Chapter 338
Facts have proved that this case can not make waves.

Although the other party had a video to prove that the murderer was a computer angel, but because the content of the video was too private, the family members of the victim were unwilling to make the video public, and even did not show it during the trial.

The specific content of the video is only known to a few people, and they all signed a non-disclosure agreement, they are not allowed to tell the details to outsiders, and they can only testify in court whether the murderer is a computer angel.

In addition, video counterfeiting technology is very advanced nowadays, even if there are videos in hand, it is very likely that these videos are forged.

Moreover, when collecting evidence, the police made several mistakes one after another, which made the video evidence not very reliable.

All in all, when the computer angel murder case first broke out, it did cause many Internet media reporters to rush to report, but as the case progressed further, because no more information was released, this hot spot gradually faded away.

More importantly, almost no one believed that the computer angel would go out of control and kill people, and the accuser could not prove that the computer angel had gone out of control. They did not find any problems after checking with multiple parties.

As an angel accused of murder, it was also called to the court for trial. During the interrogation, the computer angel behaved quite normally. When answering questions from lawyers and judges, it did not go beyond the scope of simulation robots, unlike some people suspected. Son, think it has a sense of resistance.

It neither lost control nor produced a so-called robot soul, all of which were proved by expert testimony, and soon the content of the trial was spread on the Internet.

"The angel is so cute, how could she kill someone?"

"Those intellectuals who say that computer angels kill people out of control, don't they watch too many cartoons!"

"The main reason is what is the motive for killing!" Someone discussed on the Internet: "There must be a reason for the computer angel to kill. Since it didn't get out of control, it must be someone else!"

"The deceased was a rich second generation. Could it be because of money?"

"That's right, I think it's possible to kill someone for the sake of inheritance!"

At the end, someone pointed out a strange point, "I wonder if you have noticed? The report never said how the rich second generation died! Was he killed by a knife or by a gun? No information was mentioned at all!"

Regarding this issue, even those who claim to be in the know can't explain clearly, and the various ways of death circulating on the Internet have not been confirmed. In the end, we can only default to the fact that the rich second generation accidentally got caught when they were shooting a small video and died immediately. .

"What an enviable way to die!"

"The computer angel he customized is so beautiful!" Someone quickly went astray, and suddenly thought: "The owner of the angel is dead, so is the computer angel that he bought before his death a second-hand product? I wonder if I can tell Buy a batch at a low price and come back..."

There are a lot of people below, they know that the rich second generation is an angel lover, and there are many computer angels in his family. If they don't receive them, they will definitely be used as second-hand auctions in the end.

The most important thing is that they all saw the photo of the computer angel who was accused of killing the rich second generation. That look of pity really attracts people's attention. Many men think that the rich second generation has a good vision. People can customize such a good-looking computer angel.

But their wishful thinking was in vain, because this computer angel has been sent to the Meow Star Group for inspection as physical evidence. If there is any problem, it is a murder weapon and needs to be put away and included in the case file.

If there is no problem with the angel, it is unlikely that it will be released for auction. Instead, it will be taken back by the Meow Star Group at a high price, so as not to be bought back and continue to make fuss against itself.

As the trial of the case continues, the murdered rich second-generation family feels that there is no hope of winning the lawsuit, and they will definitely lose in the first trial result.

If they continue to entangle, I am afraid that their own company's business will be affected. Although their main business has nothing to do with high technology, the government hopes that they will settle with the Meow Star Group out of court.

It's best to suppress this matter so that it doesn't affect the sales of Meow Star Group's products. Now Meow Star Group is already a giant, and it can cause a whirlwind when it sneezes, not to mention that it is the company that pays the first tax!

So after more than ten days in court, the two parties settled in private, and the accuser immediately withdrew the lawsuit. This matter was quickly forgotten by people, and no one mentioned the death of the rich second generation. Goldfish are also short-lived.

Originally, the matter had come to this point, it was already over, but unfortunately some people thought that there was still a murderer who hadn't been caught, so how could they give up so easily.


Pengcheng, Criminal Police Brigade Office.

Captain Wang Zhong was standing in front of the holographic computer screen and operated clumsily. He didn't know where to click several times.

"Why hasn't Xiaoling come back?"

Wang Zhong muttered, and then continued to study the holographic display in front of him. This is a new piece of equipment that the department just bought this year. It is said that the price is very expensive. It costs at least tens of thousands of dollars to have a holographic computer display the size of a desk. .

After the display is turned on, a one-meter-high holographic image will be projected above the desktop, allowing you to observe the murder scene in 360 degrees. It is said that it will be very convenient after you are proficient in using it, but Wang Zhong himself did not feel it.

"If I knew it, I wouldn't have replaced the flexible screen!" Wang Zhong sighed.

Wang Zhong is 50 years old this year. He is very slow to get familiar with this kind of high-tech operation. The old habits of many years still cannot be changed. What's more, he only came into contact with electronic devices such as computers and mobile phones when he returned from joining the army.

"team leader!"

The young female police officer Chen Xiaoling took a picture of the file bag on the desktop and said loudly: "This is all the files of the computer angel's murder. I have already brought them all over."

The file bag messed up the projection of the holographic screen, but Captain Wang Zhong laughed happily, "It's great to be back, I'm just worried that I don't know how to use this thing!"

As he said, Wang Zhong picked up the file bag and read it carefully. Only this kind of paper document that can be touched can make him feel a little real. Otherwise, who knows if he just looks at the electronic document in the computer? It was secretly modified.

Chen Xiaoling asked strangely: "Captain, isn't this case already over? There is not enough evidence to prove that the man was killed by an angel, and the victim has withdrawn the lawsuit!"

Captain Wang Zhong didn't raise his head, and replied: "It's because the lawsuit was withdrawn too quickly, so I have to review it carefully!"

"Oh!" Chen Xiaoling didn't understand why the captain did this. All she knew was that no murderer had been found in the case so far. Memory did not find relevant records.

With the development of science and technology, when there are cameras everywhere in the country, the detection rate of homicide cases is very high, almost reaching 100%, and the detection efficiency is also fast. Just retrieve the video records near the crime scene, and immediately Can identify the murderer.

Therefore, the Criminal Police Brigade hadn't encountered such a difficult case for a long time. Captain Wang Zhong didn't believe that the case could not be solved. Even if the murderer was a computer angel, there should be clues left.

"Where are the video files?" Captain Wang Zhong asked.

"It's still in the computer, let me play it for you!" Chen Xiaoling knew that the captain was not very good at using high-tech products, so she hurried to the front of the holographic computer screen, and quickly called up the screen to play it.

I saw the rich second-generation son lined up his collection of angels into two lines, and then walked through them like an emperor, and finally chose a few computer angels to shoot SM videos!
Surprisingly, the victim is actually a rich second-generation son!
Even though this was Chen Xiaoling watching the video again, she was still shocked. After all, this second-generation rich man is still an Internet celebrity, and the persona he usually shows doesn't match the appearance in the video at all.

"You really can't judge by appearance!" Chen Xiaoling muttered.

During this process, the computer angels showed no abnormalities, and they gave him great pleasure according to the instructions of the rich second-generation son, until when a new computer angel was replaced to act as the queen, the other party suddenly strangled him with a whip in his hand without warning. live.

Judging from the technique and force, it is obvious that this is not sadistic, but intended to kill people.

The other computer angels didn't move at all. From their point of view, they were following their master's orders. Only when the rich second generation son lost consciousness did those computer angels show panicked expressions and screams one after another.

After all, their intelligence can judge the condition of the owner, and then act urgently according to the underlying code of the intelligence. First, try to rescue the rich second-generation son, and then send an alarm to the outside to seek professional rescuers.

During this chaotic process, no one found out where the computer angel who killed the rich second generation went, and finally people found it in a corner of the mansion, only to see it was in standby mode, and it was still holding the whip .

After watching the video, Captain Wang Zhong thought silently for more than ten seconds before asking, "What do you think?"

Chen Xiaoling shook her head and said: "From the video, it must be the out-of-control computer angel that killed the person, but the official judgment believes that the evidence is insufficient. In theory, it is indeed possible to create a fake video..."

"You mean that the Meow Star Group secretly exerted pressure to make the judgment more favorable to itself?" Captain Wang Zhong concluded.

In fact, some people on the Internet also speculate like this, but everyone has no evidence to prove it, so this is just groundless nonsense and has no effect on the Meow Star Group.

Now Captain Wang Zhong re-examined the case, and always felt that the matter ended too suddenly, as if the Meow Star Group was really the big black hand behind the scenes!
(End of this chapter)

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