Chapter 488 The Spinning Shadow

Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei, and Future were all taken aback when they saw the black thing floating over, because they had already felt the powerful energy of that thing, and Yang Xiaobao even more so. That's true, and he also felt that this energy has some familiar feelings, of course, this is just a feeling, after all, they don't know what is in this dark thing now, whether it is a powerful and powerful man or a powerful monster .

And just when Yang Xiaobao and the three of them were terrified, there was another gust of wind suddenly, and then another dark shadow floated over. This shadow was still the same as the black shadow just now, with a still There is an energy group, and raising Xiaobao still has a sense of familiarity, and this feeling is still very strong.

And after these two groups of black shadows flew over, they immediately began to rotate. First, a group of black shadows was rotating, and the speed was getting faster and faster, like a tornado, and after a while of rotation, a scene of shocking appeared immediately. Very shocking thing.

The three of Yang Xiaobao and the others immediately saw that as the two black shadows spun desperately, some small animals, such as rabbits, mice, sparrows, etc., ran towards the two black shadows as desperately as they could. And as soon as he ran over, he was immediately swallowed up by these two groups of black shadows.

When Yang Xiaobao saw this sudden situation, he couldn't help being reckless for a while, and he didn't come back to his senses for a while, because he first saw a group of sparrows flying towards the two shadows, then rabbits, and then a group of mice. They were like moths to a flame, plunging into the two shadows.

What's even more strange and unbelievable is that so many small animals flew into the shadows, and they couldn't see their traces all of a sudden. They were obviously swallowed by these two shadows, which was terrifying. You know, these two groups of black shadows are so big that they can hold so many things, which is too evil.

Therefore, even if Yang Xiaobao deduces that these two groups of black shadows cannot be powerful human beings, and there are only two possibilities, either these two groups of black shadows are monsters, and they are also powerful monsters, or Monsters like monsters, that's what makes them so evil and terrifying.

Thinking of this, Yang Xiaobao should feel relieved, as long as he is not a powerful person, Yang Xiaobao needn't be afraid. After all, Yang Xiaobao once caught two ghosts in that manor, and fought in the underground passage There are a few monsters, and Yang Xiaobao's current cultivation base has also increased by a large level. Yang Xiaobao is not afraid of evil things. If he can, he will take a photo with these two shadows, see See what kind of monsters they really are.

As for the future and Jin Ximei, they are also very surprised now, but they saw that Yang Xiaobao's face gradually became normal, and he became calmer, so they immediately felt relieved, because as long as they are not afraid of raising Xiaobao, they are not afraid Well, even if there is any major danger, they have nothing to be afraid of when they are with Yang Xiaobao.

And Yang Xiaobao also took a look at Jin Ximei and Future at this time, and gave them a determined look, and then the three of them moved closer together, ready to deal with the attacks of those two shadows at any time.

However, the two groups of black shadows seemed to have not seen them, and they were still a little far away from them. However, the rotation of the two groups of black shadows did not stop, and they continued to rotate and rotate.

And as the two groups of black shadows spun desperately, those small animals also flew towards the two groups of black shadows one by one. I was brought in, but I didn't see any struggle of these small animals, so it seemed to fly over.

However, no matter what, these small animals disappeared in an instant, which was clearly seen by Yang Xiaobao and the others. In the dark shadows, they couldn't help being reckless. They thought that all these animals gathered here for a meeting, but they didn't expect that they all came here to die.

This is indeed fatal. After all, these animals were all in that forest, but they all ran to this canyon by coincidence, waiting for these two groups of black shadows to devour them. This is too unbelievable and too unreal.

However, no matter what, these animals were sent one after another into the bottomless pit of these two shadows, and the number was frighteningly large. Originally, there were many kinds of animals in this canyon, but Now it's less than an hour, and only half of it is left.

The remaining animals are all relatively large animals, such as wolves, wild boars, and bison. As for tigers, there are also many, but they are all turning around in place now, which is obviously very important. Uneasy, but dare not run away.

It's just that the rotation of the two black shadows has not ended yet, they are still spinning and spinning as before, but the speed has slowed down a lot, not as fast as before, and the speed of devouring It also slowly slowed down, as if he was full and needed to digest.

Seeing that the rotation of these two shadows had slowed down, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help being startled, wondering what the hell the shadows were doing, could it be that these two shadows were really eating these animals just now?Could it be that they are full now and need to be digested before they can continue to eat these animals?

When Yang Xiaobao thought of this, he couldn't help being reckless. If this was the case, it would be too evil and unbelievable. However, Yang Xiaobao didn't make any moves when he wanted to return. He doesn't know that now. What exactly is the black shadow, we can only wait and see what happens, and we can only see clearly after the fog barrier of the black shadow dissipates.

And now, the two black shadows started to spin again, and the speed was still so fast. However, the speed at which the two black shadows devoured the animals was obviously slowed down. After all, these animals are very big, and the two The group of black shadows seemed to be full just now, so now the speed at which the two groups of black shadows swallowed has slowed down.

It's just that these animals still jumped into the two black shadows as usual, and they continued to move forward, and they were still not afraid of death. I don't know what kind of evil these animals are, but they are all one after another. It is unimaginable to be willing to do so, and to rush here from that forest, but there are many things in the world that are unimaginable. Although Yang Xiaobao was very surprised, he was not surprised at all, after all There are too many weird things in this world, and this is not the only thing.

Among other things, it is very strange that he brought the system to travel to this world, and the two ghosts he caught in that manor, a white-clothed ghost, and a red-clothed ghost, and the There are so many monsters that appear in the underground passage, which is also incredible.

And now, Yang Xiaobao is standing there, watching those two black shadows devouring those animals, although Yang Xiaobao is also very puzzled, although Yang Xiaobao also has a lot of sympathy for these animals that are like moths to a flame , but Yang Xiaobao can't do anything, after all, the energy of these two groups of shadows is so powerful, it is impossible for Yang Xiaobao to take the initiative to challenge these two groups of shadows, besides, Yang Xiaobao still doesn't know this What are the two black shadows?

As for the two groups of black shadows, they are still devouring the animals sucked by them non-stop, and these two groups of black shadows are constantly rotating and absorbing these animals, and gradually become bigger. Although it is not obvious that it is too big, Yang Xiaobao can still see it.

After all, Yang Xiaobao is constantly observing the changes of these two groups of black shadows. As long as there is a slight change in them, he can't escape Yang Xiaobao's eyes. After a while, those larger animals , was almost swallowed by these two groups of black shadows.

Now there is only a group of tigers that have not been devoured, because this group of tigers still know how to struggle, and they are still struggling very hard. Although the two black shadows are spinning faster and faster, the ground still has not been sucked a tiger.

Seeing this phenomenon, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but find it very interesting. It seems that these tigers are not simple, and Yang Xiaobao can also see that among this group of tigers, several of them are high-level monsters, and that one is as good as the tiger. The monster tigers that Yang Xiaobao and the others had fought for several rounds were also among them. I don't know how they would come to this canyon to die. This is indeed a bit unbelievable.

But now, seeing that the two groups of black shadows couldn't catch the tigers for a long time, they also started to get anxious, and then there were some changes in the two groups of black shadows, and those black fog barriers disappeared bit by bit. First it disappears a little, then a little more.

Seeing this change, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help feeling very surprised and excited. It seemed that the two black shadows were about to reveal the true face of Lushan Mountain. Sure enough, Yang Xiaobao didn't wait long, and then those black fog barriers appeared. It started to disappear little by little until it disappeared completely.

And after these black fog barriers disappeared, Yang Xiaobao immediately saw the things inside the two groups of black shadows. Yang Xiaobao still knows the guy in the shadow.

And not only did they know each other, but also fought with them for several rounds. These two guys were seriously injured by Yang Xiaobao and Xiao Jinren, because these two guys were the two monsters in the pool in the underground passage, One is a green-haired monster, and the other is a minotaur monster. These two monsters are very powerful, but they were still injured by the statuette.

And now, after these two monsters escaped, they turned around and made waves again, and made such a big commotion, and ate so many animals, but I still have experience in raising Xiaobao with this monster's ability to eat. After all, the green-haired monster grew wings, flew out of the hole, and escaped after eating many corpses in the dry pool.

But now, not only Yang Xiaobao recognized these two monsters, but also Jin Ximei and Mirai, and after they recognized them, they were both very puzzled and very curious. Because they never thought that after these two monsters escaped, there would be such a stalk, which was too shocking, and it was still very shocking.

(End of this chapter)

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