Chapter 455
The leader of the Shaqiu gang saw that Yang Xiaobao avoided his attack again, and he still avoided his double palm attack. It was unbelievable that a low-level martial artist at the same level avoided his attacks again and again, but it was the fact that he had to believe it.

Of course, the leader of the Shaqiu gang didn't know Yang Xiaobao's true cultivation level. On the surface, Yang Xiaobao looked like a strong Wu Zhen, but in fact he was at the ninth level of Wu Zun, although his cultivation base was lower than his. But it's not much lower, and what he doesn't know is that Yang Xiaobao has also killed martial arts experts whose cultivation base is much higher than his. three.

But now, the leader of the Shaqiu gang took a look at Yang Xiaobao, and then said loudly: "Boy, I didn't expect you to be so clever. I just underestimated you a little bit."

"Boy, you have some tricks too, but brother, I didn't underestimate you." Yang Xiaobao also said immediately.

"Stop talking nonsense, look at the palm." The leader of the Shaqiu Gang heard Yang Xiaobao's words, and was startled for a moment, then shouted again, and then hit Yang Xiaobao's chest with another palm, Yang Xiaobao Xiaobao immediately used the Void Turning Step technique again, and immediately avoided the palm attack of this person.

The battle between Future and Jin Ximei has already been decided at this moment. After the two martial arts experts were forced to the corner, Future and Jin Ximei each patted the heads of these two martial arts experts. Although the Wu Zun strongman avoided the vital points on his head, his shoulders were hit, and one of the Wu Zun strong men had half of his shoulder knocked off.

Jin Ximei and Future looked at each other immediately, and then the two of them understood, and then they slapped at the same time, respectively hitting a strong Wu Zun, and then the two strong Wu Zun were hit again, and they were still hit on the shoulder just injured , The two of them almost passed out from the pain.

However, this is not over yet, Jin Ximei and Mirai hit the shoulders of a Martial Master at the same time, and at the same time, there was a sound of bone breaking, and then the two Martial Masters both slapped each other. It was so painful that they yelled at the same time, and the shoulders of the two strong Wu Zun were broken immediately, and one arm even dropped down.

These two Wu Zun powerhouses have completely lost the power to fight back now, and the two of them have no chance to fight back at all, and Jin Ximei will not let them have any chance to fight back. Now Jin Ximei and Future have started to strike again, and still At the same time, he struck the arms of these two Martial Masters, but it was the other arm.

Of course you have to hit the other arm, that arm has already been broken, even if you hit it again, it is meaningless, but this time, although Jin Ximei and Future have used [-]% of their strength, they still failed to interrupt the two Wu Zunqiangs. The victim's other arm, but it hurt the two people even more, and the two people couldn't stand the pain, and then they yelled: "You two sniff the goods, kill if you want, you always beat me!" shoulder?"

When Yang Xiaobao heard the shouts of the two powerful Wu Zuns, he couldn't help but glanced over there, and immediately saw that the two strong Wu Zuns who were fighting against Future and Jin Ximei were at the end of their strength, and even their arms were broken , but not dead yet.

When Yang Xiaobao saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel very settled. Although the leader of the Shaqiu gang who was fighting him now had some upper hand, it was not obvious. Yang Xiaobao hadn't suffered the slightest harm until now. Although this person's palm strength is very strong, but for Yang Xiaobao, it is only slightly stronger.

And the leader of the Shaqiu gang saw that Yang Xiaobao was just avoiding him blindly, which caused him to fight for so long without hitting Yang Xiaobao once.

Moreover, he also saw that his two subordinates of Wu Zun were defeated by two beauties, and their arms were broken. It's an invincible look.

And Yang Xiaobao now has a better understanding of the kung fu of the leader of the Shaqiu Gang, and Yang Xiaobao can also see that although this person is a strong man at the level of martial arts, he is more powerful than the followers of His Royal Highness. When I got up, I still didn't know how much it was.

Moreover, Yang Xiaobao has also found a way to attack the leader of the Shaqiu Gang, but he has not yet found a chance to attack. Therefore, Yang Xiaobao is not in a hurry to take action now, because the method Yang Xiaobao found is not to take action That's it, the leader of the Shaqiu gang must be killed as soon as he makes a move.

But now, the leader of the Shaqiu gang sees that Yang Xiaobao is just avoiding him blindly and does not fight him head-on. He made a move with both palms together, but the two palms he slapped now are different from the two palms he slapped just now. Just now, the two palms hit Yang Xiaobao's face at the same time, but the two palms he slapped now are one up and one down. , hitting the head with one palm and hitting the feet with the other, and these two palms were still very successful, making the air roar, and the sound was very loud, like thunder.

The leader of the Shaqiu Gang couldn't help laughing when he saw the strength of the two palms he struck, and he also firmly believed that Yang Xiaobao would not be able to avoid his attack this time. It's going up and down, attacking at the same time, even if Yang Xiaobao avoids the top, the bottom shouldn't be able to avoid it either.

However, the leader of the Shaqiu gang was dumbfounded again immediately. Not only did Yang Xiaobao avoid his simultaneous up and down attacks, but he also dodged them in a timely manner, without any damage, let alone damage. Yes, even the corners of the clothes are not touched.

Because Yang Xiaobao didn't dodge upwards or downwards, but moved to the side very quickly, just like the great movement of the universe, he moved away at once, so this Shaqiu gang The leader immediately shot again, and nothing was hit.

But now, the situation on Jin Ximei's side is very gratifying, because the two Wu Zun strongmen have been knocked down to the ground, and they are still rolling in pain, and they are still screaming, but the two cursed, He was kicked by Jin Ximei and the future two people, and kicked several times in succession.

In the end, although the two strong Wu Zun were very angry, very angry, and in pain, they did not dare to yell or scold anymore. You must know that every time they swear, they will be beaten, and they will be beaten again and again. The pain was even worse, so the two strong Wu Zun didn't dare to scold anymore, but they still crawled on the ground motionless and pretended to be dead.

Jin Ximei and the future two saw that the two martial arts masters no longer yelled and scolded, but crawled on the ground without moving, so they didn't attack them anymore, but walked over to Yang Xiaobao, and then gave him a gift Little Treasure rushed.

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help laughing when he saw that Jin Ximei and Future had already defeated the two strong Wu Zun and walked towards him, and the leader of the Shaqiu Gang saw Future and Jin Ximei approaching, immediately A face turned black, and it was so dark that it was ugly, as if it was about to snow.

Immediately, Yang Xiaobao said to the leader of the Shaqiu gang: "Boy, do you want to fight again?"

"Boy, don't be arrogant, let's see how I deal with you." The leader of the Shaqiu Gang obviously refused to give up, and immediately yelled loudly.

"Boy, stop screaming, see how I deal with you, brother." Yang Xiaobao also said immediately, and what he said was similar to this person.

The leader of the Shaqiu gang immediately jumped up in anger, and immediately attacked Yang Xiaobao without saying a word, and took out a big knife, and then took the big knife to Yang Xiaobao's head, He chopped it down head and face.

Yang Xiaobao saw that the man had actually moved his weapon, so he had a thought, and then he took out the Tai Chi gun, and then he went up to the man's sword, and then heard the sound of gold and iron, and then Just a burst of sparks.

The leader of the Shaqiu gang immediately looked down, and immediately yelled out in distress, because his big knife was cut with two gaps. You must know that his big knife is a precious knife, but he didn't expect that not only did he not cut it enough to support the younger brother There are two gaps in Bao's vellus hair, which can't help but make him feel distressed and extremely angry.

It's just that no matter how distressed he was, no matter how angry he was, it was useless, his big knife was still cut in two gaps, and the leader of the Shaqiu gang immediately looked greedily at the Tai Chi gun in Yang Xiaobao's hand, because he was naturally already Knowing that raising Xiaobao's Tai Chi gun is not easy, even his sword was broken, it would be strange if this gun was simple?
Yang Xiaobao saw two gaps in the man's knife and heard the man's distressed cry, he couldn't help laughing, and then tightened the Tai Chi gun in his hand, and the Tai Chi gun also trembled, show a response.

Yang Xiaobao is quite reassured about his Tai Chi gun, no matter whether this person is holding a knife or a sword, Yang Xiaobao is not afraid at all, you must know that Yang Xiaobao's Tai Chi gun is an ancient magic weapon, and It was not easy to get it, and it was only in Lingyu Valley that I got such a good gun by chance.

The leader of the Shaqiu gang greedily glanced at Yang Xiaobao's Tai Chi gun, and then swung his knife and chopped off Yang Xiaobao's head. He only wanted Yang Xiaobao's Tai Chi Spear. Of course, he had to kill Yang Xiaobao if he wanted the Tai Chi Spear. Only by killing Yang Xiaobao could he get the Tai Chi Spear.

However, after he slashed down with the knife, Yang Xiaobao raised his Tai Chi gun to block him, and then another burst of sparks flew, and then there was another sound of metal and iron clanging, and then his big knife was blocked by the sword again. Two gaps were broken, and it looked like a saw with missing teeth.

However, the leader of Shaqiu's gang still didn't care that his treasured sword was broken, he still raised the broken sword in his hand, and still chopped at Yang Xiaobao's head, while Yang Xiaobao still held up the Tai Chi The sharp gun moved upwards, but still blocked the sword, still heard the sound of metal and iron clanging, still heard sparks flying, and the sword was still broken into two gaps.

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but feel funny when he saw the man's big knife being crumbled into a jagged shape, but he didn't laugh, but looked at the Tai Chi gun in his hand with satisfaction, and the leader of the Shaqiu gang saw him His big knife was now broken with so many gaps, it looked extremely ugly, and he couldn't help feeling distressed again.

However, although this man felt distressed, it was just a bit of distress, because now he has taken a fancy to Yang Xiaobao's Tai Chi Spear and wants to keep it for himself, so he immediately took the big knife in his hand to hold Yang Xiaobao in the middle The chop came, and it was still full of momentum, the chop made the air roar, if it was cut by his knife, Yang Xiaobao would definitely have to be broken in the middle.

Fortunately, Yang Xiaobao blocked it with the Taiji gun at his waist, and not only blocked it, but after blocking the big knife, Yang Xiaobao immediately picked it up, and then he picked it at the Shaqiu gang. on the leader's wrist.

The leader of the Shaqiu Gang never thought that Yang Xiaobao would suddenly change his move, not only blocking his sword, but also picking his wrist. This was unexpected, so he was caught off guard and immediately After he hit the road, he felt a sharp pain in his wrist, which almost caused him to throw the sword, but the man still resisted not to throw the sword.

However, the leader of Shaqiu's gang still yelled in pain, and he immediately took a step back. If Yang Xiaobao shoots him again, I'm afraid he will suffer even more. .

And Yang Xiaobao saw the leader of Shaqiu's Gang take two steps back, then he also took two steps forward, and also used two moves of Tai Chi Spear. The leader of the Shaqiu gang lived here.

The leader of the Shaqiu gang was taken aback immediately, and quickly swung his sword to block it, and then there was another sound of gold and iron clanging, and when the shadow of the gun dissipated, his sword was broken into countless gaps It didn't look like a big knife, a long sword, or a stick at all, it turned into a completely different thing.

Seeing this scene, Jin Ximei and Future couldn't help laughing. Yang Xiaobao also thought it was funny, so Yang Xiaobao immediately used a few moves of Tai Chi Spear. There were many shadows, roaring towards the leader of the Shaqiu gang.

The leader of Sha Qiu's gang had no choice but to pick up the big knife to resist for a while, and then a series of noises came. After the shadow of the gun dissipated, the leader of Sha Qiu's gang immediately saw that there was only one handle left on his big knife, Sha Qiu The leader of the gang looked at the bare handle of the knife, and then froze on the spot.

When Jin Ximei and Future saw this scene, they couldn't help it anymore, and immediately burst out laughing, and the face of the leader of the Shaqiu gang was as black as the bottom of a pot, very ugly.

But Yang Xiaobao didn't laugh, but picked up the Tai Chi gun and shook it vigorously, and then it buzzed. The leader of the Shaqiu gang came as a chest stab.

(End of this chapter)

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