Guwu's future pretending to slap the face system

Chapter 472 Continue to Save People

Chapter 472 Continue to Save People
Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei, and Future three rested for one night, and felt that they were in good spirits, and Yang Xiaobao's spiritual consciousness had all recovered, so they decided to go to that small building to treat the little boy.

However, Yang Xiaobao decided to go alone, leaving Future and Jin Ximei to stay in the manor. After all, the manor is so haunted, it is better to get acquainted with the manor. Besides, in terms of treatment, it is enough to have Xiaobao alone, and it is better to keep the two of them.

Future and Jin Ximei are also very happy to stay in the manor to familiarize themselves with the environment, because the two of them now feel very interesting and exciting about hunting ghosts, but it is a pity that no ghosts appeared last night, nor did they hear the sound of ghosts , It also made the two of them excited all night in vain. They thought that after buying the mahogany sword, they could use it on those ghosts, but they didn't expect these ghosts to calm down all night.

Yang Xiaobao and the others had made a plan, so Yang Xiaobao walked out of the manor alone, then walked towards the street, and then walked in the direction of the small building, because he was alone, so Yang Xiaobao walked very fast, And he was still walking towards the route he walked yesterday. When he passed the street where he saved people yesterday, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but stop and take a look, but the order here has already been restored. What happened yesterday has become a thing of the past. Some people will occasionally think about it, but it is also a thing of the past.

Yang Xiaobao immediately walked along the route in his memory, because yesterday he took a car, and now Yang Xiaobao was walking, so it was naturally slower. I still remember, of course, it would not work for ordinary people, after all, yesterday was riding a car, but now he is walking.

Of course, it’s not that Yang Xiaobao doesn’t want to take a car, but that he doesn’t know what the location of that small building is called, so it’s better to walk there. For a strong martial artist, walking a little way is nothing to him.

Because Yang Xiaobao walks extremely fast, it didn't take long to get to the small building, at most it took half an hour. When Yang Xiaobao arrived, the door of this small building had just opened. A few plainclothes guards were just beginning to come out.

After the guards came out and saw Yang Xiaobao, they were both surprised and happy, because they heard the old man and the old lady, that is, their masters discussing whether Yang Xiaobao would come today, and the old woman still He repeatedly said that raising Xiaobao and the others were charlatans.

But now, Yang Xiaobao not only came, but also came so early, so these guards immediately greeted Yang Xiaobao, and immediately invited Yang Xiaobao into this small building, and then invited Yang Xiaobao Xiaobao went up to the second floor.

Yang Xiaobao came upstairs, and immediately saw the old man and the old lady sitting on the sofa in the living room with sad faces. As soon as they saw Yang Xiaobao coming up, they stood up in overjoyed, the old woman was also a little bit She stood up unexpectedly, and still looked at Yang Xiaobao in disbelief, because she was still worried that Yang Xiaobao would not come, but it didn't take long for her to say that Yang Xiaobao came.

Even if the old man and the old lady greeted Yang Xiaobao very happily, of course, they can't be blamed for being happy. Anyway, Yang Xiaobao came anyway, and he came so early. From this point, it can be seen It can be seen that Yang Xiaobao is indeed a person who keeps his word.

Moreover, the old man and the old lady have gained a lot of confidence in whether Yang Xiaobao can cure their grandson's illness. After saying hello, Yang Xiaobao continued, "Old man, let's go see your grandson's illness."

"Okay, okay, what a good boy." Hearing Yang Xiaobao's words, the old man couldn't help but praise him repeatedly.

Yang Xiaobao smiled immediately, and then walked into the little boy's room with the old man. After Yang Xiaobao came in, he saw that the little boy was still the same as yesterday, still half asleep and half awake, and the expression on his face The muscles twitched from time to time, obviously experiencing torture and pain.

Yang Xiaobao immediately decided to cure this little boy no matter what. After all, this little boy has endured pain and suffering for too long, which is really admirable. You must know that such torture and pain are unbearable even for adults. Let alone a child?
Of course, this is not the slightest exaggeration. You must know that there is actually an embroidery needle in this little boy's head, and this embroidery needle is not honest, and it keeps swimming in his head. What an inhuman torture, just think about it.

But now, after Yang Xiaobao came in with the old man and the old lady, the little boy also woke up, and when he saw Yang Xiaobao, he was immediately pleasantly surprised, because when Yang Xiaobao treated him yesterday, it was him The most comfortable time, of course, this is not surprising, after all, when Yang Xiaobao treated him, he used the vitality of Taiji Taichu Divine Art, as well as Divine Consciousness Art, no matter which one it is, it is unprecedented. .

After Yang Xiaobao came in, he immediately asked the little boy, "Little brother, how do you feel now?"

"The pain is still the same as before, but when my brother gave me treatment yesterday, it was quite comfortable." The little boy said immediately.

When Yang Xiaobao heard the little boy's words, he nodded immediately. The pain should be the same as before. After all, the embroidery needle was not taken out of his head, so of course it still hurts.So Yang Xiaobao immediately said to the little boy: "It's okay, brother, after I treat you today, it won't hurt anymore."

Hearing Yang Xiaobao's words, the little boy was so happy that he almost cried out, because up to now, no one has told him the words that can cure his illness. This is the first time he has heard such words. Whether it was true or not, he felt very good, and it also aroused infinite hope in his little heart.

Of course, the little boy was not the only one who felt happy when Yang Xiaobao said this, even the old man and the old lady were very excited and looking forward to it. After all, it was the first time they heard someone say in person that he could cure his grandson sick.

After Yang Xiaobao finished speaking, he immediately asked the little boy to close his eyes, and then Yang Xiaobao performed the Taiji Taichu Divine Art again. After running for two weeks, Yang Xiaobao held the little boy's hand again, and then gave him a A little energy goes in, so that the little boy's pain can be alleviated to the greatest extent.

After all, this little boy has suffered enough, and Yang Xiaobao didn't want him to suffer such inhuman torture during the treatment process, but Yang Xiaobao injected vitality into this little boy's body, and this little boy Immediately, the boy felt a burst of refreshment all over his body, which he had never experienced before. The little boy immediately relaxed his frowning brows comfortably, as well as his twitching muscles that had endured the pain just now.

Immediately, Yang Xiaobao felt the little boy's feelings, and nodded involuntarily. It seems that his method is still correct. Of course, the real treatment has not started yet, but it is just a prelude.

Of course, the old man and the old lady saw the relaxed expression of the little boy just now, and immediately clenched their fists happily. After all, their grandson has been suffering from pain for a long time, and he has never seen it before. With such a relaxed expression now, they had to be extremely happy, and they were more confident that Yang Xiaobao could cure their grandson, and they relaxed a lot in their hearts.

But now, after Yang Xiaobao sent some vitality to the little boy's body, he then used this vitality to move around the little boy's body, helping him sort out the meridians of the whole body, and nourishing the five internal organs of the little boy , the little boy immediately felt comfortable all over his body.

Yang Xiaobao saw that it was almost time, and the little boy had recovered some health, so Yang Xiaobao immediately decided to give him formal treatment now. Of course, now Yang Xiaobao has also found a treatment method, which is to force the little boy out. The embroidery needles in the boy's body, as long as the embroidery needles in his body are forced out, his disease will be completely cured.

But now, Yang Xiaobao immediately used the spiritual consciousness technique, and then wrapped the embroidery needle in the little boy's head with his spiritual consciousness. As soon as the embroidery needle touched Yang Xiaobao's spiritual consciousness, it immediately started to move, and Yang Xiaobao After Xiaobao felt that the embroidery needle was moving, he immediately added a trace of consciousness, and also increased his control. However, this embroidery needle was still struggling, as if he was unwilling to be restrained by Yang Xiaobao. However, it struggled After a while, he was still completely enveloped by Yang Xiaobao's spiritual consciousness, and could no longer move an inch.

Yang Xiaobao was overjoyed when he saw that he had wrapped the embroidery needle with his spiritual consciousness. After all, the first step was completed. Now, as long as the embroidery needle is forced out, it will be considered a success. cured.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao immediately increased the control of his consciousness, and then slowly moved the consciousness that wrapped the embroidery needle. However, at this time, Yang Xiaobao encountered another problem, that is, the embroidery needle should be removed from the Where is it better to force it out.

Yang Xiaobao first thought of forcing it out of the blood vessel, but the line of the blood vessel was a little longer, and Yang Xiaobao's current spiritual power obviously couldn't last for such a long time, so Yang Xiaobao thought of forcing it out from the little boy's body. The facial features were forced out, and Yang Xiaobao thought about it for a while, and felt that this method was still feasible.

Then, Yang Xiaobao immediately decided to force the embroidery needle out of the little boy's nose. After all, it is convenient to get out from the nose, and the distance is also very short. many.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao immediately closed his eyes and exercised his consciousness with all his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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