Chapter 478 It's Strange

The green-haired monster suddenly rushed towards Yang Xiaobao, and Yang Xiaobao immediately stepped out of the void, and then got out of the way. Seeing this, the green-haired monster rushed to nothing again, and was immediately furious Wa-wa let out a loud cry, then showed its foot-long teeth, gestured a few times in the air, and then jumped three feet high.

After the green-haired monster jumped up, it rushed towards Jin Ximei, and Jin Ximei immediately waved a few palms at the green-haired monster, but the green-haired monster's body was rough and fleshy, and after being hit by Jin Ximei several times, it was fine. Immediately afterwards, he rushed towards Jin Ximei again.

Seeing that the green-haired monster could not be harmed, Jin Ximei had no choice but to use the Wind Riding Technique to fly up, and then avoided the attack of the green-haired monster. Because the green-haired monster only jumped three feet high, Jin Ximei's However, the Riding Wind Technique flew higher and moved faster than it, so the green-haired monster failed to pounce on Jin Ximei again this time.

As a result, the green-haired monster became even more angry, and it was still furious. Then it opened its big mouth again, and then showed its teeth that were a foot long. Then it made a few gestures in the air, and then jumped up again. It was more than three feet high, and then rushed towards the future.

Seeing the green-haired monster rushing towards her in the future, she smiled immediately, because she saw the green-haired monster looking so angry, it was too funny, she really couldn't help laughing, it's okay not to laugh, she has to laugh, If you don't smile, your breath will be too uncomfortable.

And when the future smiled, Yang Xiaobao and Jin Ximei also laughed immediately, and they laughed so hard that they almost couldn't straighten their backs. The green-haired monster was even more angry now, it was so angry that it was indescribable, although it was not He understands human language, but since he has cultivated into a monster, he can understand some human nature.

Therefore, the green-haired monster slammed into the future twice in a row, because it didn't have any moves, so it just slammed into the future. Under the circumstances, it couldn't use it, so it just bumped into the future, and it shook its feet-long teeth.

The green-haired monster looked funny and ridiculous, and it was still very enjoyable, so after using the wind riding technique to avoid the two hits of the green-haired monster, Future immediately burst out laughing.

Yang Xiaobao and Jin Ximei also felt very happy, but they laughed a few times and then stopped laughing. Indeed, laughing all the time was meaningless, besides, even the stomach hurt from laughing just now, it's time to calm down.

However, although Yang Xiaobao didn't laugh anymore, he didn't think of a way to deal with this green-haired monster. After all, this green-haired monster not only has long hair, but also has a few feet thick skin, so ordinary attacks can't do anything to it at all. .

However, the green-haired monster pounced several times in a row, but it still had no effect. It still failed to pounce on the three of Yang Xiaobao and the others, and stopped immediately, and did not continue to attack Yang Xiaobao and the others, but although it did not Attacking, but its two green eyes kept turning, obviously holding back some bad ideas.

Yang Xiaobao saw the green-haired monster's eyes turning back and forth, and didn't know what it was thinking, so he had to remind Future and Jin Ximei to be careful, if the green-haired monster suddenly thought of some tricks and suddenly turned to If Jin Ximei and the future attack, it is good to have a precaution.

Future and Jin Ximei were reminded by Yang Xiaobao, and they immediately paid close attention to the movement of the green-haired monster, but the green-haired monster just stood there rolling a pair of green eyes, did not make any movements, and did not make any sound.

Yang Xiaobao and the others saw that the green-haired monster didn't do anything, so they didn't do anything. After all, Yang Xiaobao and the others had no way of attacking the green-haired monster, and they didn't know where the green-haired monster's empty door and dead spot were. If you don't understand the situation of the green-haired monster, if you act blindly, it will be a waste of energy and energy.

However, although Yang Xiaobao and the others didn't move, the green-haired monster couldn't help it. It probably thought of some kind of evil idea, so the green-haired monster suddenly moved, but before he moved, it still He still yelled loudly, still showed his foot-long teeth and dangled in the air, and still jumped three feet high.

Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei, and the future three couldn't help laughing again when they saw the green-haired monster's movements, and then saw the green-haired monster jumping three feet high, but didn't attack Yang Xiaobao and the others , but suddenly rushed back, and then rushed into the pool, and immediately a pool of green water was made a loud noise by the green-haired monster, and then the pool of green water was muddied by the green-haired monster.

Yang Xiaobao and the others saw the green-haired monster coming suddenly, and suddenly jumped into the pool. It was so reckless again, it felt so strange, and they didn't know what the green-haired monster was doing. The monster fled back into the green water just like that, and Yang Xiaobao wouldn't believe it if he didn't come out again. Neither would Jin Ximei and Future. If it wasn't for some ghost idea, no one would really believe it.

However, regardless of what the green-haired monster is up to, what kind of movement it wants to make, Yang Xiaobao won't care about it, and he can't care about it, now he just has to wait and see, to see the green-haired monster emerge from the water When there is any movement or movement, let's talk about it.

After all, this pool of green water looks so unbearable, and it is impossible for Yang Xiaobao and the others to chase down the water to check the movement of this green-haired monster. changed.

Immediately Yang Xiaobao and the others saw that the green water was bubbling, and there were many bubbles, and there was a gurgling sound. Yang Xiaobao suddenly saw the green water bubbling, and couldn't help being a little surprised. Because this blister is really special, not only the eye is very big, but also the bubble is actually green.

This is indeed too strange. I have heard of green mountains and green waters, but I have never heard of green water bubbles. Looking at it like this, this water bubble is really strange, just like the bubbles played by children. But it’s not entirely true. After all, the bubbles that children play with are dyed, but the water in this pool is so turbid, and it doesn’t flow. I don’t know how many years it has existed. A green monster, maybe more than one monster, maybe there are many monsters hiding in this pool of green water.

However, it didn't stop there. After the green water bubbled for a while, it turned into a bubble again, and then the bubble disappeared into nothingness.

After the green water bubbles disappeared, another sound came out of the green water. The sound sounded very special. It was not only loud, but also very rhythmic. Play the same.

When Yang Xiaobao and the others heard the noise, they couldn't help but feel a little reckless, and then they all stared at the green water, maybe the green monster jumped out again, but Yang Xiaobao and the others waited for a long time. Yes, the green-haired monster still hasn't surfaced, but there are quite a few movements, making noises and bubbling again.

After a while, the movement of the green water in the pool became louder and louder. Not only were there three long and two short sounds, but it was also accompanied by gusts of wind, which was stronger than ever before. Every time it is cold, it is so cold that it makes people tremble in the heart.

After this gust of wind passed, there was another ghostly scream, and it was still coming from the green water in the pool. The ghostly scream was also long and short, and it was the same as Yang Xiaobao and the others heard several times before. It's like ghost screaming.

Seeing such changes suddenly, Yang Xiaobao almost dropped his jaw in shock. He didn't expect that in this pool of green water, there were not only filth and evil, but also ghosts. This is too amazing, this is too shocking.

And after this ghostly screaming sound, the underwater movement became more and more loud. First, a large wave of ripples appeared on the water surface, and then suddenly a mouse emerged from the water, and then jumped out of the water. , this mouse is still very big, it looks as big as a rabbit, although the light of this mouse is not so good, but its eyes are very big, big eyes, big body.

After jumping out of the water, the big mouse jumped to the shore, then jumped in front of Yang Xiaobao and the others, looked at Yang Xiaobao and the others, and then rushed towards Yang Xiaobao. He planned to beat the mouse, although the mouse crossed the street and everyone shouted to beat it, but the mouse was not on the street after all, but what he didn't expect was that the mouse would pounce on Yang Xiaobao for no reason, and even barked its teeth and claws.

Yang Xiaobao immediately slapped the big mouse on the head with his palm, and then slapped the mouse to death. After the mouse was slapped to death, he rolled his eyes. After rolling his eyes, he It was completely dead, and Yang Xiaobao immediately kicked the dead mouse back into the green water. After the dead mouse fell into the pool, there was another sound, and then several big mice came out of the water. It poked its head out, and jumped out of the water all at once.

After the mice jumped out of the water, they jumped up immediately, and just jumped in front of Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei and the three of them in the future, and immediately attacked Yang Xiaobao and the others.

However, although the rat's attack was ferocious, it didn't have much lethality, and they only jumped slightly higher than the green-haired monster. The green-haired monster only jumped three feet high. The mice jumped four feet high.

But don't look at the mice jumping high, but they are not as powerful as the green-haired monster, because as soon as these mice jumped in front of Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei and Future, they were slapped to death by the three of them.

Then, Yang Xiaobao and the others kicked the dead mice back into the pool of green water. The green water bubbled a few more times, and then there were a few more ghost screams. A human head emerged from the water, but this human head was a little strange, really strange.

Because as soon as the head was exposed, there was a cry immediately, and the cry was not a human cry.

(End of this chapter)

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