Chapter 594 That's Good
Niu Yueyue and his Eight Great Vajras were kicked and punched by the onlookers for a while, and they were immediately beaten into pig heads, and they were nine big pig heads.

Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei, Future, Fatty and others couldn't help laughing when they saw the pig-headed appearance of this group of people, and Jin Ximei and Future laughed even more.

Yang Xiaobao saw that Niu Yueyue and his Eight Great Vajras were almost beaten by the crowd, so he immediately asked everyone to stop.

When these people heard Yang Xiaobao's words, they stopped immediately and did not continue to attack Niu Yueyue and his Eight Great King Kongs. Although they hadn't enjoyed the fight yet, since Yang Xiaobao had spoken, they Can no longer continue to shoot.

After all, Niu Yueyue, the master of the Moon Gate, and his Eight Great King Kong were captured by Yang Xiaobao and let them beat him a few times to vent their anger. Now that Yang Xiaobao has called a stop, they will naturally not make any more moves, and they dare not Make another shot.

Of course, the reason why Yang Xiaobao asked these people to stop is because Niu Yueliang and his Eight King Kongs have almost finished fighting, and Yang Xiaobao still has to ask Niu Yueliang and others to see if they will truly repent If you can sincerely repent, Yang Xiaobao doesn't want to kill these people. Although these people have done a lot of bad things, Yang Xiaobao still wants to give them a chance to reform.

And now, Niu Yueyue and his Eight Great Vajras also felt a burst of relief. You know, they were beaten up by this group of people just now. Although these people are ordinary people, they can't stand their series of punches and kicks. He was already covered in injuries, and the Eight Great Vajras screamed in pain.

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but smile when he saw that these people had stopped and didn't continue to hit the guy who had been beating the door for the past few months, because Yang Xiaobao felt pretty good when he saw that these people looked happy. So, Yang Xiaobao immediately said to Niu Yueyue: "Now do you know that you made a mistake?"

When Niu Yueliang heard Yang Xiaobao's words, he was stunned for a moment, but he didn't speak, nor did he admit his mistake. Yang Xiaobao saw that Niu Yueliang was still unrepentant, and immediately said to the little fat man: " Fatty, call me until he admits his mistake."

Hearing Yang Xiaobao's words, the little fat man walked over in a few steps, and then slapped Niu Yueyue's left cheek with a slap, and the sound was very loud.

After Niu Yueliang received this slap, his face was disfigured in pain immediately, because his face was already swollen from the beating, and now he was slapped by the little fat man again, which made the injury worse and the pain worse. The pain, he naturally couldn't take it anymore.

After the little fat man slapped him, he felt that the hand felt pretty good, he couldn't help thinking about it, and then he raised his palm and slapped Niu Yueyue's right cheek, and there was still a loud slap, and the sound was still very loud .

After Niu Yueliang received two slaps from the little fat man, the pain immediately became unbearable, so he couldn't take it anymore, and just as the little fat man raised his slap and was about to give him another slap, Niu Yueliang was convinced immediately, and immediately He shouted loudly: "Don't hit, don't hit, I know it's wrong."

Seeing that Niu Yueyue would never die again, Yang Xiaobao finally realized that he was wrong, so Yang Xiaobao immediately smiled, and then waved to the little fat man, who immediately stopped, but the little fat man still had something to say Because he slapped Niu Yueyue twice, it felt very good, and he wanted to slap Niu Yueliang twice, but he stopped immediately after seeing Yang Xiaobao's gesture.

Yang Xiaobao immediately said to Niu Yueyue: "Tell me yourself, do you want my brother to kill you or abolish your martial arts?"

"Good man, I know I was wrong, please don't kill me, and don't abolish my martial arts, I will also give you the door master of the Moon Gate, and I will give you a treasure." When Xiaobao spoke, he panicked immediately, and immediately begged for mercy loudly, and even offered treasures to Yang Xiaobao.

Hearing Niu Yueyue's words, Yang Xiaobao smiled and said, "Brother, I don't care too much about your position as the master of the Moon Gate, and your Moon Gate will no longer exist from now on, so it must be disbanded. If you can really repent, if you can really do what I say, brother, I can also let you go once."

When Niu Yueliang heard that Yang Xiaobao promised to let him go, he immediately became overjoyed. It seemed that his life was finally saved. As for the disbandment of the Moon Gate, it was nothing at all. Indeed, a Moon Gate was nothing compared to his life. When you get up, it is naturally nothing.

Immediately Niu Yueliang took out another treasure from the universe bag, and offered it to Yang Xiaobao with both hands. So Yang Xiaobao immediately took it over, looked at it, and then put it away.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao immediately said to Niu Yueyue: "Brother, I don't think it's hard for you to practice, so I won't make things difficult for you anymore, but unscrupulous gangs like Moon Gate still have to be disbanded, and you have to swear that in the future Don't bully the common people anymore, don't continue to do evil."

After hearing Yang Xiaobao's words, Niu Yueliang and the others nodded vigorously, and then swore a poisonous oath that they would never bully the common people again.

Seeing that these people had sworn to admit their mistakes, Yang Xiaobao immediately smiled and asked Niu Yueliang to disband the Moon Gate.

And those onlookers immediately felt relieved after seeing Niu Yueyue and others made a poisonous oath not to bully them again. They saw that Yang Xiaobao let Niu Yueyue and his Eight King Kongs go, they were terrified To die, if Niu Yueliang finds them after raising Xiaobao and others to leave, and if they want their lives again, then they will only have a dead end. You know, they all beat Niu Yueliang and his eighth brother just now. King Kong paused, if Niu Yueyue wanted to kill them, it would be much easier than killing an ant.

Seeing that the matter here was over, Yang Xiaobao immediately went back to the inn with Jin Ximei, Future, Fatty and the others, took a bath each, and then ordered another dinner, and several of them immediately began to eat and drink.

Yang Xiaobao and the others are very excited now, especially Jin Ximei, after all, she is back to her hometown now, so the wonderful feeling is self-evident.

And the little fat man is also very curious and interested in this world, and this time he went shopping with Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei and the future, and even went to the Moon Gate together, which also made him It feels good to do something like a chivalrous act of fighting against injustice, and that's pretty good.

(End of this chapter)

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