Chapter 442

Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei, Future, the little beauty Wang Lianzi, and Miss Ouyang walked along a small path in Yangling Mountain, climbing one mountain after another, and crossing one small river after another.

However, this Yangling Mountain is also endless, no matter how you go, you will not go out easily. Of course, the most important thing for raising Xiaobao now is not to go out of Yangling Mountain, the most important thing is how to escape the pursuit of several senior martial arts experts from His Royal Highness , although Yang Xiaobao and the others have not met His Highness the Prince, but the two high-level martial arts followers of His Highness still let Yang Xiaobao and the others meet. From this point, it can be seen that His Highness and his entourage have already met They spread out in this vast mountain range to look for them, and now the little golden man raising Xiaobao has been injured. Under such circumstances, it would be extremely dangerous to meet the high-level martial arts attendants of His Royal Highness the Prince.

However, although Yang Xiaobao and the others didn't want to meet His Royal Highness's entourage, they still met again, and they still met Wu Wu, a high-level martial arts expert at the Wutai level. Just as Yang Xiaobao and the others crossed a small river, Just as he was about to turn left, he ran into Wu Wu, a strong Wu Tai.

Of course, Yang Xiaobao and the others all knew this person. After all, Yang Xiaobao and the others often saw the prince's entourage in the training ground of Tianji Mansion. Although they had never spoken to each other, they still knew him. After they suddenly encountered this high-level martial artist, both sides were stunned for a moment.

When Jin Ximei and the girls in the future saw this high-level martial artist, they followed their original plan and immediately flew up with the wind riding technique, and then flew away in one direction.

At this time, the high-level martial arts expert finally realized, but although he saw that Jin Ximei and the others had used the flying magic to fly away, he was not in a hurry or annoyed. After all, Yang Xiaobao was still here and still with him. In front of him, and as long as he can catch Yang Xiaobao, that would be a great achievement.

However, as soon as the idea of ​​this high-level martial artist came up, Yang Xiaobao also used the wind riding technique to fly up, and his speed was faster than the beauties who flew away just now, and he flew higher. Seeing this sudden change, Wu Wu, a high-level martial arts expert, immediately became reckless.

But Wu Wu was stunned for a moment, and then reacted quickly, and slapped Yang Xiaobao, but at this time, Yang Xiaobao had already flew up, but he was still affected by Wu Wu's palm. And Wu Wu's cultivation base is very deep, even just a wave of palm wind is quite powerful, so Yang Xiaobao was almost beaten to the ground, but Yang Xiaobao held back and gritted his teeth , Swallowed a mouthful of blood rushing to his mouth, then quickly flew in the direction where Jin Ximei and the others flew, and then took out another pill and put it in his mouth, and immediately suppressed the internal injury he had just received, As long as this elixir is fully absorbed, the internal injury he suffered just now should recover quickly.

And Wu Wu, a high-level martial arts expert, was very surprised when he saw that Yang Xiaobao didn't fall off after being hit by his palm, but also flew away faster. You know, in his eyes, Yang Xiaobao Xiaobao and the others are warriors like ants. Although they can fly black magic, it's just a trick.

Of course, Wu Wu was surprised. Now that he found the trace of Yang Xiaobao and the others, he was still quite excited. Therefore, he immediately started chasing after him, and the distance was getting closer and closer. In Yangling Mountain, although Yang Xiaobao and the others use the wind riding technique to fly, they are still not as comfortable as flying outside, so their speed is obviously much slower.

Therefore, Wu Wu, a high-ranking martial artist, quickly chased after him. Yang Xiaobao couldn't help being reckless when he saw this man catching up so quickly. He really didn't expect this. The current situation is indeed extremely dangerous. Because the power of this Wutai strongman is too terrifying, just because they are no opponents at all.

For this point, Yang Xiaobao has already experienced and known it. Just now, he was just swept by the palm of this high-level martial arts expert, and suffered a little internal injury. Afraid he would have been beaten to death long ago.

And Wu Wu, a high-level martial arts expert, caught up with Yang Xiaobao and the others at a glance, and immediately laughed happily. After laughing, he then said loudly: "Boy, don't run anymore, it's useless to run, hurry up!" Hurry up and grab it, as long as you are honest, I won't give you much trouble, otherwise, let me catch you, you will definitely not be able to bear it, you must torture it first, and those girls, I want to have fun too."

Yang Xiaobao heard this man's words and ignored him. Of course, he has no time to pay attention to what this man said now, no matter how ugly his words are, Yang Xiaobao doesn't care, and Yang Xiaobao is thinking about it urgently. With the countermeasures, and Yang Xiaobao can now see that in this Yangling Mountain, using the Wind Riding Technique is indeed not very effective, because there are obstacles in these forests, and it is not very fast to fly, and if this continues, If it doesn't take long, he will definitely be overtaken by this high-level martial artist, and once he is overtaken, it will definitely not be a good thing, so Yang Xiaobao must now think of a way, how to get rid of this strong martial artist.

When he was at the entrance of Yangling Mountain, Yang Xiaobao hesitated to see if he should enter this big mountain range. At that time, the little golden man pointed him to the way of Yangling mountain, but now the little golden man is He has been injured again and hasn't recovered yet, so now he can only support Xiaobao to solve this problem by himself.

And this problem is quite urgent, and it must be solved immediately. If you can't think of a solution immediately, then you really have to let this person be caught, and once you are caught by him, you must be dead. Therefore, Yang Xiaobao had no choice but to think of a way desperately.

But Yang Xiaobao went through several thoughts in a row, but he didn't think of a good solution. Just when Yang Xiaobao was racking his brains to think of a solution, he suddenly saw a lot of fruit trees not far in front of him. The location is still very strange, and Yang Xiaobao still has a very familiar feeling for this kind of fruit forest.

Yes, there is a very familiar feeling. Of course, Yang Xiaobao is not familiar with the fruits on these trees. In fact, Yang Xiaobao does not know what the fruits on these trees are, because it is the first time Yang Xiaobao has seen them. arrive.

But this is not important at all, what is important is that Yang Xiaobao has a familiar feeling for the location of these fruit trees, because Yang Xiaobao once saw it outside Jin Ximei's bamboo building on the first day he entered the Lingdan She. There is a peach grove, but that peach grove is a hidden mystery, because there is a formation hidden in that peach grove. Later, Yang Xiaobao went into the peach grove to study it several times. Although he didn't study it thoroughly, there were some A lot of experience, and Yang Xiaobao can enter and exit the peach grove freely.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao was overjoyed when he saw that the fruit trees in the fruit grove in front were in the same position as the peach grove in Lingdanshe. The only way now is to enter the fruit grove in front of him. Relying on the formation technique to deal with this high-level martial arts expert, maybe he can severely injure this advanced martial arts expert.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao immediately said to Jin Ximei: "Ximei, hurry up and take them into the orchard in front, this orchard is the same as the peach orchard in Lingdanshe."

Jin Ximei was also very anxious at first, but now she heard Yang Xiaobao's words, she immediately looked at the fruit forest, and immediately saw a familiar feeling, of course she was familiar, after all, Jin Ximei grew up in the Spirit Pill House since she was a child, and she also She often haunts those peach groves, and has long been familiar with how to enter the peach groves. Although she doesn't know the formation, she can move in and out of the peach groves freely.

Therefore, Jin Ximei immediately said to the future, the little beauty Wang Lianzi, and Miss Ouyang, "Quick, follow me into the fruit forest in front of you."

After Jin Ximei finished speaking, she rushed into the fruit grove, and she followed Miss Ouyang into the fruit grove in the future, but because the little beauty Queen Lianzi was half a step too late, she did not wait until the three of Jin Ximei and the others entered the fruit grove. Arrived, and now she can't enter the fruit forest no matter what, because she not only knows nothing about the formation, but also doesn't know this fruit forest, so she is blocked, of course, it is also because the little beauty Queen Lian Zi didn't I didn't go to the formation gate, so I couldn't enter the fruit forest. If it was at the formation gate, I could still enter, but if I wasn't familiar with the formation, I couldn't get out after entering, and it was easy to get lost in the formation. middle.

Fortunately, Wang Lianzi didn't go in. If she went in rashly and got lost in the formation, it would be very difficult for Yang Xiaobao to find her inside. Now, when the little beauty Wang Lianzi was anxious about how to get into the fruit forest, Yang Xiaobao had already come to her beside him, and immediately pulled her up, and then rushed into the fruit trees.

And the senior martial artist also rushed to Yang Xiaobao's back at this time, and before the others arrived, he slapped Yang Xiaobao's back, and was still hit by his palm. Back, and at this time, this high-level martial artist was very close to Yang Xiaobao, so Yang Xiaobao was hit on the back by the palm wind, and was injured immediately, and the injury was not serious, and he spurted a mouthful of blood come out.

Fortunately, Yang Xiaobao rushed into the fruit forest with Wang Lianzi, and then hid in the formation, and the high-level martial artist also rushed into the fruit forest with Yang Xiaobao, but as soon as he rushed in, he immediately disappeared. Yang Xiaobao and the others were lost, because after he came in, he couldn't see anything, only a puff of smoke.

(End of this chapter)

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