Chapter 449 Capture the Prince

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help smiling when he saw that Wu Si, a high-ranking martial artist, didn't continue to clap hands or speak, but sat down on the ground. High fives are useless.

Indeed, there is Yang Xiaobao constantly forming formations behind him, no matter how powerful this person is, no matter how fast he is, Yang Xiaobao sees this person sitting on the ground, looking like he is waiting to die, so he decides to make it happen he.

However, Yang Xiaobao didn't use his palm to attack like before, after all, it would consume too much energy, and now Yang Xiaobao thought of the best way, which is to use the life-destroying golden needle to deal with this person, and this person Now he was sitting on the ground again, motionless, and was about to use the life-threatening lily needle.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao took the life-threatening golden needle in his hand as soon as he had a thought, and then swung his hand, and the life-threatening golden needle drifted towards Wu Si, a high-level martial arts expert, but it did not enter directly. This person's body burrowed under the feet of Wu Si, a high-level martial artist.

After all, this man is a strong Wutai man, and his shield of true essence is so deep, if he is a little aware, he will definitely not be able to easily succeed, so, just to be on the safe side, Yang Xiaobao decided to let the life-threatening gold needle drill from the bottom of his feet enter.

But now, this life-threatening gold needle is entering the ground, and then drilled into this person's body from the Yongquan acupoint on the soles of the feet of this high-level martial artist, but this person has not noticed it yet, he just feels a pain in the soles of his feet, as if Bitten by an ant.

As soon as the life-threatening golden needle entered the sole of this man's foot, it immediately swam up along his blood vessels, and soon reached his dantian, and then pierced into his dantian. Already felt strange, but it was too late.

Because the life-threatening golden needle has pierced his dantian, not only made him poisoned by the monster centipede, but also abolished his martial arts in an instant. Of course, this is not surprising, even the dantian was pierced After all, the martial arts are naturally gone, after all, this person only has one dantian.

However, Wu Si, a high-level martial arts expert, didn't know that his martial arts had been abolished. He just felt something was wrong, so this person immediately raised his martial arts, but he couldn't raise his vitality at all.

Until now, this person fully understands that his martial arts have been abolished just now, and he just skipped this thought, and then died of anger, and his whole body was pitch black, dying very ugly, because the monster The centipede's poison had already penetrated into his heart, and now that he was useless in martial arts, he could not expel the poison at all, nor could he restrain the spread of the poison.

When Yang Xiaobao saw the death of Wu Si, a high-level martial artist, he couldn't help but sigh, but anyway, after killing a strong enemy, Yang Xiaobao still felt relieved. After all, this person's skill was too high. If it wasn't for Yang Xiaobao's use of the formation of the fruit forest, he would have been caught and killed by this man long ago.

This world is a world where the weak prey on the strong. Although Yang Xiaobao doesn't want to kill people, these people always want to hunt him down. In order to survive and survive, Yang Xiaobao can only kill these people who chased him.

And it’s not enough to be immortal, if raising Xiaobao doesn’t destroy these people, these people will destroy him, so this world is so cruel, so raising Xiaobao must do its best to unify Yunyang Star, so that Change some unreasonable things in this world and make this world a better place.

Yang Xiaobao immediately took back the life-threatening golden needle, and immediately said to Jin Ximei and the others: "This person is dead, let's go out too."

"Big brother, is this person already dead? Why did he die so soon?" The little beauty Wang Lianzi immediately asked in confusion.

"This person is indeed dead." Jin Ximei said immediately, although he didn't see how Yang Xiaobao killed this person, but he saw this person fell to the ground and died, and he also saw this person, His face was completely black, he must have died of poisoning.

"That's right, I poisoned him, let's go." Yang Xiaobao said immediately.

So, Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei and the others immediately left the orchard, and then walked outside, and walked forward for tens of kilometers, but they didn't see anyone, so Yang Xiaobao and the others continued to move forward Okay, finally at the foot of a big mountain, I met His Royal Highness and one of his followers.

His Highness the Crown Prince and Wu Yi, his only entourage, were immediately overjoyed when they saw Yang Xiaobao, because the two of them had been searching in Yangling Mountain for so long, but they had never found Yang Xiaobao and the others, and now they finally saw Yang Xiaobao. , it's hard not to be happy.

However, when Yang Xiaobao saw His Royal Highness and his last entourage, he did not run away as before, because Yang Xiaobao had already had some enemies with high-level martial arts experts after killing several of His Royal Highness' entourages. With experience, he was not as flustered as before, not to mention that His Highness the Crown Prince's own cultivation base is not high, that is, Wu Zun, and even his last follower is only a strong Wu Ji, not a strong Wu Tai.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao decided to fight with His Highness the Prince, and even if they couldn't fight, it would not be too late for them to escape. Of course, raising Xiaobao is not to fight hard with His Royal Highness's entourage, it is impossible to raise Xiaobao like this confused.

And Jin Ximei and the others saw that Yang Xiaobao didn't panic and didn't tell them to run away, so they also stopped, and as soon as they stopped, Yang Xiaobao immediately said: "Ximei, in the future, you two will fight the prince together, I will fight his followers."

As soon as Yang Xiaobao said the words, he rushed towards His Royal Highness's entourage, Wu Yi, and His Royal Highness's entourage, Wu Yi, saw that Yang Xiaobao actually rushed towards him, couldn't help laughing contemptuously, and shouted loudly: " court death."

Jin Ximei and Future heard Yang Xiaobao's words, and saw that Yang Xiaobao had rushed towards the entourage of His Royal Highness, so they also rushed towards the prince, and immediately surrounded the prince. The prince saw Jin Ximei and the future He rushed towards him unexpectedly, and couldn't help being stunned, so he immediately fought.

However, His Highness the Crown Prince immediately fell into a disadvantage. After all, His Highness the Crown Prince's cultivation was similar to that of Jin Ximei, and now it was Future and Jin Ximei who were fighting against him, so the Crown Prince was naturally no longer his opponent.

However, the situation on Yang Xiaobao's side is a tie. Of course, with Yang Xiaobao's cultivation base, it is quite good to be able to draw with Wu Yi, a strong martial artist. Not only is it quite good, but it is also quite Fortunately, after all, Yang Xiaobao and Wu Yi's skills are too different, Yang Xiaobao can't fight him head-on, but just uses the dexterity of the void to move around, so as to circle around this martial arts powerhouse Wu Yi, thus restraining him. he.

Moreover, it doesn't stop there. After all, relying on the dexterity of body skills alone cannot contain martial arts experts who are much higher than one's own cultivation base, and Yang Xiaobao's truly effective containment method is his life-threatening lily needle. The life-threatening golden needle has not been able to penetrate Wu Yi's body yet, but it also made him flustered, and he did not dare to be careless at all. After all, the life-threatening golden needle has been refined by Yang Xiaobao. When using it, it is not only extremely flexible, but also And it is also handy, and it is also pervasive. As long as Wu Yi, the martial arts powerhouse, is unprepared, he will stab at his body. When the prince was in danger, he was restrained by Yang Xiaobao and his life-threatening lily needle, and he couldn't go to help.

At this time, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was already in dire jeopardy. He had already been rushed by Jin Ximei and the future two people, and Jin Ximei was hit on him several times. Although he did not die, it was still extremely painful. Unable to stop, he was finally restrained by Future and Jin Ximei, and Jin Ximei even grabbed the prince's neck with his hands, making him dare not move.

Jin Ximei immediately said to the prince: "Tell your people to stop, or this lady will kill you in one fell swoop."

After the neck of His Royal Highness was caught by Jin Ximei, His Royal Highness had already turned pale with fright. He didn't expect these two women to be so tough and have such strong martial arts, especially in the future, because she didn't have any vitality fluctuations on her body. I didn't care about her at all, but I didn't expect that she was so powerful, and now she was restrained by two women, and she was even stuck around the neck by this woman.

So, His Royal Highness immediately became afraid, and immediately said to Wu Yi, the strong martial artist: "Stop quickly."

Wu Yi, a strong martial artist, was also very frightened when he saw His Royal Highness being pinched by Jin Ximei. Before he heard His Royal Highness's cry, he stopped his hands and did not attack Yang Xiaobao, but was on guard carefully. Holding Xiaobao's life-threatening lily needle.

Seeing that Jin Ximei and Future had restrained the prince, Yang Xiaobao smiled and said to Wu Yi, the attendant of His Royal Highness, "The prince has been captured, you'd better not move, if you do, the prince will die , if the crown prince is dead, you will not be able to live either."

Wu Yi, a strong martial artist, heard Yang Xiaobao's words, and immediately said, "I won't move, I won't move."

Yang Xiaobao saw that the current situation had completely reversed. Originally, His Royal Highness brought his high-level martial arts followers to chase and kill him desperately, but now Yang Xiaobao not only killed his five subordinates, but also now He also captured the prince himself, which is indeed a surprise and unexpected thing.

Yang Xiaobao immediately thought about whether he wanted to kill the prince and his entourage, but after consideration, Yang Xiaobao decided not to kill the prince, but to take the prince for his own use, so there was a brand new A plan was formed in Yang Xiaobao's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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