Chapter 470

Many people were very surprised when they saw Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei and Future three eating meat buns on the street, and they were still eating deliciously. It looks very extraordinary, and there is also a vague aura of a fairy.

But these three young men with such a handsome man, such a beautiful appearance, and such an extraordinary temperament actually ate meat buns with gusto on the street, which made people take a few more glances, and Some young people deliberately turned their heads to watch, and more and more people turned back to watch.

However, Yang Xiaobao ignored these boring people, but ate the meat buns wholeheartedly, and quickly finished a cage, then looked at Future and Jin Ximei, and found that the two of them had only eaten half of the cage, Then he smiled at them.

Jin Ximei and Future also smiled at Yang Xiaobao, and then ate the meat buns wholeheartedly. After all, the taste of the meat buns was really good. Although eating meat buns on the street was a bit eye-catching, they couldn't care less.

After Yang Xiaobao and the three of them finished eating the meat buns, they had another conversation. It was almost noon, Yang Xiaobao decided not to walk anymore, but decided to take a car. After all, there was still a distance to the west of the city, so they Let's go, I don't know when we will be able to get there. Besides, they have also walked on the streets of the imperial capital for a long time, and they have seen enough of the scenery on the streets. It is better to go to the west of the city earlier and buy the mahogany sword earlier.

When Yang Xiaobao said that he wanted to take a car, Jin Ximei and Future nodded in a hurry, because they wanted to take a car for a long time, but Yang Xiaobao never called a car and kept walking, so they just kept walking on the street. Although they also like shopping, they don't like shopping on the street.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao stopped a taxi immediately, and said to the driver: "Master, do you know that there is a secluded street in the west of the city that specializes in mahogany swords?"

The driver immediately glanced at Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei, and Future, and then several times in a row, before saying, "Of course I know, that street is Zhenxie Street, get in the car."

Yang Xiaobao nodded when he heard the driver's words, and then boarded a taxi with Jin Ximei and Future. The driver immediately started the car and drove towards the west of the city. Along the way, the driver kept talking to Yang Xiaobao. Talking, but Yang Xiaobao just listened and didn't speak, because Yang Xiaobao didn't like talking to the driver, because although the driver was talking to Yang Xiaobao, his eyes were always on Looking at Future and Jin Ximei, looking at them, Yang Xiaobao didn't want to talk to such a person.

However, the driver kept talking all the time, and he kept talking to the west of the city, to that Zhenxie Street, and he had to stop until Yang Xiaobao and the three of them got out of the car.

After Yang Xiaobao and the three of them got out of the car, Jin Ximei couldn't help but said, "That driver is just a chatterbox, I can't stand it."

"Yes, Xiaobao, that driver really talks a lot." Future also said immediately.

When Yang Xiaobao heard that Jin Ximei and Future were very dissatisfied with the driver, he couldn't help but smiled, and then nodded. The driver was not only talkative, but Yang Xiaobao also found that the man was very lecherous and very It's evil, but that person said a little too much and didn't do anything out of the ordinary. Of course, Yang Xiaobao didn't care about anything with him.

Immediately Yang Xiaobao saw a street sign on the side of the road, on which were written Zhenxie Street in large characters, and these words were written very vigorously, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but look at it a few more times, and then, Yang Xiaobao Xiaobao, Jin Ximei and Future walked into this street. However, there were not many pedestrians on this street. It can be said that there were very few people. Only a few people in twos and threes walked in and out of this street.

Of course, what Yang Xiaobao didn't know was that they came at the wrong time, because it was close to noon, and there were not many people here, so it's not surprising. There are more people.

However, Yang Xiaobao didn’t come here because of the crowds. It’s better if there aren’t many people, and it’s quieter. Yang Xiaobao immediately glanced at the street, and then saw that the shops on this street are really good. There are few, and the things these shops sell are all antiques, talisman papers, rulers, and mahogany swords.

When Yang Xiaobao saw these things, he couldn't help but nodded. It seemed that the man was right. There were indeed things Yang Xiaobao wanted to buy here, so Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei and Future walked in front of the various shops. After looking at it, I looked at it, and then I walked to a shop.

The owner of this shop was about to have lunch when he suddenly saw Yang Xiaobao and the three of them coming in, so he had to put down the bowls and chopsticks, and then quickly got up to greet him. Take a look, you should continue to eat."

The man smiled when he heard Yang Xiaobao say this, and then started to eat again. However, he took a few mouthfuls and then put it down again. Yang Xiaobao didn't say anything, but looked at the food on the shelf. Yang Xiaobao took a look at the mahogany sword that was hanging, then took it off, and then weighed it with his hand, it felt very light, and it looked very ordinary.

So, Yang Xiaobao immediately put the mahogany sword back, and then walked out of the shop with Jin Ximei and Future. The boss was stunned when he saw Yang Xiaobao pick up the mahogany sword and put it down, and then walked out again. For a while, but he didn't pay attention, and then picked up his rice bowl and started eating again.

Yang Xiaobao walked out of this shop, and then walked to another shop. The owner of this shop was an old man, and he was wearing a pair of reading glasses. When he saw Yang Xiaobao and the others coming in, he immediately pushed the glasses with his hand, and then Xiang Yang Xiaobao and the others said: "Young man, look at what you want to buy, and then negotiate the price after you are optimistic about it."

Yang Xiaobao was a little interesting when he heard the boss's words, so he nodded, and then looked at these goods on the shelves. There are quite a lot of goods in this shop. I bought a ruler and some talisman papers. Of course, Yang Xiaobao didn't know if these things were useful, but since they came, I still bought some.

So, after Yang Xiaobao bought these things, he went to another shop, and then saw a mahogany sword. Yang Xiaobao also picked it up to look at it, and then weighed it again, and found that this mahogany sword was also worthless , very light, and looks very ordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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