Chapter 498 Returning to the Manor
Yang Xiaobao knocked down the door of this small house, and then a strange smell came to his face, which was so suffocating. Of course, this is no wonder, after all, no one has opened this small house for a long time. , some peculiar smell inside is naturally nothing more than normal.

Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei and Future three all covered their mouths and noses at the same time. After a while, after the smoky smell dissipated, Yang Xiaobao calmed down and took a look at the situation inside, and then there was a new Discovery, and this discovery is still very gratifying, very exciting discovery.

Yang Xiaobao immediately saw a small platform on a corner of the small house, and there was a groove on the side of the platform. Yang Xiaobao has seen such a platform and groove many times and used it before. Several times, because this is the starting platform for an ancient teleportation array.

Yang Xiaobao immediately became happy, because with this teleportation array, they could leave this unknown place, otherwise they would always be in such a barren mountain, in such a deserted place, and the people here The spiritual vitality is also very thin, and it is impossible to practice Taiji and Taichu. If you stay here and can't get out, then you really don't know what to do. Now, with this teleportation array, Yang Xiaobao and the others can leave This Jedi.

However, Jin Ximei has never seen such a teleportation array platform, so she doesn't know what the platform and grooves are for, but she saw Yang Xiaobao staring at the platform, her eyes glistening with joy She looked happy, so she became happy, yes, as long as Xiaobao is happy, she is happy, that's it, there is no reason, and there is no reason, just smile when you are happy, it's that simple, so Jin Ximei immediately smiled.

Of course, the future knows about such a teleportation array platform, so she is also very happy, and then she happily said to Yang Xiaobao: "Xiaobao, shall we take the teleportation array now?"

"Yes, let's take the teleportation formation right away." Yang Xiaobao said immediately, and immediately called Jin Ximei to stand on the platform with Future, and then took out a Lingyuan Stone from the system space, and then put it into the groove. Immediately, the groove and the platform lit up for a while, but after the light flickered for a while, it dimmed again, and then calmed down.

Seeing this situation, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help being taken aback. Could it be that the teleportation array can't be used?Even Future and Jin Ximei became a little anxious, wondering what was wrong with the teleportation array, and the teleportation failed.

However, the future immediately reminded: "Xiaobao, is it because the energy of the Lingyuan stone is insufficient, why not add another Lingyuan stone."

Yang Xiaobao heard what the future said, and then looked at the groove, then shook his head and said: "No, because this groove is so big, it can just fit a Lingyuan stone."

"So is this Lingyuan stone wrong?" Future said immediately.

Hearing what the future said, Yang Xiaobao immediately picked up the Lingyuan stone in the groove, and then took a closer look. It was indeed wrong, because this Lingyuan stone was a low-grade spirit stone. The energy of the primordial stone must not be enough, so Yang Xiaobao took out another high-grade spiritual primordial stone, put it into the groove, and then changed, and there was a flash of light on the platform, and immediately Spin up quickly.

Yang Xiaobao immediately hugged Future and Jin Ximei in his arms. Of course, Yang Xiaobao didn't do this for anything, but Future and Jin Ximei were suddenly embraced by Yang Xiaobao, and they blushed immediately, but they were very happy. I was happy, and immediately cooperated with Yang Xiaobao's embrace, because now the entire teleportation array is completely activated, if Yang Xiaobao and the others don't hug tightly, I'm afraid there will be some mistakes, it will be very bad, so Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei and Future embraced each other tightly.

And at this time, the rotating force finally reached a critical point, and the three of Yang Xiaobao and the others immediately entered a black hole with this rotating force. It came out and then fell to the ground.

Yang Xiaobao woke up immediately, because he always maintained a trace of spiritual clarity during the transmission process, and he was not completely unconscious, so Yang Xiaobao woke up immediately, but Future and Jin Ximei were still in a coma, so Immediately, Yang Xiaobao massaged a few acupuncture points on their bodies, and Jin Ximei and Future two woke up immediately.

So Yang Xiaobao and the three of them immediately stood up, looked at the place, and found that this place was very familiar, so Jin Ximei immediately said: "Xiaobao, we are back to the manor ."

"That's right, we have indeed returned to the manor." Yang Xiaobao said immediately, because his memory is very against the sky, and his senses are quite sensitive, so now Yang Xiaobao has confirmed that this is the Tianji Mansion in Lanzhou. The stronghold of the capital of the Hao Empire, that is, the haunted manor.

Although the small place where Yang Xiaobao and the others landed is very hidden, it is a corner of the manor that no one has ever been to, but Yang Xiaobao can still feel that this is the manor, but the teleportation array here is really good. It's very hidden, if you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all, because this is a pile of rubble, it is in a corner of the manor, it is really very hidden, and I don't know what this teleportation array is It was built at that time, but it looks quite old. Of course, even if someone finds this place, no one will know that this is a teleportation array. Even if they know, it is useless without the spirit stone.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao and the others immediately walked out from this corner. After walking not far, they saw the place with a dark wind. Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei and the future three people immediately saw that they were Falling down the underground passage in this row of houses, and then encountered many monsters in the underground passage, and then entered a large desert with the hole opened by the monsters, and then found an oasis, and then they were in this area again. I practiced in the cliff cave of the oasis, and then I saw the green-haired monster and the minotaur making waves in the canyon. Later, Yang Xiaobao and the others fought with these two monsters for several rounds, and then under the scream of the little golden man Scared the two monsters away, then sat on an ancient teleportation array, and then returned to the manor.

The whole process was like this, full of bizarre, fantasy, exciting, and interesting, so Yang Xiaobao and the others immediately walked towards that row of houses, but now that they have come here, there is no such kind of wind, not at all, What's even more bizarre is that the big hole they fell into was gone, and it was still exactly the same as when the big hole didn't appear. The clump of weeds was still there, as if this thing had never happened at all. He said that except for the absence of the haunting wind, the place is still the same as before, with the same row of houses.

So Yang Xiaobao and the others immediately left the row of houses and walked forward, and immediately Yang Xiaobao and the others had a different feeling from before, that is, there is no such thing in the whole manor anymore. The situation is gloomy. I remember that when they first arrived at the manor, the manor was still spooky, but now this feeling has disappeared without a trace.

As soon as Yang Xiaobao and the others came to the front yard, they immediately saw the two little boys. These two little boys were practicing. When they saw Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei and Future suddenly appeared, they were so happy that they almost jumped up. , Immediately very happy, very excited, and very enthusiastically shouted: "Brother, sister, you can be considered to be back."

Yang Xiaobao and the others were also very happy to see these two little boys, but they didn't know how long they had been away, because Yang Xiaobao felt that the place where the great desert was located should not belong to this world, so they didn't know how long they had left. How long has this manor been, so Yang Xiaobao immediately said to the older boy: "Zhang Dali, how long have we been out, do you know?"

"Brother, you and your two sisters have been out for a month." The older boy said immediately.

"It's been so long, but why do I feel like it's been ten days?" Jin Ximei said in surprise.

"Yeah, Xiaobao, I also feel like it's been ten days, but I didn't expect that a month has passed. Could it be that the place we went to is really a world with a time difference, but what kind of world would have such a world?" What about the big time difference?" Future also asked in confusion.

"Could it be that we went to the world of the underworld, and now we're back in the human world." Jin Ximei said suddenly, so that she herself had a creepy feeling, because she suddenly remembered those terrifying Yin winds, and Thinking about those monsters, especially the green-haired monster and the minotaur, I was really scared.

When Yang Xiaobao heard what Future and Jin Ximei said, he nodded immediately, and then shook his head, because he couldn't explain why, and it felt very weird, and he remembered the green-haired monster's spinning technique , and still very frightened, if the little golden man hadn't acted in time, I'm afraid he would have entered the belly of the green-haired monster now, so Yang Xiaobao is quite afraid when he thinks of this now.

However, no matter what, this matter is over, and most importantly, the three of Yang Xiaobao and the others have returned to the manor intact, and the ghost aura of the manor has disappeared without a trace, which is very good.

As for whether this manor is still haunted, it can only be seen at night, and it is daytime now, so they have to wait until night, Yang Xiaobao and the others will verify it personally.

(End of this chapter)

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