Chapter 474 To the Manor

When the old man heard that his grandson had an embroidery needle in his head, he was so surprised that he didn't know what to do. At the same time, he was also very shocked and very puzzled. He didn't know how the embroidery needle got into his grandson's head Yes, so he immediately asked Yang Xiaobao: "Little friend, do you know how the embroidery needle entered my grandson's head, and why the embroidery needle entered the head?"

Hearing the old man's words, Yang Xiaobao pondered for a while, and then said: "Old man, the reason why your grandson has embroidery needles in his head should be man-made."

"Man-made? You mean someone deliberately murdered my grandson?" The old lady said in surprise after hearing it from the side.

Yang Xiaobao nodded immediately, and then asked: "Old man, do you have any enemies?"

"If you want to talk about life and death, there is no such thing as life and death. But in the early years, because I was the head of the Yamen, I caught many people in my hands. There must be things that offended people." The old man said immediately.

"Are these people you arrested ordinary people, or strong martial arts?" Yang Xiaobao asked immediately.

"Basically they are ordinary people, and there are also warriors, but their skills are not high." The old man thought for a while and then said.

When Yang Xiaobao heard what the old man said, he was silent for a while, because Yang Xiaobao had deduced from the embroidery needle that it should be done by a senior martial artist, because the embroidery needle was inside the little boy's head, Not only is it oppressing his nervous system, but it can also move, and the embroidery needle is wrapped with a trace of vitality. To do this, if it is not a high-level martial artist, it must be impossible.

So Yang Xiaobao immediately told the old man his deduction, and took out the small bottle of embroidery needles to show the old man and the old lady. The old man pushed the reading glasses on the bridge of his nose hard, and looked carefully After a while, I saw the embroidery needle as thin as a hair.

However, the old man couldn't remember how he offended a high-level martial arts expert, so the old man immediately fell into deep thought, but after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't think of who it was, and there was no object of suspicion.

Yang Xiaobao also thought about it for a while, and felt that this matter was really weird and incomprehensible. If there were really high-level martial arts experts who had grudges against this old man, he didn't have to use such methods, after all As a high-level martial artist who wants to deal with someone like the old man, he can be killed easily, even killing his whole family is only a matter of minutes.

This matter is indeed puzzling, but Yang Xiaobao didn't think deeply about it, and he didn't bother to think about it. After all, he was quite good at saving his grandson, and it was impossible to investigate this matter for the old man. Besides, hasn't this old man been a head catcher?How to track it down and whether to track it down is his business.

After thinking for a while, the old man said to Yang Xiaobao: "Little friend, can this embroidery needle be left by the old man?"

"Of course no problem, this embroidery needle can be left to you." Yang Xiaobao said immediately, he didn't intend to ask for this embroidery needle at first, it was taken out of his grandson's head, naturally Yang Xiaobao is not I will, and it is useless for him to ask for this embroidery needle.

As for the old man wanting this embroidery needle, naturally he has his reasons, and Yang Xiaobao would not ask, so Yang Xiaobao immediately handed the small bottle containing the embroidery needle to the old man.The old man immediately took the small bottle and put it away very solemnly.

Then, the old man took out another bag and handed it to Yang Xiaobao, saying, "Little friend, thank you for saving my grandson. Here are some gold coins for you as a reward."

Yang Xiaobao hesitated for a moment, but still took it, and then took a look, there should be more than [-] in it, and Yang Xiaobao was not affectionate, so he accepted the [-] gold coins given by the old man. His grandson died, so he should be paid some money, and besides, considering the old man's wealth and status, he is not the one who is short of money.

And at this time, the little boy was also alive and kicking, holding his grandfather with one hand and his grandmother with the other, looking very happy, and the old lady was even more happy from ear to ear. No matter what, she finds it pleasing to the eye, and thinks Yang Xiaobao is very capable and a good young man, but it's a pity that she doesn't have such a big granddaughter, otherwise she must let her granddaughter marry Yang Xiaobao.

Yang Xiaobao felt very relieved when he saw the happy appearance of the little boy after he recovered from his illness, so he immediately smiled and got up to leave. Bao sent Xiaobao out of this small building, and after sending Xiaobao into a taxi, he was still looking around on the side of the road.

After Yang Xiaobao got into the taxi, he immediately told the driver his destination. Of course, Yang Xiaobao must return to the manor now. After all, he spent a lot of time treating the little boy here. It's time to go back to the manor, because he also needs to familiarize himself with the environment of the manor before preparing for ghost hunting.

It didn't take much time. After about 20 minutes, the taxi stopped at the gate of the manor. After Yang Xiaobao got out of the car, the driver turned around and left. Judging by his actions, he was probably very afraid of this manor. Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but He smiled and felt that the driver was a little too timid. It is not dark yet, and ghosts will not come out, so he shouldn't be so scared.

After Yang Xiaobao returned to the manor, he immediately saw the subordinates of Tianji Mansion. As soon as these people saw Yang Xiaobao coming back, they immediately saluted very respectfully. Now these people can be said to be very respectful of Yang Xiaobao Grateful, very admirable, after all, Yang Xiaobao relieved them of the poison of His Royal Highness, and now they will no longer suffer from the poison of His Royal Highness, and their mood is very relaxed, even though they still live in this haunted manor , but they have no feeling of fear.

Because they are very confident in Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei and the three captains in the future to catch ghosts. What can't they do?

Of course, these few people have confidence, and raising Xiaobao himself has a lot of confidence. He decided to catch all the ghosts in this manor and return it to a bright future.

The two little boys also ran over, and immediately greeted Yang Xiaobao affectionately. Yang Xiaobao saw that the two little boys had grown some flesh, and they were no longer so thin and weak, and their spirits also improved. Not bad, so I smiled immediately, and then said a few words to them.

Yang Xiaobao is very relieved to see the appearance of these two little boys now, and feels that it is very good to put these two little boys in this manor. These two little boys feel like home, which is quite it is good.

However, one thing that feels strange about raising Xiaobao is that that night, he, Jin Ximei and the future three people caught ghosts all night, and that Su Gong was so frightened that he lost his mind, but these two little boys did not nothing.

After Yang Xiaobao thought of this, he couldn't help but look at the two little boys more, and then asked them: "Did you two hear anything or see anything when you slept at night?"

"Big brother, we fell asleep at night and didn't see or hear anything." The older boy said immediately.

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but startled when he heard their answer. He didn't expect that these two little boys didn't know anything. You know, that night, the ghost screamed so fiercely and made such loud noises. The little boy didn't hear anything.

However, this is also good, so as not to scare them, Yang Xiaobao suddenly remembered that he still didn't know the names of these two little boys, so he immediately said, "What's your name?"

"Big brother, we don't have a name." The two little boys said immediately.

"No names, how can this work, or I will give you a name." Yang Xiaobao was stunned for a moment when he heard that the two little boys had no names, and then said again.

"Okay, big brother, give us a name." The older boy said excitedly.

"Okay, let's pick a name for you, do you know what your father's last name is?" Yang Xiaobao asked immediately.

"My father's surname seems to be Zhang." The older boy said immediately.

"No, my father's surname seems to be Li." The younger boy said immediately.

When Yang Xiaobao heard what the two little boys said, he was shocked immediately. He really didn't expect that the two brothers didn't know what their father's surname was. One said it was Zhang and the other Li. What Yang Xiaobao didn't know was that the parents of these two little boys died when they were three or four years old, and then they were adopted by a beggar old man, and they grew up wandering all the way. The old beggar also died, and the two brothers wandered to Watanabe Castle.

Yang Xiaobao thought about it for a while, and then gave them two names, the older one was called Zhang Dali, and the younger one was called Zhang Xiaoli.The two little boys jumped for joy when they finally had a name.

Yang Xiaobao saw the happy look of the two brothers, and then smiled. No matter what, these two little guys have names. The name the boy chose was also very good, and he felt very good, so he immediately called the names of the two brothers. When the two little boys heard their new names being called, they immediately agreed very proudly, because they Now it has a name too.

After Yang Xiaobao had a conversation with them, he decided to take a walk around the manor and take a look. After all, it is not very real at night, so it is more intuitive to take a look during the day.

So, Yang Xiaobao immediately walked towards the back of the manor. He didn't know where Future and Jin Ximei were, because the manor covers a very large area, and Yang Xiaobao immediately walked towards the row of side houses at the back. After walking over, I heard some noises coming from inside, and the noises were very special.

(End of this chapter)

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