Chapter 148
On the rugged mountain road.

A military vehicle loaded with soldiers passed by quickly.

Wang Mingqian's face turned pale, resisting dizziness and vomiting, and sat motionless.The adjutant on the side may be the reason for holding the steering wheel, and the situation is much better.

"Where are we now?"

"Sir, we will enter National Highway 730 further on, and we can run for a hundred yards."

Wang Mingqian raised her hand and wiped her forehead, "Stop and take a rest. We have been advancing for more than five hours, and the soldiers should not be able to hold back any longer."

"Okay, received." The driver continued to press the horn.Like a long queue, the convoy stopped on the road between the mountains and forests.

Wang Mingqian jumped out of the car to satisfy her physical needs, and moved her body by the way.

Rest time is precious, less than 15 minutes.

Then continue on your way.Even on the national highway, it takes a week at high speed to reach the imperial capital.

You have to walk a thousand miles a day.

If it goes well, Wang Mingqian suddenly heard the sound of crying in her thoughts.

As if contagious, the crying spread.

She didn't go to see it, and there were many reasons for crying.For example, the sacrifice of a friend, for example, the loss of a hand, for example, disfigurement, or blindness.and so on.
How high-spirited I was when I came, how frustrated I am now.

It's completely different from what I imagined!

In many people's minds, it's just to eliminate goblins and maintain law and order in the surrounding area.In the end, it turned into a race war.

The reproductive ability of goblins is terrible!

A few years ago, the report stated that there were only tens of thousands, but now the number has clearly increased by more than ten times.

The entire human kingdom mobilized multiple legions to launch a siege, but the goblins were forced back to the depths of the Silent Forest.It has not been completely eradicated.

Perhaps, compared to these weak and dirty creatures, the Baisheng Great Wall in the far north is the greater threat to human beings.
The team set off again.

An hour later, we drove onto National Highway 730.

On the spacious road, you can see a few magic guards from time to time.These guards are working tirelessly, responsible for cleaning up the rubble and rubbish on the national road, and some are still casting earth spells to repair and level the road.

The adjutant was a little anxious, and silently raised the speed to 120 yards.

She really didn't want to stay in the wilderness for even one more minute. Compared with the leisurely life in the imperial capital, this month was like being in hell.

Not to mention the lack of various living materials.Behaving cautiously and unable to make a sound can be described as physically and mentally exhausted.

After going back, we must have a good time for a few days.

Peyton Dosh hummed softly.She has a typical Western human face, with a high nose and wide eyes, three-dimensional features, and golden curly hair like waves.

"Slow down a little, the front line of sight is not good."

Suddenly the wind blew up, and the sky was full of sand and dust sweeping from the wilderness, covering the sky and the sun.Wang Mingqian frowned deeply.

Peyton Dosh also noticed something was wrong, "The wind and sand are too big, and the road can't be seen clearly, like a sandstorm. Sir, I suggest not to rest tonight."

Wang Mingqian glanced at the sky hesitantly.

time flies.

All the way forward for more than a hundred miles, the convoy rushed out of the sandstorm area without any danger.

Looking up at the bright starry sky above, the soldiers in the convoy all felt a sense of survival after disaster.

"That kind of sandstorm is like a spell. Or maybe it's a spell."

"If not, what does it mean that this abnormal climate change occurs?"

"Every time the climate is abnormal, it is accompanied by catastrophe and chaos. In history books, there is no exception in history."


The elite girls who graduated from the Imperial Military Academy took advantage of their break time to discuss.

Wang Mingqian quickly inspected the team. The 600 cars and [-] people in charge of her side did not appear to be left behind.

Perhaps it was stimulated, and most of the spirits of everyone were more excited.

Soon, the time for rest is over.

The team set off again.

The wilderness is obviously not a good place to camp, no one objected to Wang Mingqian's decision.

Spread out the map to roughly compare the location, and I am sure that it only takes a few hours to reach the small town ahead.

Everyone is looking forward to it.Warm blankets and delicious food.

No one wants to continue to eat the bumpy and stiff dry food of the march.

The convoy at night was more than twice as slow as during the day.

Wang Mingqian let the adjutant rest, and she gathered herself to lead the car.Her eyesight is very good, almost the same as that of ordinary people during the daytime with high beams.

As it approached the human gathering place, some small villages began to appear around it.Occasionally, cock crowing and dog barking can be heard.

There will be people walking on the road.

Although the road ahead was pitch black, Wang Mingqian's mood became more and more relaxed.

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening after a two-hour journey.The convoy came to a small town named Rissa on the map.

Stop the car directly on the side of the road and arrange for guards.

People flocked into the town.

The following nights are all free activities, and we will gather at 07:30 tomorrow morning for roll call, and then go on the road again.

Wang Mingqian stayed in the car alone, and all captain-level people needed to stay to guard the car.

Of course, some people would be dissatisfied with this, but the chief officer set an example and the order went on smoothly.

"Sir, what do you want and I'll buy it for you?" the adjutant greeted before getting out of the car.

"Buy me some hot food, if there is something good to buy." Wang Mingqian threw a silver coin over.

Peyton Doshi accurately grabbed the silver coin that flew into the air, turned around and left.

(End of this chapter)

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