Guwu's future pretending to slap the face system

Chapter 436 Guidance from the Golden Man

Chapter 436 Guidance from the Golden Man
When Yang Xiaobao saw the three big characters of Yangling Mountain, he couldn't help but startled, because he had heard the name of this mountain before, and heard that this mountain range is endless, although it is not as mysterious and vast as the Ten Thousand Forests, But it's pretty much the same.

Therefore, when Yang Xiaobao saw this mountain, his eyes lit up, and he was also a little surprised. If Yangling Mountain is really as mysterious and deep as the Ten Thousand Forests, he can still deal with these high-level martial arts experts here. If the opportunity is right, it is also possible to kill a few high-level martial arts experts. After all, Yang Xiaobao has such powerful power as the little golden man, and there are other powerful methods. Anyway, now that the little golden man has guided Yanglingshan There must be a reason for this.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao immediately said to Jin Ximei, Future, Miss Ouyang, and the little beauty Wang Lianzi: "Let's go, let's go into the mountain quickly."

Jin Ximei and the others rushed into Yangling Mountain when they heard Yang Xiaobao's words, and Yang Xiaobao followed closely behind, and immediately followed up. After Yang Xiaobao entered the mountain, they immediately saw many tall trees. There is a small path, this path should be the mountain people in the mountain came out of the mountain to collect firewood, and Yang Xiaobao also saw the footprints of some wild animals, these footprints vary in size and shape, it seems that this mountain There are also many beasts in it.

At this moment, those senior martial arts masters who chased and killed Yang Xiaobao and the others had also chased to the entrance of Yangling Mountain, and they also found that Yang Xiaobao and the others had entered the mountain, but these few The senior martial arts masters didn't rush in immediately, because they still had to wait for His Highness the Crown Prince, and they had to ask His Highness the Crown Prince whether to continue to pursue the mountain, and even if they went to the mountain to pursue, they still needed the permission of the Crown Prince, and they should They came up with a plan to pursue them into the mountain, so these high-level martial arts masters immediately stopped at the entrance of Yangling Mountain.

After a while, His Highness the Crown Prince rushed over, and Wu Xiu, a strong Wutai-level man who was waiting here, immediately said to His Highness, "Your Highness, they have already entered Yangling Mountain."

"Okay, it's best for them to enter Yangling Mountain. The reason why these people run so fast is that they can fly black magic, and once they enter Yangling Mountain, it is definitely impossible for them to let go of flying like this. That’s right, even so many trees will prevent them from flying.” His Royal Highness was very happy when he heard the news that Yang Xiaobao and the others had entered Yangling Mountain, and he did not rush to stroke his chin a few times. said the thin and long goatee.

"What Your Highness said is very true. When they entered Yangling Mountain, they entered a dead end. We will definitely be able to find them quickly. When the time comes to catch these reckless and reckless guys, it will be no problem." One of them A strong martial artist then spoke.

"That's right, we will go into the mountains to pursue them now, and we will definitely capture these people alive." His Highness the Crown Prince said very firmly.

So, His Highness the Crown Prince immediately rushed into Yangling Mountain, and these high-level martial arts followers followed closely. However, they had been chasing forward for half an hour, but they didn't see Yang Xiao. The figure of Bao and the others, therefore, His Royal Highness immediately acted recklessly. He thought that he could catch up with Yang Xiaobao and the others soon after entering, but he didn't expect to come in for half an hour, but he still couldn't catch up. Where did Bao and the others go? Did they run to the front or to the two sides? After all, Yangling Mountain is so big and so deep. It is not so easy to find a few people in such a big and deep old forest things.

So, His Royal Highness immediately said: "It won't work like this, the few of us can't pursue together, we should disperse."

"Your Highness is right. We are chasing together. The target is too big. They will easily find us. It is better to pursue separately." One of the Wutai experts nodded and said.

"Okay, Wu Yi, you follow me, the five of you will each divide into five ways to pursue, and you must take down these people." His Royal Highness said immediately.

As soon as His Royal Highness finished speaking, the martial arts-level powerhouse called Wu Yi immediately agreed, and then walked to His Royal Highness's side. As for the other five people, one of the other two Wu Ji-level strong men was called Wu Er, one named Wu San, and three Wutai-level powerhouses named Wu Si, Wu Wu, and Wu Liu. Of course, these names are not their real names, but the code names given to them by His Highness the Crown Prince.

His Royal Highness immediately rushed forward with Wu Yi, and Wu Er, Wu San, Wu Si, Wu Wu, Wu Liu, five high-level martial arts masters, also immediately chose their own direction to chase down. They spread out in all directions of Yangling Mountain to chase after them. In this case, someone would definitely find Yang Xiaobao and the others. I have to say that His Highness the Crown Prince's move is quite powerful.

However, whether they can catch up, or even if they catch up, whether they can catch Yang Xiaobao and the others is unknown now. After all, they will not catch Yang Xiaobao without a fight or let them go They hunted.

And where are Yang Xiaobao and the others now? Have they run away?In fact, Yang Xiaobao and the others didn't run very far, and they didn't go too deep into Yangling Mountain. They had already reached the top of a cliff.

Yang Xiaobao and the others stood on the top of the cliff and glanced down. They saw a cloud of smoke under the cliff. They didn't know how deep it was. Yang Xiaobao stood on the cliff and looked at it for a few moments. However, the little golden man pointed to the bottom of the cliff with his small hand, and jumped up and down a few times in Yang Xiaobao's arms.

Yang Xiaobao saw the little golden man's movements and his advice just now, so he immediately said to Jin Ximei and the rest of them, "Come on, let's jump down."

"Xiaobao, this cliff is so deep, do we really want to jump off?" Jin Ximei immediately asked with some doubts.

"That's right, Xiaobao, if we jump down and they chase after us, what will we do?" Miss Ouyang also asked immediately.

"Don't worry, we'll just go down, there's no problem." Yang Xiaobao also said immediately, he didn't explain the reason, but just said something to reassure them, because this is the guidance of Xiaojinren, there is nothing to explain , Yang Xiaobao trusts Xiao Jinren very much, and Yang Xiaobao has no doubts about Xiao Jinren's ability, and Yang Xiaobao has turned the crisis into safety under the guidance of Xiao Jinren in many crises, and Yang Xiaobao is still alive now, and he can still run from the Huayang Empire to the Shenyuan Empire. Without the guidance and help of Xiaojin, it would definitely not be possible.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao would not have any doubts about the little golden man's guidance, so as soon as he finished speaking, he took the lead and jumped down the cliff, and then jumped off the unfathomable cliff, while Miss Ouyang fell On Yang Xiaobao's back, it feels like flying through the clouds, it feels very beautiful.

As for Jin Ximei, Future, and the little beauty Wang Lianzi, when they saw Yang Xiaobao jumping off the cliff, they also jumped down immediately, and they were the same as Yang Xiaobao just now. After jumping more than ten meters, they immediately used After using the Riding Wind Technique, he immediately floated down the cliff like a cloud riding a fog.

After Yang Xiaobao and the others jumped off the cliff, they kept going down, but under the control of Chengfeng, their speed was neither fast nor slow. However, this cliff is really deep, because Yang Xiaobao and the others kept falling After nearly half an hour, it still hasn't reached the end.

However, no matter how deep the cliff is, Yang Xiaobao is not worried or afraid at all, because he has the skill of riding the wind, no matter how deep the cliff is, he will not fall, and he is not afraid of going up If you don't come, no matter how deep the cliff is, Yang Xiaobao can definitely come up as long as he uses the Wind Riding Technique, and he can fly up very easily.

After more than ten minutes, Yang Xiaobao fell to the ground with Miss Ouyang on his back, and he fell to the ground lightly, without any sound, and there were some dead branches and leaves at the bottom of the cliff.

Immediately afterwards, Jin Ximei, Wang Lianzi, and Future also landed on the ground, and their movements were as gentle as Yang Xiaobao's, and there was no sound at all when they landed.

And just as Yang Xiaobao and the others fell to the bottom of the cliff, there was a high-level martial arts expert, that is, Wu Er, a martial arts level expert, who also found the top of the cliff, and he was still standing on the top of the cliff. After careful inspection on the cliff, he also found some traces. Of course, these traces were left by Yang Xiaobao and the others.

After Wu Er found these traces, he immediately pondered for a moment, thinking that those people should have jumped to the bottom of the cliff. Of course, because Wu Er had seen the flying magic of Yang Xiaobao and the others, of course he would not believe Yang Xiaobao and the others. The possibility of slipping and falling off the cliff is definitely non-existent. Therefore, he immediately judged that Yang Xiaobao and the others should have hid under the cliff, trying to escape their pursuit.

I have to say that this Wu Er still has some IQ. His speculation is indeed correct. Yang Xiaobao and the others did not fall off the cliff by mistake, but jumped off the cliff on purpose. After this Wu Er thought of this, he immediately took out a The communicator, when he was about to notify his companions, suddenly put the communicator back, because he felt that he alone was enough to deal with those warriors whose highest cultivation base was only the ninth level of Wu Zun, and there was no need to give up the credit for it. with others.

If he could catch Yang Xiaobao and the others alone, that would be a great achievement, so Wu Er decided to go down alone. Of course, it is not so easy for Wu Er to go down this cliff, after all, he does not have the skill of riding the wind. Naturally, he didn't dare to jump down, because he didn't know how deep the cliff was. Just to be on the safe side, Wu Er immediately took out a big knife, and then climbed down the cliff, and used the big knife to touch the cliff from time to time. Borrowing some strength and taking a breath, that's it, Wu Er climbed down the cliff at a leisurely pace.

(End of this chapter)

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