Chapter 447
As soon as Yang Xiaobao and the others rushed into the fruit forest, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately felt relieved. You know, raising Xiaobao and the others just now was dangerous and dangerous. To tease them, thus slowing down the speed of catching up, I am afraid that this advanced martial artist has already overtaken him.

And once Yang Xiaobao and the others are caught up, they must die, because Yang Xiaobao has already had one arm broken, and he doesn't even have time to take the elixir, so he can only run all the way, enduring the drama all the way pain.

After entering the fruit forest, Jin Ximei finally got rid of the pursuit of this high-level martial artist. Jin Ximei took the lead and rushed into the depths of the fruit forest, and stopped immediately. The future, the little beauty Wang Lianzi, Miss Ouyang and Yang Xiaobao also stopped one after another. down.

As soon as Yang Xiaobao stopped, he immediately took out a elixir and put it in his mouth. He looked at his arm and found that the whole arm was broken. It looked very scary. Jin Ximei and the others quickly surrounded him , and they all asked each other in a hurry, but because they all asked at the same time, and everyone asked the same question, they all asked eagerly: "Xiaobao, how are you? Does it matter?"

"My arm is broken, but I have the elixir, and I took one just now, so I don't think there will be any problem." Yang Xiaobao said immediately.

"Big brother, you must be in pain." The little beauty Wang Lianzi said while supporting Yang Xiaobao's arm.

"It must hurt. Can a broken arm not hurt?" Jin Ximei said immediately, and even looked at the little beauty queen Lianzi with some dissatisfaction.

"It's okay, I can still bear it." Seeing Jin Ximei and the others looking at him with great concern, Yang Xiaobao immediately comforted them.

Of course, it’s impossible to say it doesn’t hurt, especially when it was interrupted, but now that Yang Xiaobao has taken the elixir, it really doesn’t hurt now, and Yang Xiaobao Bao also felt very clearly that his arm was in the process of self-healing, which showed that the efficacy of this elixir was really extraordinary.

Originally, Yang Xiaobao wanted to take another elixir, but now it seems that there is no need for this, because Yang Xiaobao can clearly feel that his arm is recovering.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao immediately sat cross-legged on the ground, and immediately began to practice Tai Chi and Taichu Divine Art. As Yang Xiaobao practiced, the vitality was continuously nourishing his injured arm. For about ten minutes, Yang Xiaobao Bao felt that there was no more pain in his hand, and it should be completely healed.

So, Yang Xiaobao immediately tried to raise his arm, and felt that it was no different from usual, so it seemed that it was indeed good.

Jin Ximei and the others also showed joyful smiles when they saw that Yang Xiaobao's arm was back to normal, and the little beauty Wang Lianzi jumped up for joy, and then said loudly: "Big brother, I didn't expect your arm to heal so quickly. .”

"Of course it's a good thing to recover quickly, why are you so surprised?" Jin Ximei immediately gave Wang Lianzi a white look, and then said.

"Sister, I'm just happy to see that big brother's hand is healed." The little beauty Wang Lianzi also said immediately, but she still smiled, and she was not unhappy because Jin Ximei said something to her, because she also knew Well, Jin Ximei is also very concerned about raising Xiaobao, that's why she said that.

"Okay, let's go and see that person now and see how he is doing." Yang Xiaobao also said immediately.

"Yes, Xiaobao, it's time to settle accounts with him now. This guy is really too shameless to plot against you." Jin Ximei also said immediately.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao and the others immediately came to Wu San, the high-level martial arts expert, and Wu San was trapped in the formation at the moment, completely at a loss, because his eyes were filled with smoke, and he couldn't see anything. Can't hear it either.

Moreover, Wu San was still yelling inside, and he was still yelling inside, and scolded Yang Xiaobao and the others for being shameless for bringing him into such a ghostly place, where he couldn't see anything, and couldn't see anything. He couldn't hear it. After hearing his words, he obviously didn't understand that he was already trapped in the formation.

And Yang Xiaobao and the others just came here, and just heard the shouting and cursing of this senior martial artist.

The little beauty Wang Lianzi felt very upset when she heard this man's scolding, so she immediately said loudly: "You are a shameless guy, you actually attacked us unexpectedly, and even broke the big brother's arm."

However, this person couldn't hear what the little beauty queen Lian Zi said, because it was controlled by the formation, and the sound was blocked. Therefore, this high-level martial arts expert Wu San didn't hear the little beauty queen Lian Zi's words, and he He was still yelling, and the more he yelled, the worse it sounded.

But Yang Xiaobao and the others could hear it very clearly, because Yang Xiaobao had thrown a stone into the formation's eyes just now, so Yang Xiaobao and the others could hear the sound coming from inside, but Yang Xiaobao and the others could hear it very clearly. Wu San, the senior martial artist, couldn't hear what he said outside, because there was still a hole in the formation that hadn't been opened.

So, Yang Xiaobao immediately threw another stone, and then threw it into another formation hole. Now, what Yang Xiaobao and the others said, Wu San, a high-level martial artist, could hear clearly. However, at this time , Yang Xiaobao and the others did not speak, and the little beauty Queen Lianzi did not start scolding.

However, Yang Xiaobao still spoke immediately, and said loudly: "Hey, how do you feel now?"

The senior martial artist suddenly heard Yang Xiaobao's voice, and immediately became ecstatic, because he was terrified just now, because he couldn't see, hear, or hear anything in here just now. He didn't know what was going on, and thought he had entered some terrible forbidden place, so he could only curse loudly to embolden himself.

But now, after hearing Yang Xiaobao's words, he immediately became happy, so the man immediately said: "Hey, kid, take me out quickly."

"You are dreaming, you still want to go out, you broke the big brother's arm just now, and you still want to go out, we are here to settle accounts with you." The little beauty queen Lianzi said loudly.

"Do you have the ability? You still have to ask me to settle the score, wait, after I go out, I will see if I can't kill you." The senior martial artist said fiercely.

"You still want to go out, let me tell you, if you want to go out, you can't go out unless you die." Jin Ximei also said immediately, of course she didn't talk nonsense, because she also knew the power of this formation, If someone who is not familiar with it wants to get out of this fruit forest, it is simply impossible.

"I can't get out, and you can't get out, what are you happy about?" The senior martial artist said immediately, obviously he thought that Yang Xiaobao and the others were trapped in the same way as him.

However, after this person said this sentence, he immediately felt that something was wrong, and then he felt that what he said was wrong, because now he also somewhat understands that he was brought in by Raising Xiaobao and the others on purpose, and he just now When he was yelling, he also said that Yang Xiaobao and the others were shameless, saying that Yang Xiaobao and the others deliberately brought him in here, but he was not sure just now, thinking that Yang Xiaobao and the others broke in like him here.

But now, he suddenly thought that if Yang Xiaobao hadn't lured him in on purpose, he would have caught Yang Xiaobao and the others, so the senior martial arts expert immediately said: "What do you want, how can you let me go?" go out?"

"Don't even think about going out, just stay here honestly, when you die, your soul will be able to go out." Jin Ximei also said immediately.

"Sister, don't we kill him?" The little beauty Wang Lianzi asked with some puzzlement when she heard Jin Ximei's words.

"There's no need to kill him. Anyway, this person can't get out, so it's the same to let him die here, so that we don't need to do anything. Xiaobao, what do you think?" Jin Ximei said immediately, and she also looked at raising Xiaobao One glance, the eyes are very gentle.

"Xi Mei is right, we don't need to kill this person, just let him perish in this formation, so that we don't have to do anything." Yang Xiaobao immediately agreed.Indeed, Yang Xiaobao didn't want to make a move, nor did he want to spend any more effort to kill this person.

Moreover, Yang Xiaobao also believed that this person would not be able to escape, would not be able to get out of the formation of the fruit forest, because Yang Xiaobao, like Jin Ximei, was also very confident in this formation, and people who did not know would not be able to get out at all. Go, since this is the case, why did he bother to kill this person?

However, just to be on the safe side, Yang Xiaobao set up a series of traps around this person, and after setting up a chain of traps, he felt that it was not enough, so he arranged a few more chains of traps, just as a practice Formation.

After all, Wu Wu, the Wutai strongman that Yang Xiaobao and the others introduced, used to continuously send out palm power inside, interrupting many big trees, and he also made some light. If so, that Wutai strongman might have been beaten out by him.

Although this person is just a martial arts expert, whose cultivation base is a big lower than the original Wutai expert, but who knows if this person can also break the big tree and open the gap?So for the sake of safety, Yang Xiaobao arranged a chain of traps around him one after another.

After Yang Xiaobao set up a series of traps, the senior martial artist trapped inside could no longer hear Yang Xiaobao and the others, nor could he hear any voices. He only saw endless darkness and a cloud of smog. .

Yang Xiaobao immediately said to Jin Ximei and the others: "It's all over now, we don't need to take any more action, just trap this person here, and he won't be able to escape."

"Okay, Xiaobao, let's go out now, maybe we can attract someone to come in and destroy it." Jin Ximei also said excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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