Chapter 142.
Austrian Law School, Principal's Office.

Xi lightly stroked the crystal ball on the desk, and as the surface of the sphere rippled like ripples, the scene thousands of miles away came into view.

With endless shouts, the human legion and the goblin tribe alliance fought.

The earth is soaked with blood.

The forest was ablaze.

This is a territorial dispute as well as a race of species, and there is no room for concessions on both sides.

Perhaps some soft-hearted people think this is too cruel, but in fact, the land under their feet is robbed from other races bit by bit in this way.

Human beings are not the native race of Arcane Stars.

Xi placed her hand lightly on the surface of the crystal ball, unable to bear to look any further.

He silently read Jiang Che's name in his heart.

The ripples on the surface of the crystal ball reappeared, and the picture appeared in a hotel.

This is a hotel run by a group of demi-humans with dark green skin. Jiang Che and others had no choice but to stay in the barren mountains.

Fortunately, the price is reasonable, even a little low.

Leng Yue asked the boss at the front desk to pay for some dishes and rice, and found that the clerk in charge of reception was looking at Jiang Che distractedly, drooling exaggeratedly from his mouth.

The boss coughed lightly, "Jikedo."

The green-skinned clerk lowered his head slowly, "I see."

"Well, hurry up and prepare hot water and dishes for the guests." The boss ordered.

"This man really has vision." Lan Lan touched Che's elbow with her arm.

"I have never seen a man in the barren mountains and mountains." Luo Tianqi thought.

"Tell me, could this be a black shop?" Scarlett was very vigilant, "I heard that these Asian people have a high crime rate, so we must guard against it."

"I didn't expect you to be quite alert." Leng Yue then untied her hair belt, loosened her hair, picked up a comb to comb her silver hair, "This is a black shop, don't you feel it?"

"Sense what?"

"Backyard, look at the ground in the backyard."

Luo Tianqi's spirit was swept away, and her face changed, "There are so many corpses! I'm afraid it's not."

"Don't make a fuss, you'll act with me later." Leng Yue narrowed her eyes dangerously.

The clerk brought out the dishes carefully, and there was a pot of hot water that was slightly better.The hot white rice with braised pork looks very appetizing.

It's a pity that no matter how well it is done, few people will not eat it.

Xiaopang used illusion to make the illusion that several people were eating and drinking.The shopkeeper saw that several people had been recruited.Immediately the truth was revealed, and the dude rushed forward.

What is particularly shocking is that this green-skinned tall Asian has strength close to that of an elite.

Waiters, chefs, and the boss couple are all formal employment.

Five to four!
Lanlan transformed to resist the boss, and the remaining Leng Yue, Scarlett, and Luo Tianqi faced each other.

Although they are also formal employment agencies, the strength of experienced shop assistants is obviously higher.

Seeing that the girls were no match, Jiang Che didn't hesitate to call the elite Phantom Mouse to join the battle.

The two have become a heavy weight to change the direction of the outcome.

after a fight.

The wooden inn was completely destroyed.Four black shop owners were also shot dead.

These people are too greedy, and they have taken a fancy to the equipment on these young spellcasters.

Whether it's the space bag, staff, or substitute ring, they are all huge sums of money, worth more than one million!
They were sure that they would win, so they lost the opportunity to escape.
"These people deserve what they deserve." Luo Tianqi spat softly, hooked her fingers and summoned a statue of mud element, ready to bury several corpses in the backyard.

Just lifted the ground slightly, and a stench came out.

As far as the eye can see, the white bones are shocking.

"It's really cheap for them." Leng Yue waved her hand and summoned a raging fire. With the raging fire burning in the wooden house, all sins seemed to be purified.

"No, where are we staying tonight!" Luo Tianqi looked at the night sky and couldn't help stamping her feet angrily.

"Walk for a while, leave this mountain, and live in a tent. But there is only one tent, and you will be squeezed together," Jiang Che said.

The crowd continued on the road hand in hand.

As the night darkened, no light could be seen in the barren mountains.

Leng Yue summoned a few light elements to lead the way.

When she came to a place with a clear view, she asked Jiang Che to take out the tent.

This tent can only sleep three people, and it will undoubtedly be crowded to force five people to sleep.Jiang Che squeezed between Leng Yue and Lan Lan, mainly because Lan Lan's tail was very warm, so Luo Tianqi was not chosen.

The next day, the sky brightened.

Everyone continued to set off, and after a few hours, they saw the road.Follow the road to a town.

Paid for a coachman and chartered a car to the nearest city.

The town is very poor, and even brick houses are rare.Most of the townspeople build their houses with mud embryo thatch.Compared with the modern imperial capital, it seems to be two dimensions.Some townspeople are not even fully clothed.

"Poverty is common in the northwestern border. The reason is that the road to the endless forest is blocked by the Silent Forest. If the road to the Silent Forest can be opened, there will be caravans here, and the situation will be much better." Scarlett suddenly had a feeling. send.

(End of this chapter)

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