Chapter 145 145. Promotion
Austrian Law School, Principal's Office.

Li Rong stepped out of the teleportation array in one step, followed by the students one after another.

There were 70 official mages when they came, and about [-] came back.

Seven of the remaining 20 people were confirmed dead, and the rest chose to avoid the battle after completing the task.

"Thanks for your hard work. You have a week's vacation. The task reward will appear in your account within today." Xi watched the ungraduated students leave and called out to Li Rong alone.

"Principal, do you have anything else to do?" Li Rong looked reluctant.

"You performed very well. I heard about it and decided to promote your position." Xi deliberately paused.

Li Rong asked impatiently, "Will you be promoted and raise your salary?"

"That's right, you are now an assistant to the dean of the first grade, and your monthly salary has been increased by [-]." Xi nodded.

"It's just that, but it's the assistant to the director? Why not the director?" Li Rong was speechless.

"The dean of every grade must have at least the strength of the holy rank, and I was like this at the beginning." After Xi finished speaking, he began to ask Li Rong for the equipment he had borrowed.

After confirming that they are correct, they are allowed to leave.

After Li Rong left the principal's office, she went back to her class to inspect it.

Secretly at the door of the classroom, through the management authority to perceive every move in the classroom.

During the days when Jiang Che was not around, the class was very quiet.

The students quietly listened to the teacher who taught the inscription explain the class, and no one did anything unnecessary.

How can there be any quiet time, but someone is carrying the weight for you to move forward

Li Rong sighed silently, thinking about the tragic situation of the students of the Imperial Military Academy when they died, she had to admit that the students of the Austrian Law Academy were so happy.

After class, she walked into Class [-] classroom.Xie Xu nodded to Li Rong and went out.

"Teacher Li Rong, you are back!"

"Will Jiang Che come back to class tomorrow?"

"Che, are you okay!"

Li Rong helped the podium and cleared her throat, "Thank you for your concern. All the students who left our class were safe and performed very well. Some even completed the task beyond the quota. I would like to commend them here."

After some speeches, the students began to ask questions.

Everyone was very concerned about whether Jiang Che would come to class tomorrow.

Li Rong replied: "Probably not, the school is on vacation for a week."

"Can I not come to class when I'm on vacation? What if I fall behind in class?" Someone asked with concern.

"I can only make up lessons." Li Rong spread her hands.

Compared with the peaceful atmosphere of the Austrian Law Academy, a white silk was hung in front of the gate of the Imperial Military Academy.

[-] elite students were organized to fight, and the loss rate in the end exceeded three floors. The extremely tragic figure caused shock in the entire imperial capital.

Many of these students with bright futures are only children, and the hope of the family's future has all collapsed this time.

Crying, shouting, and cursing, nothing can change the fact that the soldiers have no bones left.

Now that the death list has not yet come out, some people hold hope and pray to the gods, hoping that bad luck will not come to them.

However, the factual outcome has already been determined.

When Jiang Yunxue passed by, she silently watched this scene.

The communicator suddenly vibrated, she took it out to have a look, and found that the message was from Jiang Che.

"I'm back!"

"Brother, I'll go to your house to find you."

"it is good."

Jiang Yunxue stopped a car on the side of the road and reported the address of Jiang Che's new home.

About 10 minutes later, she walked into the villa.

"Brother!" The two hugged once as soon as they met.

Jiang Yunxue's slender figure made it uncomfortable to hug, at least she couldn't compare with the limp Sister Rong.

After just a while, Jiang Che hurriedly pushed his sister away, "Why did you go to the Misty Secret Realm alone?"

"Don't worry, I have enough equipment." Jiang Yunxue said with a smile on her face, "Brother, did you get something good?"

"what would you like?"

"Potion of Deep Meditation."

"This is for mages."

Having said that, Jiang Che still readily took out an Erlenmeyer flask from the space bag.

Recently, the effect of using the depth potion has become worse and worse. It is estimated that he has developed resistance to the medicine.However, Jiang Che felt that he was able to enter a state of deep meditation without the aid of potions.

I don't care too much.

"Thank you." Jiang Yunxue was not polite at all, and carefully put it in his pocket.

Leng Yue was extremely envious, and quietly moved behind Jiang Che, "Are there more?"

"It depends on your performance." Jiang Che smiled wickedly.

The thing about the Deep Meditation Potion is not over yet.Jiang Che had a vague premonition.

Li Rong brought Chu Lingna over to find her.

"You want to research the ingredients of the medicine?" Jiang Che asked unexpectedly.

"Yes, if it succeeds, the base number of human spellcasters will be greatly increased, from a probability of one in ten thousand to one in thousand, or even one per cent." Chu Lingnai said earnestly looked at Jiang Che.

"Okay, how much do you want?"

"Thirty bottles! At least! Maybe more."

Jiang Che thought, "The quantity you want is a bit large, and it will take at least a few months to get it. I only have one bottle left in my hand."

(End of this chapter)

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