Chapter 134 134. Marching
Around three o'clock in the afternoon.

Jiang Che, Leng Yue, Luo Tianqi and Lanlan stood on the teleportation array with their luggage on their backs.

Feeling dizzy for a while, Jiang Che almost didn't vomit, but finally held back.

Leng Yue's situation was similar, Luo Tianqi vomited it out directly, Lanlan's situation was even worse, she fell into a coma directly.

Li Rong came to Lanlan's side and squatted down, "It's too much, my mental strength has not even reached the [-] mark. Forcibly riding the teleportation array may cause permanent brain damage."

"It should be fine."

Jiang Che didn't tell Li Rong, but he gave Lan Lan a bottle of deep meditation potion.
Before the trip, Lanlan's mental strength was almost thirteen.It is already close to the minimum standard of a formal mage.

Sure enough, only half an hour later, Lanlan woke up leisurely.

"Che, where are you?"

The girl in charge of looking after said, "The mages are in a meeting now."

Lanlan struggled to get up, pushed the door and walked out, "I'm going to a meeting too."

When she arrived at the meeting place, the meeting was over.

The resolution of the mages to summon elemental creatures to investigate was passed unanimously.

Next, more than 100 official mages summoned hundreds of elemental troops, marching towards the Silent Forest.

The momentum is so huge that it seems to be invincible, but in fact, it is just a breath, and everything collapses and annihilates.

"what happened?"

"My element has lost its induction."

"What did you see?"

Li Rong stood silently and watched from a high place. With the help of Eagle Eye, he managed to get a general idea, "It should be the goblins who deliberately made the noise to attract the attention of the Silent Forest."

"What is so strong?" someone asked.

"Dragon, an old dragon, a dragon whose strength may be at the peak of legend." Li Rong murmured.

She knew that if the dragon was still at its peak, even the headmaster or Legend of the Black Blade would have nothing to do.

According to historical records, thousands of years ago, many legends joined forces to crusade against the Silent Forest, and finally killed their feathers and returned with more than half of the casualties.

However, human beings have been progressing for thousands of years.Successfully developed fusion weapons and fission weapons.As a result, some people's confidence began to swell.

Analyze the many benefits and costs of conquering the Silent Forest from the map.

As long as the entire map can be connected into one piece, the national strength of the Republic will undoubtedly increase again.
The high-ranking congressmen only need one reason.

Before Li Rong came, she realized that there would inevitably be large-scale casualties in this campaign.Dozens of lives are now just the beginning.

Until the parliament is forced to approve the use of fusion weapons and mobilize the legendary powerhouses to suppress everywhere.
"Leader Li Rong, the war supervisor has already begun to urge us to find a way to enter the Silent Forest immediately."

"Let her wait a little longer, our mage needs to recover, and we will discuss the solution tomorrow."

Li Rong watched Qin Xinlan leave, and took out a box from the space bag with a gloomy expression.

Before leaving, Xi specially awarded a batch of equipment that she thought might be useful.

There are three pieces in total, the first is the invisibility cloak, the second is the shoes of lightness, and the third is the magic clock that can emit sonic attacks.

Li Rong felt that it was useless, and asked if there was a magic weapon that could eliminate the sound.The answer is yes, but the effect is not very good, why not release a silence technique on yourself!

The next day, under the suppression of the War Supervisor, the students of the Imperial Military Academy began to march towards the Forest of Silence.

Although everyone was careful, someone still accidentally made a noise and died on the road.

Who can bear to die inexplicably without even seeing the appearance of the enemy?

I thought it was to hone my skills by killing goblins, but the actual situation is much different than imagined
Many people backed down.Finally, deserters began to appear.
At first it was the perimeter, with people escaping, and then the rear.Before entering the Silent Forest, the number of people has almost decreased by more than one-third.

The war supervisor couldn't make a sound to stop him, and he didn't even dare to draw his sword to kill people, for fear that the sword would make a sound, which would set him on fire.

"As long as everyone kills one, I will admit that you have completed the task!" She demanded.

With clear requirements, the team obviously calmed down a lot.It's not too difficult to kill a goblin.

If you become a deserter, there is a high probability that you will be escorted to a military court.Even if he manages to save his life, there will be no future at all.

Many times, the choice is difficult
Jiang Che worked tirelessly to cast the silence technique over and over again, and finally the team led by him did not suffer any casualties.

After an hour's trek, the team had already entered the forest of silence.

Scouts have spotted signs of a goblin presence.

Xiaopang suddenly poked his head out of the space bag, just about to say hello to Jiang Che with a squeak.

"This is the Forest of Silence, didn't I tell you yesterday!"

"How did I know you were coming to this ghostly place! There is an aura of legendary monsters here! And it's very tyrannical. Master, let's go back quickly."

"I can't go back for the time being, I need to complete the task before I can leave!"

(End of this chapter)

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