Chapter 451 Watanabe Castle

The plan to raise Xiaobao was established, and then returned to the Huayang Empire with Jin Ximei, Future, the little beauty Wang Lianzi, and Miss Ouyang. They had nothing to say all the way, and they arrived outside Huayang Pass on the same day. Raising Xiaobao did not enter through the gate tower, but directly from the cliff. Fly over there.

After Yang Xiaobao and the others entered the customs, they went through thousands of forests, and within a few days, they returned to Huayang Empire Starlight City, Bai Yunfei, Zuogong Mountain, and they were very happy to see Yang Xiaobao come back. Xie Yixiang and Tang Qinghan couldn't hide their excitement, so a big banquet was held in Starlight City that night to welcome Yang Xiaobao and Jin Ximei. Miss Ouyang was also very happy because it was the first time she saw such a lively scene .

During the dinner, Yang Xiaobao introduced Ms. Ouyang to Bai Yunfei, Zuo Gongshan and the others, and then told him that he wanted to find a place with rich spiritual energy to practice. As soon as Yang Xiaobao said what he said, everyone was silent for a while , I thought that Yang Xiaobao would stay for a while when he came back this time, but he didn't think that he would set off right after he came back.

However, although Bai Yunfei and the others are very reluctant, they can understand it. After all, raising Xiaobao is also right. If there is no super martial arts cultivation, it will definitely not work in this world of the jungle, let alone unification. It's such a big deal for Yunyangxing.

Although Starlight City's defenses are very solid, they can only protect themselves. If they really want to fight tough battles with the regular mech troops of the Shenyuan Empire, they will definitely not be able to. Therefore, although Bai Yunfei and the others are reluctant to give up on raising Xiaobao, they want to leave. But that is also impossible.

Yang Xiaobao said that he wanted to find a place with strong spiritual vitality, and Xie Yixiang and Tang Qinghan immediately thought of Lingyu Valley, but it was not time to open Lingyu Valley, and Yang Xiaobao couldn't enter Lingyu Valley with his current cultivation base, but , Tang Qinghan immediately thought of two places, one was the Tiangang formation, and the other was Mo Chouhai.

Of course, one star point in the Tiangang formation is quite sufficient, but after being cultivated by Yang Xiaobao to Wu Zun, he has already absorbed it, and there is not much spiritual energy there, so now there is only Mo Chouhai Yes, and according to rumors, there are several islands in Mochouhai that have more spiritual vitality than Lingyu Valley.

Therefore, Tang Qinghan reconciled with Xie Yixiang and immediately told Yang Xiaobao about the fact that Mo Chouhai's spiritual energy was very strong. However, they had all heard of it, and they did not go there in person. Most warriors in the Yunyang Continent knew this If you think about it, there will be no falsehood.

Yang Xiaobao heard that Mochouhai's spiritual energy is actually more intense than Lingyu Valley, so he decided to go to Mochouhai, after all, the amount of spiritual energy required for his Taiji Taichu magic is too terrifying, it is not an ordinary place It can be cultivated, but if Yang Xiaobao wants to cultivate to a very high level in the shortest time, and if he wants to achieve extraordinary achievements in martial arts, he must find a place with strong spiritual energy, so now of course he must go to Mochouhai up.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao immediately decided that Jin Ximei and Future would go to Mochouhai with him, and let Miss Ouyang and the little beauty Wang Lianzi stay in Starlight City. Although Xie Yixiang and Tang Qinghan wanted to go with Yang Xiaobao, Yang Xiaobao did not He didn't agree, after all, there was a long way to go to Mochouhai, and he didn't know what kind of dangers he would encounter, and there were too many people to take care of Xiaobao.

As for Jin Ximei, because of her high skill, she is now at the ninth level of Wu Zun, and she has the ability to protect herself along the way. In the future, she will be transformed into a system elf, and she will not be able to leave Yang Xiaobao. Cultivation is the same as raising Xiaobao, so there will naturally be a care along the way.

Early the next morning, Yang Xiaobao, Future, and Jin Ximei bid farewell to Bai Yunfei, Zuo Gongshan, Xie Yixiang, Tang Qinghan, Miss Ouyang, the little beauty Wang Lianzi, and some backbones of the family-supporting army. Then they left Starlight City and went straight to Thousands of forests, and then went out of Huayang Pass, and then came to the empty city of Shenyuan Empire, and after arriving at the empty city, they rushed to Mochouhai without stopping.

Of course, Yang Xiaobao and the three of them have only reached the strait of Mochouhai now. After passing through the strait, they will go to the Lanhao Empire. Yangxiaobao decided to visit the Yunlanhao Empire first, and then go to the outer sea of ​​Mochouhai.

After all, Mochou Sea is so vast and boundless, and it is not a matter of time to go to the outer sea. Although some preparations are required, but now, they enter the Lanhao Empire to take a look at the situation and understand it. It is quite necessary, you know The coastline of the Lanhao Empire in Mochouhai is very long, and the people here have lived in Mochouhai for many years, so they must be quite familiar with Mochouhai.

However, Yang Xiaobao and the others wanted to go to Mochou Sea by boat, but they ran into trouble, because now the Shenyuan Empire and the Lanhao Empire are on the verge of war, and few ships go to the Lanhao Empire. Only after Yang Xiaobao promised a lot of money did he rent a fishing boat.

This fishing boat is not big. The owner of the boat is an old man in his 50s, an old lady, and a boy in his teens. They fish here for many years, but because their boat is relatively small, they can I dare not go out to sea, so I can only hunt some small fish and shrimps not far from this strait to make ends meet.

And this little boy was also picked up by this old couple. However, this little boy is a very clever child. Although he was very curious about raising Xiaobao, Future and Jin Ximei, this little boy still kept his eyes on him. Staring at Yang Xiaobao and the others, but they are not afraid of people, and they are also very enthusiastically called brother and sister, Jin Ximei and Future, but the little boy is very cute.

Yang Xiaobao saw that the life of this family was indeed very difficult, so he immediately decided to give them more gold coins. In order to reduce the danger of the old couple, Yang Xiaobao stopped the fishing boat before they reached the other side. Immediately, he gave the old couple [-] gold coins, which was half higher than the [-] gold coins he promised when he boarded the boat. The three of them felt that they had really met a good person.

After Yang Xiaobao and the others gave the gold coins, they immediately performed the Wind Riding Technique, and then flew to the opposite bank. The old couple saw Yang Xiaobao and the others suddenly flew up, and they were very excited. I met a fairy.

After the old couple went back, they did not continue to fish. After all, they were old and the risk of fishing was too high, so they might fall into the sea and feed the fish at any time. Therefore, after the old couple came back, they They bought some land with the one thousand gold coins that Yang Xiaobao gave them, and started farming for a living. Although life was hard, it was much more secure than fishing. Moreover, they sold the They also got some money for the boat, so they can live without problems. If Yang Xiaobao knew about it, he would be happy for them too.

After Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei, and the three of them flew up in the future, many people were shocked to see them, but Yang Xiaobao ignored these people, and flew directly to the other side and set foot on the Lanhao Empire. soil of.

Yang Xiaobao and the others immediately inquired about it. There is a city here called Watanabe Castle. After paying the entrance fee, he immediately entered the city.

After Yang Xiaobao entered the city, he saw that the attire of the people here was very different from that of the Huayang Empire, and it was also different from that of the Shenyuan Empire. While thinking about it, a man in his 20s suddenly came to Yang Xiaobao and said, "Brother, do you need a guide?"

When Yang Xiaobao heard this man's words, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment. He really didn't expect that someone would talk like this and look for business like this, but it would be good if Yang Xiaobao thought of finding a guide, and Yang Xiaobao saw This young man's face is very dignified, not like a cunning person, but looking at him, he is also very sincere, so Yang Xiaobao immediately said: "Are you familiar with this place?"

"Brother, I was born and raised here. I have been here for more than 20 years. Naturally, I am very familiar with Watanabe Castle. Not to mention Watanabe Castle, I am also quite familiar with the capital city of the Empire." Hearing Yang Xiaobao's words, the young man was very upset. said happily.

"How much is a day for you as a guide?" Jin Ximei asked suddenly.

"Sister, I only have two gold coins a day, not much." The young man said immediately.

"Okay, I'll give you two gold coins." Yang Xiaobao said immediately, and then gave the man two gold coins.

"Brother, my surname is Li. You can call me Xiao Li. I will definitely be a good guide for you." The guide Xiao Li said happily. He gave him the gold coins. He had never met such a person before, and Yang Xiaobao didn't bargain with him, but directly gave him two gold coins.

This Xiao Li immediately introduced the local customs and customs to Yang Xiaobao and the others, and Yang Xiaobao listened very seriously and was also very interested, so Yang Xiaobao immediately said: "How about this, Xiao Li, you First take us to find a place to live, and then go to the restaurant to get some food, and we will talk while eating."

The reason why Yang Xiaobao said this is that he also thinks that Xiao Li is not bad, and he is smart enough. What he said also made Yang Xiaobao very interested. After all, Yang Xiaobao came from the earth. Really don't know much.

And this Xiaoli nodded when he heard Yang Xiaobao's words, and then took Yang Xiaobao and the others to a hotel to stay, and then went to a restaurant. Yang Xiaobao looked at the name of this restaurant, and unexpectedly It's called Kaixuan Restaurant.

When Yang Xiaobao saw the words Kaixuan Restaurant, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then he thought of the Kaixuan Hotel in Kunyu Country Landscape City. After all, Yang Xiaobao had several unforgettable experiences in the Kaixuan Hotel.

 Three chapters and [-] words a day, really tiring, really not easy, but I still persevere
(End of this chapter)

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