Chapter 465
Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei, and the future three people suddenly heard a few ghost cries from a distance, and the cries were still so miserable and terrifying, so Yang Xiaobao and the three of them immediately used the wind riding skill Fa, and then flew to the place where the ghost was screaming, the speed was also extremely fast, but it flew there in an instant, which was the place where they drank and ate during the day.

However, although Yang Xiaobao and the others flew very fast, although they arrived here in an instant, they still didn't see any ghosts, not even a single ghost hair. , This is really unbelievable. After all, Yang Xiaobao's Chengfeng technique is the fastest in terms of flying speed, but it is still not as fast as ghosts. This is really a ghost.

However, just when Yang Xiaobao and the three of them looked reckless, there was another burst of screams, and the sound was still so shrill, but this sound was not the sound of a ghost, but the sound of a human being. It was a cry, and it was a familiar cry, because the cry came from Su Gong's room, and it was obviously Su Gong's voice.

Hearing Su Gong's cry, Yang Xiaobao ran towards his room, and then kicked open the door, and then saw Su Gong lying on the ground, still pale with fright, and still He kept yelling: "There is a ghost."

After Su Gong saw Yang Xiaobao and the others came in, he was still lying on the ground and still didn't get up. He was obviously frightened. Looking at him like this, it seemed that his soul had been lost. Yang Xiaobao immediately called Su Gong. , but he didn't answer a word, and his eyes were still cloudy and expressionless.

Jin Ximei also called him a few words, but he still didn't agree, and kept yelling that there was a ghost. Seeing Su Gong's appearance, Yang Xiaobao didn't call him again. It was useless to call him many words, so Yang Xiaobao immediately moved Su Gong to the bed and let him sleep.

Jin Ximei saw that Su Gong was frightened like this, and she couldn't help sighing. It seems that this ghost is really not ordinary, but Jin Ximei is not afraid, nor is she afraid of raising Xiaobao, and she will not be afraid in the future, and raising Xiaobao Bao and the others immediately decided that they must catch this ghost.

So, Yang Xiaobao and the others left Su Gong's room immediately, and then looked outside carefully, and searched for a long time, but they didn't find anything. A few hairs were found underneath, and the hairs were still very long, and they were still snow-white hairs.

After finding these hairs in the future, he looked at them immediately, and then gave them to Yang Xiaobao. Yang Xiaobao took the hairs and looked at them carefully, and found that these hairs were very similar to the hairs of the snow-capped white fox he had seen before. When Yang Xiaobao found out about this situation, he was taken aback immediately. Could it be that there are white foxes in it, but Yang Xiaobao shook his head again, probably thinking too much.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao then handed these few hairs to Jin Ximei, Jin Ximei took a look at it, and then said: "Xiaobao, this hair should be the hair of a fox, and it is also the hair of a white fox. Could it be the hair of a white fox just now?" Isn’t the sound a ghost, but a vixen’s noise?”

"Probably not. If it was a vixen, it shouldn't be screaming like this, and that Su Gong called out ghosts one by one, which means that he really saw a ghost. If he saw a vixen, he shouldn't have such an expression." Let's go." Yang Xiaobao also said immediately.

"But why are there a few fox hairs here?" Jin Ximei also felt very reasonable when she heard Yang Xiaobao's words, but she still asked in puzzlement.

Yang Xiaobao couldn't answer Jin Ximei's question. It was true that there was a lot of weirdness in this matter. You must know that they heard the ghost's cry so clearly, and now they saw a few fox hairs. There are many incomprehensible things, and the only way now is to catch the thing that made the ghost sound just now, no matter whether the sound is a person, a ghost, a vixen, or something else, you can only know if you catch it, otherwise If so, no matter how much you guess, it will be useless.

But at this time, there were a few more ghost screams, and there were ghost screams from two different directions. Yang Xiaobao and the others couldn't help but feel reckless when they heard ghost screams from different places, because From this point, it can be seen that there are at least two ghosts here, or there are more than two ghosts.

However, for the sake of safety, Yang Xiaobao didn't separate him from Jin Ximei and the future. Instead, he flew towards a place called by a ghost. , and Su Gong is not an ordinary person, but an intermediate martial arts powerhouse of the Wuzhen level, and the people are so frightened, it can be seen that this ghost is really powerful.

Yang Xiaobao and the three of them heard the ghost call this time, and immediately used the wind riding technique to fly up, and the speed was much faster than last time, and they flew to the ghost call in just a blink of an eye. This is the top floor of a building, and there are many stars in the sky. Although there are reflections of these stars on the top of the building, there is still a lot of light, but the line of sight is not very clear, but these are very important for raising Xiaobao, Jin Ximei and the future will not be affected much, because they are not ordinary people, and this time raising Xiaobao they found a shadow under the light of the stars, maybe it is a ghost, anyway, it is not very real , but actually saw a shadow, and this shadow was still a white shadow, like a ghost in white clothes.However, judging from the outline of the figure, this ghost in white clothes should be a man, a male ghost, not a female ghost.

After Jin Ximei and Future saw this ghost, they immediately cried out with joy, and Jin Ximei immediately said very excitedly: "Xiaobao, I saw a ghost, and it was a ghost in white clothes."

"I saw it too, it's really a ghost." Future also said excitedly.

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help smiling when he saw Future and Jin Ximei being so excited. He didn't expect to see a ghost. Although he saw a ghost, it was still a sight. It was better than nothing. Seeing is much stronger.

However, Yang Xiaobao still didn't expect that Future and Jin Ximei would be so happy. He didn't expect that the two of them would be so excited after seeing the ghost. If that Su Gong is also afraid of ghosts, that would be bad. If so, how can he catch ghosts?

However, although Yang Xiaobao and the others saw ghosts, they didn't catch them, and Yang Xiaobao and the others didn't know how to catch ghosts. When Bao and the others didn't know how to start, suddenly there were a few more ghost screams, but this time Yang Xiaobao didn't fly over immediately after hearing the ghost screams, but listened carefully, because this time There are still several places where there are ghost screams, and ghost screams can be heard from several places in this huge manor at the same time.

After Yang Xiaobao heard the places where these ghosts were screaming, he immediately decided to catch the nearest ghost, so Yang Xiaobao immediately made a gesture. After seeing Yang Xiaobao's gesture, he immediately used the Wind Riding Technique and flew up, and the three of them flew over in a triangle shape.

This time, Yang Xiaobao and the others were still so fast, and they were closer to the ghost, so they really caught the ghost this time. When the three of Yang Xiaobao flew over, they immediately saw When they saw a white shadow hanging on the frame of a swing, they could see it very clearly, so Yang Xiaobao and the three of them rushed towards the swing, and immediately grabbed the ghost in white who was sitting on the swing, but Yang Xiaobao After the three of them caught the ghost, they found that they had nothing but a white dress in their hands.

But this white dress is really special, and it's miserable white. This white dress, Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei, and the future three have never seen such a style, and this dress is in hand On the skin, there is also a very strange feeling, it feels a little soft, but not very soft, and there is also a slippery feeling.

Yang Xiaobao and the three of them each grabbed the white dress, and they all had the same strange feeling, but it was just a piece of clothing, not a ghost, and even if it was really a ghost, Yang Xiaobao They don't know each other either, after all, no one has actually seen a ghost.

However, no matter what, this white dress is real, and it is very real, and this strange style, this strange feel is also real, absolutely real.

After Yang Xiaobao and the others grabbed the white dress, they immediately looked at each other in dismay. They didn't know what to do, and they didn't know what to do. Finally, Yang Xiaobao suddenly thought of a way, that is to give this dress to Burn it, let's take a look at burning this strange clothes, something will appear, or something abnormal will happen, let's talk about other things, after all, raising Xiaobao and they don't know how to catch ghosts, it's true I caught a ghost and didn't know how to deal with it.

So, Yang Xiaobao immediately took out a lighter, and immediately lit the white dress, and then something unusual happened, because the fire light was very special, faint blue, and there was a hint of green What's even more strange, outrageous, and frightening is that when the clothes were half burned, they made a cry. Bao and the three of them heard the ghost cry just now.

(End of this chapter)

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