Chapter 31. 31. Finding Magical Plants
"About the use of inscriptions, it is not just the privilege of the caster"

"In fact, inscriptions in modern society have spread to all aspects of normal people's lives. Has anyone seen this thing?"

Xie Xu took out the communicator from his pocket, put it in the palm of his hand and gently tossed it up, floating in mid-air.

Isn't this a mobile phone?Jiang Che recognized it immediately.

Luo Tianqi raised her hand and said, "Teacher, this is a communicator."

"Very good, do you know what it is used for?" Xie Xu asked with a smile.

"It's probably the same as the consciousness link, but it needs to convert the consciousness fluctuation into sound for the other party to hear. In addition, there are some small functions such as checking the time and alarm clock." Luo Tianqi replied.

Xie Xu nodded slightly, signaling Luo Tianqi to sit down.

"Today we are going to talk about the array of consciousness transmission inscriptions"

After the three morning classes, it was time for a break at noon.

The girls in the class asked Jiang Che out for dinner one after another.Because there were too many people, in order not to offend anyone, Jiang Che thought of a reason, saying that he would first go to the Misty Forest to find magic plants, and if anyone was willing to help, he would treat him afterwards to thank him.

Although they didn't know what Jiang Che needed to find the five magical plants in the foggy forest, the girls all agreed.

A group of people surrounded Jiang Che and walked by the lakeside of Yueyin Lake.

The calm surface of the lake suddenly began to spread circles of ripples.

When a huge head emerged from the water, the girls in the class all backed away in horror.

Only Lan Lan and Leng Yue had expressions of surprise on their faces.

"You're so timid, so don't go." Leng Yue's mouth raised a disdainful arc, "It is said that there are magical creatures in the dense fog forest, don't be scared to death."

"You are amazing, give me a call." Luo Tianqi said angrily.

Jiang Che ignored the noise of the girls and quietly stared into the eyes of the big water monster. After a few breaths, he turned and left.

System prompt: You have gained the favor of the guardian of Moonsilver Lake.

The current favorability is 70.

Follow the path by Moonsilver Lake to the entrance of the Misty Forest.The large number of students caught the attention of the rangers.

"Let me see, it shouldn't be time for class yet, what are you guys doing here?" The old woman in a blue robe stood in front of the students.

"We went inside to find the magic plants we needed."

"Is there an instruction to teach?"


"Sorry, not allowed."

The blue-robed old woman insisted on stopping everyone, no matter what she said, she would not let them in.

what can we do about it?Jiang Che had a headache.

Leng Yue suggested, "Why don't you take a magical biology class in the afternoon? Then you can come in justifiably, but it seems that you can't leave the prescribed area too far."

"Che, if you really want it, I'll help you find a way." Lanlan linked with her consciousness.

Jiang Che thought for a while, adding a little reward for the lowest attribute was too crucial for him.His lowest attribute right now is undoubtedly his physique, which is only [-] points, which is lower than the average value of [-] points for ordinary people, and even makes him feel very tired when he walks.

It definitely won't work like this.

"Che, what do you want? I'll go in and get it out for you, and you go on a date with me." Luo Tianqi looked at Jiang Che with a smile, and also consciously transmitted voice.

"The conditions remain the same. I need five different magic plants." Jiang Che took a deep breath, looked at the girls around him and said, "The deadline is one o'clock, and those who are not interested can leave on their own."

The blue-robed old woman couldn't understand what Jiang Che was talking about, but all the girls showed hesitant and conflicted expressions on their faces.

With a flash of Lanlan's figure, she was the first to break away from the crowd.Next is Leng Yue and Luo Tianqi.

"What! These kittens are so courageous!" The blue-robed guardian was startled and angry, and with a wave of his staff, he summoned vines and chased after Lan Lan, who was running the fastest.

However, someone moved again!The girls in Class [-] ran away in all directions, and none of them chose to give up!

The blue-robed guardian summoned vines to wrap around the girls one after another, and grabbed more than a dozen girls in one go, but the rest had disappeared without a trace.

"Class [-], right? I want to tell the principal!" The blue-robed mage looked fiercely at the bound girls on the ground, "You're done playing! Wait until you call your parents."

"And you." The blue-robed forest ranger turned his head to look at Jiang Che, "Don't think that if you instigate them, you'll be fine if you don't move. I'll tell you that the consequences for you will be even more serious."

The corners of Jiang Che's mouth twitched, and no expression could be seen clearly on his blurred face.

Standing quietly at the same place, the girls who had entered the foggy forest on the consciousness link, soon someone excitedly expressed that they had found the magic plant.

Principal Xi didn't know when he appeared behind Jiang Che, walked lazily, and glanced at the immobile students on the ground, "Another student violated the rules?"

"Principal, the matter is very serious." The blue-robed mage began to complain in a sharp voice, pointing at Jiang Che and said, "Someone instigated the students to enter the foggy forest to pick magic plants, and more than thirty people broke in."

"Jiang Che?" Xi raised his eyebrows, took a bite of the bright red apple in his hand, "Your family should not lack these resources, why did you go in?"

"Create difficulties and reduce the number of suitors." Jiang Che said lightly.

"You will be punished by the school rules, and you need to pay compensation." Xi said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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