, there is a row of houses on one side of this open land, and there is still smoke coming out of the kitchen. Obviously, there are people who have lived here for a long time.

Of course, these are not the main things. The main thing is that there are many people on the top of the mountain, and these people are all kinds of people, there are all kinds of people, and there are men and women, old and young. , These people are gathered here, obviously they are going to participate in the martial arts conference.

Yang Xiaobao took a look at these people, and found that these people are ordinary warriors, there are very few advanced martial arts experts, and the one with the highest skill is only the first level of Wu Zun. Yang Xiaobao sees these various people again People, can't help but smile, it's really interesting that these people still participate in the martial arts conference, I don't know what the purpose of these people is to participate in this martial arts conference?I don't know who initiated it and who organized it.

However, Yang Xiaobao immediately saw a few people coming up from the ladder, and Yang Xiaobao also found that these people were all strong men of the ninth level of Wu Zun, which was amazing. They walked to the front platform, and they looked like they were going to preside over the meeting, and as soon as these nine-level warriors took the stage, the noisy crowd immediately calmed down. And there was no sound at all.

There are a total of nine of these Wu Zun ninth-level powerhouses, and one of the older Wu Zun powerhouses immediately said loudly: "Everyone, the martial arts conference is about to begin, and you have come at the right time. Now, who of you has a martial arts sticker in your hand?" hands up."

As soon as the strong man of the ninth level of Wu Zun finished speaking, many people immediately raised their hands. Yang Xiaobao looked at it, and there were about 600 to [-] people who raised their hands. Yang Xiaobao also had martial arts stickers on his body, but it was not His, but they were found on the two black-clothed Wu Zun on the cliff outside the empty city.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao didn't raise his hand, of course he didn't need to raise his hand, originally this martial arts post was not Yang Xiaobao's own, besides, Yang Xiaobao didn't figure out what the martial arts conference was, and he didn't know the martial arts conference Why do you want to come here? I don't know who is organizing it, and I don't know what their purpose is.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao neither raised his hand nor spoke, and he had nothing to say. Let's see what these people have to say and their intentions. If there is nothing of interest, Yang Xiaobao will I won't waste time with this group of people. Instead of watching them hold some martial arts conference here, it's better to go to Storm City.

Originally, Yang Xiaobao thought that there would be some novelty in this martial arts conference, or that there would be some powerful characters appearing, but he didn't expect that there were all kinds of people, and he didn't know what kind of meeting these people held here, so Yang Xiaobao Bao decided to listen first before speaking.

However, the Martial Venerable didn't continue talking after he asked people to raise their hands, and he still looked at the ladder from time to time, as if he was waiting for some important person to appear.

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help shaking his head when he saw the appearance of this martial arts conference. He thought it was like the description in martial arts novels. The few martial masters above stood there, and the people below did not dare to speak, and those who raised their hands did not dare to put their hands down.

Seeing such a scene, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help crying and laughing. It was really embarrassing for those who raised their hands. They raised their hands for such a long time, and more than half an hour passed. For more than an hour, it is estimated that their hands were also very sore, but the strong Wu Zun on the stage did not tell them to let go, so they did not dare to let go.

And those Wu Zun strongmen standing on the stage didn't say anything on the stage. Finally, a guy who raised his hand couldn't stand it anymore, so he put his hand down, but as soon as he put his hand down, , and then broke, and then let out a shrill scream.

Many people saw that it was a strong Wu Zun on the stage who made a move just now. As soon as he made a move, he cut off the hand of the person who put it down. Sore, no one dared to put down the raised hand anymore.

Fortunately, after a while, a few more people came up on the ladder over there. A young man in his 30s walked in the front, and behind him were some guards. Yang Xiaobao took a look at this young man. Looking at the person's appearance, I feel that this person's identity must not be simple.

Sure enough, Yang Xiaobao's guess was not wrong. As soon as the young man came up, those martial masters on the stage immediately ran over, and immediately saluted the young man, and immediately said respectfully: "Your Highness, everyone Here we come, there are quite a few people with martial arts stickers, and they are all still raising their hands."

"Okay, we can start now." The person who was called His Highness by the strong Wu Zun said immediately.

When Yang Xiaobao heard that these martial masters called this young man His Highness, he was taken aback for a moment. Could it be that this person is actually His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Shenyuan Empire?And what is the crown prince going to do here?From the looks of it, this martial arts conference should be held by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but feel a lot of interest in this martial arts conference. It seems that there is a scene about to be staged. His Royal Highness will hold the martial arts conference in person, which must have unusual significance. If there is no big move, then There must be a big conspiracy.

But now, after His Highness the Crown Prince came up, he immediately asked his subordinates to control the exit of the ladder, that is, to guard the entrance and exit of the ladder, and the strong Wu Zun also said something shocking at this time. When the people heard this, they immediately rioted.

(End of this chapter)

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