Chapter 4 4. Found out
It turned out to be a cute girl with natural body fragrance.

Such thoughts flashed through my mind, and my cheeks couldn't help but feel a little hot.Thinking that I seem to have become younger after time travelling, I feel a little more at ease.

He gently opened the door of the bathroom, and walked out barefoot, met with long-awaited gazes.

The silver-haired girl's eyes were bright, and her expression was very excited, "You, don't you dislike me?"

How could such a cute girl be disgusted? Jiang Che couldn't figure it out, so he gave a vague hum in reply.

Her face also turned red in an instant, "Yes, I'm sorry, you probably don't know, the clothes on your body are the ones I often wear."

No wonder there is a scent, Jiang Che nodded slowly.

Considering it's generic pajamas and not women's clothing, he doesn't really care.

"Can you accompany me tonight?" Zhu Lengyue tentatively asked.

Jiang Che stared at her beautiful face, and had a mentality of wanting to welcome or reject, "This is not good."

"You have come back with me, what's wrong?" Zhu Lengyue approached and grabbed Jiang Che's wrist, pulled him to sit on the bed and said, "If you are tired, you should rest first."

Jiang Che was really a little tired. He glanced at the beautiful girl's bed, and it looked really comfortable.But it's a little smaller, and it should be very difficult to sleep two people.

In other words, will such a cute two-dimensional girl warm her bed?

My mind is full of thoughts that I shouldn't have, after all, this uncle is also an adult
"You wait." The silver-haired girl pursed her dry lips, "I'll take a shower first, so don't run around."

As she spoke, she put her arms around Jiang Che's shoulders, and her warm lips tapped lightly on his cheek.

Jiang Che stared blankly at Zhu Lengyue walking towards the bathroom, "By the way, the water in my bathtub hasn't been filled yet."

"It's okay." She looked back and smiled, charming.

In fact, girls take the initiative, which is very good.Jiang Che leaned on the pillow in a daze, staring at the ceiling.

It can be called a perfect unfolding, why does it always feel a little bit wrong.

Is it too smooth?
Suddenly, the door lock of the room turned slightly, and then opened a gap.

Jiang Che turned his head as if feeling something, and looked at the little head poking in.

"Wow! It's so beautiful! Leng Yue hides her boyfriend, it's really disgusting!"

Blonde hair, twin ponytails, red face with baby fat, pointed canine teeth, exquisite facial features, gothic dress, white silk, all of which declare the identity of the owner.

A loli.

"Hello, my name is An Yao." In an instant, she fell to her knees beside the bed.Staring, he excitedly introduced his name to Jiang Che.

"Hi, my name is..." Jiang Che was interrupted by An Yao before he finished speaking, "Your name is Jiang Che, right? I've heard of you. You are more beautiful in real life than in photos."

Shouldn't she say I'm handsome?Jiang Che frowned a little depressed.

"Are you my sister Zhu Lengyue's boyfriend?" She continued to ask.

"This, I'm not sure yet." Jiang Che told the truth, even if he felt excited, but the current development is too fast, he has just traveled through.

Doesn't it take at least a few months to develop a relationship?Is it possible to have a long-term relationship?
Luo Li looked disappointed, "Since you are not my sister's boyfriend, why did you come to her house? If you do this, you won't be afraid of being caught by that?"

"Which one?" Jiang Che couldn't understand what she said.

The corner of Luoli's mouth twitched, without explanation, "Remember, if you are my sister's boyfriend, then you are my boyfriend."

"Why?" Jiang Che found himself having more and more questions.

Loli covered her mouth and blinked slyly, "This, it's our secret."

"An Yao!" The wooden door of the bathroom was suddenly opened, and the silver-haired girl walked out wrapped in a towel.His eyes were cold and stern, standing in front of Jiang Che like a hen protecting its calf.

"Sister Leng Yue! I asked you to go out to watch the era of beautiful men." The blonde loli An Yao whispered.

"Do I still need to read this now? You get out for me." Zhu Lengyue raised eyebrows.

"Don't be like this, I really like my brother." An Yao was tearful, with a pitiful gesture.

"Get out, get out quickly." Impatiently, Zhu Lengyue grabbed Lori with one hand and dragged her out forcefully.

"What are you guys arguing about?" Another new voice came, and Yu Jie, who was wearing a snow-white exercise suit, stood at the door with a smile.

Zhu Lengyue's expression changed, "Sister, why are you here?"

"Leng Yue, eating alone is not a good habit, have you forgotten the promise we made when we were young?" Li Rong asked in a flat voice.

"Sister, let's go out and talk first." After Zhu Lengyue dragged An Yao out of the room, she found a set of clothes in the closet, turned off the light, and gently closed the door
As the sound got farther and farther away, Jiang Che found the phone from his pocket.

Sure enough, after he talked with An Yao, the information was refreshed.

An Yao, female, 14 years old.

Remarks: Zhu Lengyue's unrelated younger sister, the last of the five sisters, is currently studying in the second grade of Thorn Flower Junior High School.

Jiang Che read the information and began to study the changes in the phone.

I don't know how to go back to the original desktop, and I can't shut it down and restart it, and it's on three pages over and over again.

One is a message page, one is a map page, and the last one is a store.

There is a question mark on the gold coin icon in the store, and a sentence pops up after he puts his finger on it.

You can get one gold coin a day.

(End of this chapter)

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